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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2., The development of the public School of Medford. (search)
for ye New Meet: House:4511 To Cash paid to Francis Leathe for keeping ye Wid: Willis21311 To Cash paid to ye Reverd Mr Turell for his Sallary in 17291000000 To Cash paid to Mr Stephen Hall being pt: of ye charge of ye Great Comtee:100000 To Cashon Clevelands Ordr:8603 [ ]To Do. pd to Mr Gibbs for keeping School in ye year 172 9/3010000 [ ] Do pd to the Revrd. Mr Turell for Sally. due in ye year 172857000 To Do pd to Mr Gibbs in full for keeping School in 1730— —10000 [ ]Do pd. to Jonat to Benjn Willis, for his Pew, now Wm. Pattens— —1206 To Do. pd. for Flints for this Towns Stock——:609 To Do: pd: To Mr Turell, in pt. for Sallary in 173028000 To Do. pd. to Mr Bodoin in full for Glass & lead for ye New (Meeting-House29406 To cas/140000 To Cash pd. to ye Widow Lydia Pierce for Sweeping ye Meeting (House in ye year 173030000 To Do d to ye Revrd Mr Turell in full for Salary in 1730720000 The town of Medford to Saml Brooks T [ ] s 1729 Novr 17To Cash Recedd: of Joh
The Boston Massacre. The Boston Gazette and Country Journal of March 12, 1770, in a list of those killed and wounded upon March 5th, mentions a lad named John Clark about 17 years of age, whose parents live at Medford, and an apprentice to Capt. Samuel Howard of this town; wounded, a ball entered just about his groin and came out at his hip, on the opposite side, apprehended he will die. By the records in the City Clerk's office, this John Clark appears to have been the son of John and Mary (Smith) Clark, born in Medford, June 10, 1752, and baptized by the Rev. Ebenezer Turell on June 14th of the same year. He died in Medford on the 26th of May, 1778. L. L. D.
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2., A business man of long ago. (search)
eadership in politics as long as he lived, but after his death, in 1825, the new element carried the popular vote against the old party. Benjamin Hall did not live to see that day. He died Feb. 2, 1817, aged eighty-six. His career as a public servant and private citizen, which extended over more than half a century, left an impress upon the town of his birth which has never been effaced. [ ] town of Medford to SamL Brooks Treasr [ ]31/2Dr sd [ ]nr17 To Cash paid to ye Revrd. Mr. Turell for Salary£500000 [ ] 28To Do. pd. To John Giles for his Pew40000 [ ] vTo Do pd. to John Bradish for Glazing at the Meeting-house— —20903 [ ] vTo Do. pd. to ye Widow Susanna Willis in full for a Room for the School in 1730/101000 To Cash paid to sundry Perfons (ing House781306 [ ] 18To Do pd. to Lydia Pierce for Sweeping the Meet—30000 To Do. pd. to Saml Brooks Junr. in full for keeping School in Time pastd— — — — —150500 To Cash pd. to ye widow Susanna Willis in full for [
us are the deaths; the fewest are the marriages. As the master's name is given in many cases, these records also throw light on the question of slave-holders in Medford. About 40 deaths are recorded between 1745 and 1780. It is rather curious that three of Colonel Royall's slaves died within a year, at the outbreak of the Revolution. Perhaps they were heartbroken at his departure. A few entries are given here by way of illustration: Peter, Son of Worcester & Flora, Negroes of Rev. Mr. Turell and Stephen Hall, Esq., Dyed Jan. 9, 1762. Plato, a Negro Servant of Hon. Isaac Royall Esq., drowned June 8, 1768. London, A Negro Man of the Widow Mary Bradshaw's Died Oct. 15, 1760. Caesar, Negro Servant of Ebenezar Brooks of Medford and Zipporah negro Servant of Nathl Brown of Charlestown, married June 23, 1757. As would be inferred, the number of slave owners was not large, and they were the leading men of the town: the Halls, Brookses and Willises, Dr. Simon Tufts, Rev