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dge on the south side of the river. After the death of Mr. Russell, his heirs sold three hundred and fifty acres to Mr. Peter Tufts. The deed is dated April 20, 1677. This tract is now the most thickly settled part of Medford. The names of ear added to the settlers already on the ground, the town may be said to have thus had two beginnings. The descendants of Mr. Tufts became the most numerous family in Medford; those of Mr. Wade were few, but rich: he came over in June, 1632. The name by our early fathers. As a specimen of their keen appetite and steady perseverance, we give a list of purchases by Mr. Peter Tufts, chiefly on Mystic side: -- 1664, June 22.Bought of Parmelia Nowell200 acres. 1664, June 22.Bought of Parmelia N 1691, Feb. 22.To Jonathan Tufts, brick-yards39 acres. 1697, Jan. 10.To Jonathan Wade, in Medford12 1/2 acres. Mr. Peter Tufts, born in England, 1617, was the father of the Tufts family in Medford. He died May 13, 1700, aged 83. He was burie
tials. At a General Court held at Boston, 15th Oct. 1684, in answer unto the petition of Messrs. Nathaniel Wade and Peter Tufts, in behalf of the inhabitants of Meadford, the Court grants their request, and declares that Mead-ford hath been, and ford were few:-- March 5, 1694: Caleb Brooks was chosen Constable for the year ensuing. Major Nathaniel Wade, Lieutenant Peter Tufts, and Stephen Willis, were chosen Selectmen. John Bradshaw and John Hall, jun., were chosen Surveyors of highways. Ensign Stephen Francis is chosen Tything-man. John Hall, sen., and Lieutenant Peter Tufts, are chosen Viewers of fences; and Stephen Willis is chosen Town-clerk. Here are but eight gentlemen to fill all the offices, and do all the labor requis, that penalty for refusing became necessary, and our records are full of such notices as the following:-- 1728: Mr. Peter Tufts, refusing to take the office of Constable, paid in his money, as the law directs, to the town-treasury. At a lat
wit, Essex, Norfolk, Middlesex, and Suffolk. Each had eight towns, except Norfolk, which had six. June 4, 1689: Ensign Peter Tufts was chosen by the town as Representative, according to the Honorable Council's signification. May 21, 1690: Petefter examination made, delivered the said estate up to him; and he has held it ever since, as attorney aforesaid. Mr. Peter Tufts declared, That, about a fortnight before Lexington battle, Colonel Royal told him that it would not do for us to resd would send over ten thousand Russians, who would subdue us; and that, by his conversation, it appeared to him (the said Tufts) that said Royal was for surrendering up all to Great Britain, rather than make resistance. Mr. Samuel Winship declaree gone, but the battle prevented him. To this testimony may be added that of Colonel Royal himself. In a letter to Dr. Tufts, dated Kensington, April 12, 1779, he says:-- I doubt not you, and Mr. Hall, and the rest of my friends, will do all
hat they resolved every one should pay according to his means. April 11, 1711: John Whitmore, sen., Samuel Brooks, and Stephen Hall, were chosen to see for a supply of preaching in Medford for the time aforesaid. Mr. John Tufts, son of Mr. Peter Tufts, of Medford, proved so acceptable, that the town gave him an invitation, Nov. 12, 1711, to settle on a salary of fifty pounds and strangers' money. Mr. Tufts's reply, under date of Medford, Dec. 10, 1711, so reveals certain facts that we Mr. Tufts's reply, under date of Medford, Dec. 10, 1711, so reveals certain facts that we transcribe it here:-- To the Selectmen of Medford. Sirs,--I have considered of the invitation which you, by your town's order, acquainted me they had given me, and also of the offer they had made for my encouragement to settle with them in the work of the ministry, for which I give them thanks; and you may inform the town, I am not indisposed to serve the interests of Christ in this place, and should cheerfully undertake the dispensation and administration of the word and ordinances of
To show how much he labored, how well he succeeded, and how truly he was loved, we quote here the following brief and discriminating notice of him which appeared in the public papers immediately after his death:-- Medford, Feb. 5, 1747. On the 31st of January, died here, of a convulsive asthma, and this day was decently buried, Simon Tufts, Esq., having just completed his forty-seventh year. He was a gentleman well descended and liberally educated. He was the youngest son of Captain Peter Tufts, of this town, by his second wife, who was daughter of the Rev. Seaborn Cotton, of Hampton. He took his degrees at Harvard College in the years 1724 and 1727. He early applied himself to the study of physic, and soon became eminent in that profession. He was honored with three commissions,--one for the peace, in the year 1733; another for a special justice, in 1741; and a third for justice of the quorum, 1743; and was very faithful and useful in these offices. He was a man of subs
