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The Daily Dispatch: May 13, 1862., [Electronic resource] 6 0 Browse Search
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Porter, late Speaker of the Kentucky State Senate, and Marshall Carter, son of Dr. J. C. Carter, after several months in the seceding States, returned to their homes in Versailles, Kentucky, on Saturday last--. They were at once by arrested by the Provost Marshal of Lexington, and sent North for safe keeping. Mr. Louis deGeofry, First Secretary of the French Legation at Washington has been promoted by the French Minister to Greece Vicompte Jules T his place as First Secretary of Legationia Washington. The entire taxes which the citizens of Massachusetts will have to pay are estimated to amount to about $20 per head, or $75 per poll throughout the State. Henry Karst, who was sentenced to be hung at Akron, Ohio, on the 25th April, for the murder of his wife, committed suicide in his cell on the night of the 22d. The value of the dry goods imported at New York during the month of April was $2,849,285, an excess of nearly half a million over the imports of the same mon
The French intervention story. --Late Northern papers contain a telegraphic dispatch from Washington, stating that there is not a shadow of foundation for the story in circulation relative to French intervention in affairs on this continent, and a proposed armistices with the confederates. We give the report and its contradiction as we receive it, leaving the reader to form his own judgment of the authority of either.
The rumored Movement among the Border States Congressmen. --A late number of the New York Express says, "we are inclined, from what we hear from Washington, to believe that there is some truth in the statements of the New York Times," relative to a stamped of the border States Congressmen on account of the radical measures of emancipation and confliction.