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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 20. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.1 (search)
jumping overboard. Timely notice was given and all the wounded who could walk were ordered out of the cock-pit, but those of the wounded in the sick bay and on the berth-deck were so mangled that it was impossible to save them. We have lost upward of one hundred men. All did their duty, and we sank with the American flag flying at our peak. No ship was ever better handled or more bravely fought. At this period of the action the James-river fleet, composed of the Patrick Henry, Captain J. R. Tucker; Jamestown, Lieutenant J. N. Barney, and the Teaser, Lieutenant W. A. Webb, ran by the batteries at Newport News under a heavy fire, with some loss, and gallantly joining the fleet from Norfolk, rendered material aid during the remainder of the action. Disabled and aground. The Congress being under the fire of the Beaufort and Raleigh, and at times of the Merrimac as she slowly executed the movement of turning, seeing the fate of the Cumberland, slipped her cable, loosed her for
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 20. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.14 (search)
er on the move, repelling advances on the right. At last the end came, the lines gave way, his blood mingled with your soil sacred indeed, to all men who are capable of administering unselfish devotion, and nothing in his career was more becoming or unselfish than his death. His courier had ridden ahead of him, ordering as he rode two soldiers of the enemy to surrender. General Hill saw that they intended to fire on him. It was man to man, and no longer lieutenant general and his courier, Tucker, told me a few minutes after that he had no idea that General Hill was by his side. Just as they fired he heard the rush of the general's horse at his side. He would not see his courier in peril without sharing it with him, and his courier's life was saved at the expense of his own. The Crater. When the column of smoke arose from the Crater General Hill leaped from his cot and said: I am going to Mahone's division; I will take his troops—all that can be spared—to the point of the explos
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 20. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The man who killed General A. P. Hill. (search)
The man who killed General A. P. Hill. Statement of Mr. Mauk, who says he fired the fatal shot. The Baltimore American, of May 29, 1892, in a long article describing how General Hill was killed, reproduces the account of his courier, Sergeant Tucker, First published in the Southern Historical Society Papers, Vol. XI, December, 1883, pages 564-9. and also a statement from Corporal John W. Mauk, of Company F, One-Hundred-and-Thirty-eighth Pennsylvania Infantry, who claims that he fired the fatal shot, and who, at the time, was in company with Private Daniel Wolford, of the same company. Mauk's statement is as follows: On the morning of the 2d of April, 1865, after the rebel works had been carried in the front, the main portion of the troops deployed to the left inside the enemy's works. A portion of the Second Brigade, Third Division, Sixth Army Corps, became separated from the main body, and pushed forward to the railroad and a wagon road, running parallel with
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 20. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
on of to Slavery, 263. Stevenson, Gen., 179. Stewart, Col., Wm. H., 314. Strong, Gen. G. G., 179 Death of, 180. Sumter, Who fired the first gun on Fort, 61. Taliaferro, Gen. W. B., 170; Staff of, 171. Taliaferro, Capt. W. T., 171. Tatnail, Commodore, Josiah, 19 Tayleure, W. W., 76. Taylor and Ewell, Generals; their opinion of each other, 33. Taylor, Capt. R. 77-90. Tatum, Capt. W. T., Death of, 181, 182. Tennessee, casualties of the Army of, Nov., 1863, 127. Tucker, Capt. J. R., 9. Turner, John R., 68. Twiggs, Col. H. D. D., 66. United Confederate Veterans, report of Surgeon-General Jones, 100, 400; officers of for the department of Virginia 401. Van Brunt, Capt., 16. Venable, Col,. Chas. S., 71 Vicksburg, the Defence of, 125. Virginia Cavalry, First, re-union of Co. D.; original roll, killed, wounded and survivors of, 39. Virginia Infantry, Twelfth, casualties of May 7, 1864, 76 Virginia, The, her history, career, etc., 1. Virginia