quo ante bellum. When the history of the women movement of our day shall be written, we commend the above fact to their biographer. At the same meeting, Lieut. Peter Tufts, Ebenezer Brooks, and Stephen Willis, had leave granted them to build each a pew. This vote was strangely modified, with respect to one of these gentlemen, dson. Benjamin Willis. Benjamin Parker. John Bradshaw, jun. Nathaniel Hall. John Grattan. Jonathan Bradshaw. Peter Seccombe. John Hall. Thomas Willis. Peter Tufts. This difference of opinion, running longitudinally east and west, destroyed not the harmony of the town in other things; but served only to postpone actior Seccombe, Thomas Tufts, Esq., Captain Samuel Wade, Francis Whitmore, John Willis, Mr. John Whitmore, Mr. John Richardson, William Willis, Mr. Jonathan Hall, Mr. Peter Tufts, Deacon Thomas Hall, Mr. Benjamin Willis, Mr. Benjamin Porter, Mr. Thomas Oaks, Dr. Simon Tufts, Mr. John Albree, Mr. Joseph Tufts, Mr. William Patten, Mr. Jo
, and the entertaining of him.  £s.d. Maj. Nathaniel Wade164 John Whitmore068 Stephen Hall, jun.075 Eliezer Wier058 John Bradstreet076 John Man010 Lieut. Peter Tufts1510 Ens. Stephen Francis0168 Serg. John Bradshaw0115 Mr. Thomas Willis0176 Nathaniel Hall054 John Francis0126 John Hall, jun.086 Jonathan Tufts01910 pril 19, 1710. It is as follows:--  £s.d. Due to Ensign John Bradstreet, for dining the ministers thirteen sabbaths, at 1s. 6d. per sabbath0196 Due to Captain Peter Tufts, John Francis, Ebenezer Brooks, and Samuel Wade, 5s. per man,--paid to Mrs. Bradstreet, for nursing Rachel Blanchard100 Due to Ebenezer Brooks, for actions0000 Jonathan Tufts11011461123 Ensign John Bradshoe100019101310 Thomas Hall010001060411 Mr. Ebenezer Brooks1001511174 Stephen Willis, sen.010011001011 Captain Peter Tufts010021600191 John Hall, jun.0100000000 To judge accurately of taxes paid by our ancestors after 1710, it is needful to know the rate of depreciation in
d from it, till now it is the smallest territorial town in the State! In the graveyard at Malden, we find the following:-- Here lies buried the body of Capt. Peter Tufts, who died Sept. 20, 1721, aged 73 years. Also the body of Mrs. Mercy Tufts, wife of Capt. Peter Tufts, who died June 18, 1715, aged 48 years. Mercy, daugCapt. Peter Tufts, who died June 18, 1715, aged 48 years. Mercy, daughter of Seaborn Cotton, was born Nov. 3, 1666. She married Captain Peter Tufts, of Medford. Her grandfather was Rev. John Cotton, of England, a very distinguished divine. Dr. Simon Tufts, of Medford, was the youngest son of Peter and. Mercy Tufts. 1727.--Mr. Thomas Seccomb left valuable records, in manuscript, containing a noCaptain Peter Tufts, of Medford. Her grandfather was Rev. John Cotton, of England, a very distinguished divine. Dr. Simon Tufts, of Medford, was the youngest son of Peter and. Mercy Tufts. 1727.--Mr. Thomas Seccomb left valuable records, in manuscript, containing a notice of every clergyman who preached in Medford, and all the texts preached from, between 1727 and 1774; also a record of all baptisms and all contributions. Book No 1 begins Sept.3, 1727;and ends June1, 1736. Book No 2 begins June20, 1736;and ends Feb.28, 1745. Book No 3 begins March3, 1745;and ends Dec.3, 1767. Book No 4 be
d his home for his English birthplace. He is supposed to have immigrated 1638-40; and was admitted a freeman, May 3, 1665, being then an inhabitant of Malden. He bought land in Medford, in 1664, of Mrs. Nowell, which descended to his son, Capt. Peter Tufts. His wife was Mary----, who d. 1703, aged 75. He d. May 13, 1700, aged 83, and lies buried, with his wife, in Malden churchyard. His children were--  1-2Peter, b. 1648.  3Jonathan, b. 1657.  4John, b. 1665.  5Mary, m. John Edes.  6Elizabeth, m. Joseph Lynde, bro.-in-law of Pet. Tufts, jun.  7Mercy, m. Joseph Waite.  8Sarah, m. Thomas Oakes.  9Persis, d., unm., 1683.  10Lydia, d., unm., 1683. 1-2Peter Tufts, of Medford, commonly called Capt. Peter, m., 1st, Aug. 26, 1670, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Lynde, who d. July 15, 1684, by whom he had--  2-11Anna, b. Feb. 25, 1676.  12Peter, b. Jan. 27, 1678.  13Mary, b. Jan. 30, 1681; m. John Brodelins.  14Thomas, b. Mar. 31, 1683; d. Dec. 36, 1733.   He m., 2d, Ma
Historic leaves, volume 3, April, 1904 - January, 1905, Charlestown schools within the peninsula Revolutionary period (search)
sidering, it seems well to close with the following extracts:— July 27, 1762. Agreed that Peter Tufts, Jr., improve the school lot belonging to this town now in his possession, for the same rent as before, viz., £ 3 4s., 1. m., per annum for six years. February 6, 1769. Voted that the school lot be set up at vendue. February 27 it was leased out to the highest bidder, who proved to be Daniel Cutter, of Medford, for five years, at £ 7 17s. 4d. per annum. February 14, 1774. Mr. Peter Tufts, Jr., hires the town farm at Stoneham for seven years. March 7, 1783. Jack Symmes is allowed to have the school lot one year for £ 5 6s. 8d. Voted, March 1, 1784, to send letters to Joseph and Nathan Adams, who now improve the town farms, that they will be let next Monday at 3 P. M. at Mr. Whittemore's. Finally, agreed with Silas Symons to improve the town farm at Stoneham, lately improved by Captain Adams, for the next five years. Whether the school lot and the town farm or farm
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