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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Diary of Robert E. Park, Macon, Georgia, late Captain Twelfth Alabama regiment, Confederate States army. (search)
very intelligent and promising youth, was also slain. We passed through Burkettsville and stopped near Jefferson. The sun was very hot indeed to-day, and marching very uncomfortable. The mountain scenery in this section is very beautiful. July 9th Marched through and beyond Frederick City, but neither saw nor heard anything of the mythical Barbara Freitchie, concerning whom the abolition poet, Whittier, wrote in such an untruthful and silly strain. We found the enemy, under General Lew. Wallace, posted on the heights near Monocacy river. Our sharpshooters engaged them, and Private Smith, of Company D, was killed. General Gordon attacked the enemy with his division and routed them completely, killing a large number. Colonel John Hill Lamar, of Sixtieth Georgia, who had but six months before married the charming Mrs. C------, of Orange county, Virginia, was killed. There is a report that General Early levied a contribution on Frederick City, calling for $50,000 in money, 4
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The March of Lew Wallace's division to Shiloh. (search)
u are so disposed, probably you had better send a company to return with him, that they may familiarize themselves with the road, to act in case of emergency as guides to and from our camps.--I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Lewis Wallace, General Third Division. General Wallace says: As I was ignorant of the position of W. H. L. Wallace's camp, this letter was sent by way of Owl Creek. I knew Wallace, and did not know Sherman, whose camp was nearer. Ii.--Letter from GGeneral Wallace says: As I was ignorant of the position of W. H. L. Wallace's camp, this letter was sent by way of Owl Creek. I knew Wallace, and did not know Sherman, whose camp was nearer. Ii.--Letter from General Grant to General Lew Wallace, in 1868, after examining statements by the latter and by the following officers of his command, touching the character of the order and march: Generals Fred. Knefler, George F. McGinnis, Daniel Macauley, John A. Strickland, John M. Thayer, Colonel James R. Ross, and Captain Addison Ware: Headquarters, Army of the United States, Washington, D. C., March 10th, 1868. My Dear General: Inclosed herewith I return you letters from officers of the army who serve
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Investment of Fort Donelson-the naval operations-attack of the enemy-assaulting the works-surrender of the Fort (search)
eneral Smith had been directed to leave a portion of his division behind to guard forts Henry and Heiman. He left General Lew. Wallace with 2,500 men. With the remainder of his division he occupied our left, extending to Hickman creek. McClernand wats. There was therefore much discomfort and absolute suffering. During the 12th and 13th, and until the arrival of Wallace and Thayer on the 14th, the National forces, composed of but 15,000 men, without intrenchments, confronted an intrenchedand the wooden gunboats Tyler and Conestoga, convoying Thayer's brigade. On the morning of the 14th Thayer was landed. Wallace, whom I had ordered over from Fort Henry, also arrived about the same time. Up to this time he had been commanding a brging to the division of General C. F. Smith. These troops were now restored to the division they belonged to, and General Lew. Wallace was assigned to the command of a division composed of the brigade of Colonel Thayer and other reinforcements that
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, The Army at Pittsburg landing-injured by a fall --the Confederate attack at Shiloh-the first day's fight at Shiloh-General Sherman-condition of the Army-close of the first day's fight --the second day's fight-retreat and defeat of the Confederates (search)
nding, so that I could communicate with General Lew. Wallace. I found him waiting on a boat apparenhis order. About one P. M., not hearing from Wallace and being much in need of reinforcements, I slt across Snake Creek by our troops, at which Wallace's command had assisted, expressly to enable te to take part in the first day's fight. General Wallace has since claimed that the order deliverend was placed on the right. Thus night came, Wallace came, and the advance of Nelson's division caould win at Shiloh. Victory was assured when Wallace arrived, even if there had been no other supph. This letter shows that at that time General Lew. Wallace was making preparations for the emergenhat order the General actually received. General Wallace's division was stationed, the First brigaf miles out. Hearing the sounds of battle General Wallace early ordered his First and Third brigade of our front had not changed, the road which Wallace took would have been somewhat shorter to our [12 more...]
