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Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Grand movement of the Army of the Potomac- crossing the Rapidan-entering the Wilderness- battle of the Wilderness (search)
ded respectively by Generals W. S. Hancock, G. K. Warren, John Sedgwick and P. H. Sheridan. The artition there and intrenched. Sedgwick followed Warren. He was across the river and in camp on the south bank, on the right of Warren, by sundown. Hancock, with the 2d corps, moved parallel with Warrn to Craig's meeting-house. Sedgwick followed Warren, closing in on his right. The Army of the Pot to move south-westward to join on the left of Warren, his left to reach to Shady Grove Church. dgwick's corps, was ordered to move rapidly by Warren's rear and get on his left. This was the speediest way to reinforce Warren who was confronting the enemy on both the Orange plank and turnpike ronchments if we were not intrenched ourselves. Warren had not yet reached the point where he was to t all hazards until relieved. About this hour Warren was ready, and attacked with favorable though uring the day, and but little firing except in Warren's front; he being directed about noon to make [13 more...]
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, After the battle-telegraph and signal service- movement by the left flank (search)
the change to leave Hancock where he is until Warren passes him. He could then follow and become ththe enemy, and was soon followed by Sedgwick. Warren's march carried him immediately behind the wor man to indicate the right road to the head of Warren's column when it should come up, and continuedd must have detained him long enough to enable Warren to reinforce Wilson and hold the town. Andments were not already made-immediately across Warren's front. Warren was not aware of his presenceWarren was not aware of his presence, but probably supposed it was the cavalry which Merritt had engaged earlier in the day. He assaulteock, who was at Todd's Tavern, was notified of Warren's engagement, and was directed to be in readinvision at a time, and of course it failed. Warren's difficulty was twofold: when he received an more earlier start. It took all that time for Warren to get the head of his column to the left of Hke him from the field. As I have before said, Warren was a gallant soldier, an able man; and he wa[4 more...]
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Battle of Spottsylvania-Hancock's position-assault of Warren's and Wright's corps-upton promoted on the field-good news from Butler and Sheridan (search)
of Spottsylvania-Hancock's position-assault of Warren's and Wright's corps-upton promoted on the fiending to the Po, Ewell came next, then Early. Warren occupied our right, covering the Brock and otht Hancock's front the latter was ordered up to Warren's right. He formed a line with three divisione of the Po. Gibbon was placed to the right of Warren, and Birney in his rear as a reserve. Barlow'led in this move. Between the lines, where Warren's assault was to take place, there was a ravine also covered with a heavy growth of timber. Warren, before noon, reconnoitred his front twice, thlock in the afternoon the assault was ordered, Warren's and Wright's corps, with Mott's division of ied the best position we could get, in rear of Warren. Warren was repulsed with heavy loss, GeneWarren was repulsed with heavy loss, General J. C. Rice being among the killed. He was not followed, however, by the enemy, and was thereby vision with him. His corps was now joined with Warren's and Wright's in this last assault. It was g[2 more...]
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Hancock's assault-losses of the Confederates- promotions recommended-discomfiture of the enemy-ewell's attack-reducing the artillery (search)
e importance of a prompt and vigorous attack. Warren and Wright should hold their corps as close toas ordered to move his command by the rear of Warren and Wright, under cover of night, to Wright's rd vigorously. Hancock was notified of this. Warren and Wright were ordered to hold themselves in the rebel lines. About six o'clock I ordered Warren's corps to the support of Hancock's. Burnside,ne o'clock the next morning. At eight o'clock Warren was ordered up again, but was so slow in makino'clock I gave Meade written orders to relieve Warren from his command if he failed to move promptly that quarter. If the 5th corps, or rather if Warren, had been as prompt as Wright was with the 6th morning he was strongly intrenched in it. Warren's corps was now temporarily broken up, Cutler'on of the President. The night of the 13th Warren and Wright were moved by the rear to the left pport with his brigade (of Griffin's division, Warren's corps), the position was secured and fortifi[4 more...]
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Movement by the left flank-battle of North Anna-an incident of the March-moving on Richmond-South of the Pamunkey-position of the National Army (search)
ily driven away, and several hundred captured. Warren followed on the morning of the 21st, and reachnd to hold Lee, if possible, while Hancock and Warren should get start enough to interpose between h the Telegraph Road and striking Hancock's and Warren's corps, or even Hancock's alone, before reinfrefore, permitted to rest during the 22d. But Warren was pushed to Harris's Store, directly west ofthe 9th corps. U. S. Grant, Lieut.-General Warren's corps was moved from Harris's Store to Jericnight Wright's corps was up ready to reinforce Warren. On the 23d Hancock's corps was moved to te was accurately known, I directed Hancock and Warren each to send a brigade to Ox Ford by the soutGeneral Meade, Commanding A. P. Direct Generals Warren and Wright to withdraw all their teams anountered, but it was speedily driven away. Warren's and Wright's corps were moved by the rear of held the rifle-pits. While this was going on Warren got his men up, repulsed Early, and drove him [11 more...]
