Browsing named entities in Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1: prelminary narrative. You can also browse the collection for Wesselhoeft or search for Wesselhoeft in all documents.

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first two companies were formed in and near Boston, perhaps with some recruits brought from Germany. The company officers were, at first, German by birth or origin, except Lieut. J. W. LeBarnes, who was well known and popular among the German citizens of Boston, and had formed a German company for the defence of Wendell Phillips during the antislavery troubles just previous to the war. The companies (B and C of the 20th) were unfortunate in the loss of officers, Captain Babo and Lieutenant Wesselhoeft having been drowned at Ball's Bluff and Captain Dreher being severely wounded there and mortally at Fredericksburg. They were also in one respect peculiarly situated, forming a part of a regiment which, although fine in material and discipline and eminent in service, was for a time somewhat divided by what General Devens criticised as the blue-blood theory of promotion, and still more by the inclination of some of its very best officers to return fugitive slaves, under the wish and