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Struck by a bullet-precipitate retreat of the Confederates--intrenchments at Shiloh--General Buell-General Johnston--remarks on Shiloh (search)
on the second day about as much artillery as we lost on the first; and, leaving out the one great capture of Prentiss, we took more prisoners on Monday than the enemy gained from us on Sunday. On the 6th Sherman lost seven pieces of artillery, McClernand six, Prentiss eight, and Hurlbut two batteries. On the 7th Sherman captured seven guns, McClernand three and the Army of the Ohio twenty. At Shiloh the effective strength of the Union forces on the morning of the 6th was 33,000 men. Lew. Wallace brought 5,000 more after nightfall. Beauregard reported the enemy's strength at 40,955. According to the custom of enumeration in the South, this number probably excluded every man enlisted as musician or detailed as guard or nurse, and all commissioned officers-everybody who did not carry a musket or serve a cannon. With us everybody in the field receiving pay from the government is counted. Excluding the troops who fled, panic-stricken, before they had fired a shot, there was not a
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Halleck Assumes Command in the Field-The Advance upon Corinth-Occupation of Corinth- The Army Separated (search)
serve, centre and left wing. Major-General George H. Thomas, who had been in Buell's army, was transferred with his division to the Army of the Tennessee and given command of the right wing, composed of all of that army except McClernand's and Lew. Wallace's divisions. McClernand was assigned to the command of the reserve, composed of his own and Lew. Wallace's divisions. Buell commanded the centre, the Army of the Ohio; and Pope the left wing, the Army of the Mississippi. I was named second Lew. Wallace's divisions. Buell commanded the centre, the Army of the Ohio; and Pope the left wing, the Army of the Mississippi. I was named second in command of the whole, and was also supposed to be in command of the right wing and reserve. Orders were given to all the commanders engaged at Shiloh to send in their reports without delay to department headquarters. Those from officers of the Army of the Tennessee were sent through me; but from the Army of the Ohio they were sent by General Buell without passing through my hands. General Halleck ordered me, verbally, to send in my report, but I positively declined on the ground that he
, and the 2 companies of artillerists, commanded by Captains Doubleday and Seymour, McMullin's Independent Rangers, the Twenty-third Regiment, Col. Dare, the Twenty-first Regiment, Col. Ballier, and the Sixth Regiment, Col. Nagle. The line was nearly 2 miles in length. The men all had their knapsacks closely slung to prevent jolting, and had evidently prepared themselves, so far as their knowledge taught them, for a long march.--N. Y. Times, June 9. The Indiana Regiment of Zouaves, Col. Wallace, fully armed and equipped, passed through Cincinnati, Ohio, en route for Cumberland, Md. They made a splendid appearance, and were enthusiastically received.--Ohio State Journal, June 8. Colonel Corcoran, of the Sixty-ninth N. Y. Regiment, with a detachment of one hundred men, proceeded to Ball's Corner, 5 miles beyond the lines in Virginia, where he arrested a party of five secessionists, one wearing the uniform of a secession sergeant; one, named Richard Meitch, an employee at the
stilities, and a readiness to receive any proposition for peace from the United States Government.--(Doc. 246.) Colonel Wallace, with his Indiana regiment, proceeded from Cumberland, Md., about forty miles into Virginia, to a place called Romne hundred armed rebels. They showed fight, and a brisk little battle followed, resulting in the rout of the rebels. Colonel Wallace pursued them, killing two, and wounding one of them sure, as that number was left on the field. Some of the killed and wounded among the rebels were conveyed away in the flight. Only one of Colonel Wallace's men was wounded, none killed. The Indiana boys seized a considerable amount of arms, ammunition, some horses, and provisions. Colonel Wallace then returnammunition, some horses, and provisions. Colonel Wallace then returned with his force to Cumberland, instead of holding Romney, which is on the route towards Harper's Ferry, and about fifty miles from the latter place.--Baltimore American, June 14.
nd were ordered to report at Harrisburg on the 26th, but as they reached there on the 25th, after a hurried travel of over 1,800 miles, they concluded to report at Washington. They are a hardy-looking set of men, some of them of enormous size, all of them well disciplined and equipped, and only one sick man on the list. The uniform consists of plain gray cassimere, trimmed with black, and a black felt hat, according to the army regulation. Corporal Hayes and twelve men belonging to Col. Wallace's regiment of Zouaves, while scouting on Patterson's Creek, twelve miles east of Cumberland, Md., encountered a party of rebels numbering about forty. A sharp engagement ensued. Seventeen of the enemy were killed, and a number wounded. One of Hayes's party was killed, and himself badly wounded.--(Doc. 45.) The Sixteenth Regiment N. Y. S. V. passed through New York en route to the seat of war. Before leaving the city the regiment was presented with a regimental flag by the wife of
se here. This officer is said to have commanded the troops that fired from Harper's Ferry upon Colonel Stone's brigade when passing opposite that point.--The jail where John Brown was imprisoned, and the scene of his execution, are constantly visited by our volunteers. Captain McMullen's Rangers have found numerous secreted arms.--A mail bag belonging to our army, and filled with matter, has been found here. Indications show it to have been stolen, while on the way to Martinsburg, a week since.--Major Ledlie, of the New York Nineteenth Regiment, this morning at 1 o'clock, was fired on, when making the guard rounds, by a rebel named Welch. The latter was arrested, and his arms taken from him. Welch says, in excuse, that he did not see Ledlie, but hearing a noise thought foxes were robbing his roosts.--The Indiana Eleventh Regiment, Col. Wallace, marched to Headquarters to-day, and informed General Patterson of their willing-ness to serve ten days extra.--Baltimore American, July 23.
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