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Advance on Cold Harbor-an anecdote of the war- battle of Cold Harbor-correspondence with Lee-Retrospective (search)
the corps on Lee's left, was seen moving along Warren's front. Warren was ordered to attack him vigWarren was ordered to attack him vigorously in flank, while Wright was directed to move out and get on his front. Warren fired his artiWarren fired his artillery at the enemy; but lost so much time in making ready that the enemy got by, and at three o'cloc While this was going on, the enemy charged Warren three separate times with vigor, but were repue capable, nor one more prompt in acting, than Warren when the enemy forced him to it. There was alsut did not take place until the next morning. Warren's corps was moved to the left to connect with as moved to Bethesda Church in reserve. While Warren and Burnside were making these changes the eneby the corps of Hancock, Wright and Smith; but Warren and Burnside were to support it by threateningining the outer-probably picket --rifle-pits. Warren and Burnside also advanced and gained ground —ught something could be done in his front, but Warren differed. I concluded, therefore, to make no
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Left flank movement across the Chickahominy and James-General Lee-visit to Butler-the movement on Petersburg-the investment of Petersburg (search)
his left corps, Burnside on our right was moved up between Warren and Smith. On the 5th Birney returned to Hancock, which extended his left now to the Chickahominy, and Warren was withdrawn to Cold Harbor. Wright was directed to send two divisionetain any advance that might be made from the other side. Warren followed the cavalry, and by the morning of the 13th had his whole corps over. Hancock followed Warren. Burnside took the road to Jones's Bridge, followed by Wright. Ferrero's divem, and prevent their removal by the enemy. As soon as Warren's corps was over the Chickahominy it marched out and joinept was made by the enemy to impede our march, however, but Warren and Wilson reported the enemy strongly fortified in their ps were on the Chickahominy, and crossed during the night, Warren's corps and the cavalry still covering the army. The matenside's, was placed upon the right at Petersburg; the 5th, Warren's, next; the 2d, Birney's, next; then the 6th, Wright's, b
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Raid on the Virginia Central Railroad-raid on the Weldon Railroad-Early's movement upon Washington-mining the works before Petersburg-explosion of the mine before Petersburg- campaign in the Shenandoah Valley-capture of the Weldon Railroad (search)
ectly for that part of our lines in front of the mine. Warren was to hold his line of intrenchments with a sufficient nu of the hill, supported on the right and left by Ord's and Warren's corps. Warren and Ord fulfilled their instructions pWarren and Ord fulfilled their instructions perfectly so far as making ready was concerned. Burnside seemed to have paid no attention whatever to the instructions, and d while most of Lee's force was on that side of the river, Warren had been sent with most of the 5th corps to capture the Weordered from the right of the Petersburg line to reinforce Warren, while a division was brought back from the north side of , and I knew that he must fight desperately to protect it. Warren carried the road, though with heavy loss on both sides. H with his new one. Lee made repeated attempts to dislodge Warren's corps, but without success, and with heavy loss. As soon as Warren was fortified and reinforcements reached him, troops were sent south to destroy the bridges on the Weldon Rai
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Sheridan's advance-visit to Sheridan-Sheridan's victory in the Shenandoah-Sheridan's ride to Winchester-close of the campaign for the winter (search)
1,554 wounded and 324 missing. Whilst this was going on General Meade was instructed to keep up an appearance of moving troops to our extreme left. Parke and Warren were kept with two divisions, each under arms, ready to move, leaving their enclosed batteries manned, with a scattering line on the other intrenchments. The objde of the river. Meade was instructed to watch the enemy closely and, if Lee weakened his lines, to make an attack. On the 30th these troops moved out, under Warren, and captured an advanced intrenched camp at Peeble's farm, driving the enemy back to the main line. Our troops followed and made an attack in the hope of carryiunded was not large. The next day our troops advanced again and established themselves, intrenching a new line about a mile in front of the enemy. This advanced Warren's position on the Weldon Railroad very considerably. Sheridan having driven the enemy out of the valley, and taken the productions of the valley so that inste
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Arrival of the peace commissioners-lincoln and the peace commissioners-an anecdote of Lincoln-the winter before Petersburg-Sheridan Destroys the Railroad — Gordon Carries the picket line-parke Recaptures the line-the battle of White Oak road (search)
ommence on the 29th. Ord, with three divisions of infantry and Mackenzie's cavalry, was to move in advance on the night of the 27th, from the north side of the James River and take his place on our extreme left, thirty miles away. He left Weitzel with the rest of the Army of the James to hold Bermuda Hundred and the north of the James River. The engineer brigade was to be left at City Point, and Parke's corps in the lines about Petersburg. Ord was at his place promptly. Humphreys and Warren were then on our extreme left with the 2nd and 5th corps. They were directed on the arrival of Ord, and on his getting into position in their places, to cross Hatcher's Run and extend out west toward Five Forks, the object being to get into a position from which we could strike the South Side Railroad and ultimately the Danville Railroad. There was considerable fighting in taking up these new positions for the 2d and 5th corps, in which the Army of the James had also to participate somewh