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with the whites, the value of live stock raised for each inhabitant was, at the South $27, at the West $22, and at the North $20; the South exceeding the North 85 per cent. Agricultural productions — grain, &c. Bushels.South.West.North. Wheat27,878,81541,394,54530,761,941 Wheat49,882,97837,122,77459,477,597 Corn349,057,601186,354,13956,234,511 potatoes44,878,40314,416,39044,616,780 Rye1,608,200774,55511,800,068 Bailey161,907842,4024,166,611 Buckwheat405,3571,578,5786,971,667 BeWheat49,882,97837,122,77459,477,597 Corn349,057,601186,354,13956,234,511 potatoes44,878,40314,416,39044,616,780 Rye1,608,200774,55511,800,068 Bailey161,907842,4024,166,611 Buckwheat405,3571,578,5786,971,667 Beans and Peas7,637,227313,2781,229,017 Clover Seed, &c.123,517142,764619,501 Flax Seed203,484240,219118,704 garden Seed664,303 Orchard Seed1,640,028 Rice, lbs215,313,497 values of same,$307,328,112$173,744,236$132,024,727 the table shows that of these products, chiefly raised for human food, the South raised the value of $32 to the inhabitant, white and black, the West $35, and the North but $15--the two first sections more than enough for their own consumption, leaving a surplus for
d to accept. The project for the consolidation of the Turkish public debt has been renewed. Commercial. Liverpool March 24 --Cotton — Sales for the week of 133,000 bales, including 26,000 to speculators and the same amount to exporters. Market closed firm at ½@ higher than last week. Saturday, 24th--Estimated sales to-day 16,000 bales, including 6,000 to speculators and exporters. Market closed firm, with prices tending upward, under the influence of the Adriatic's news, which arrived out yesterday. Breadstuffs quiet and firm. Provisions quiet and steady. The Bank of England has reduced its rates to 7 per cent. Consol 91½@92 ½. [second Dispatch.] Liverpool,March 24.--Stock of cotton in port 895,000--738,000 American. Flour quiet. Wheat quiet and steady. Corn steady-- holders offer freely. Provisions steady. Rosin dull — 3s. 6d. Turpentine 31s. Sugar firm. Coffee firm. American securities unchanged, with small sales.--Rest unimport
Northern markets. Baltimore, April 3. --Flour active and 12½c. higher — all kinds quoted at $5,37. Wheat firm-- red $1.34@1.37. White $1.50@1.57. Corn steady — mixed 56@58; yellow 60@61; white 63@65--Provisions steady and unchanged Coffee firm at 12 ½@13 ½c. Whiskey steady at 17 ½@18 New York, April 3. --Cotton firm — Upland middlings 12 ½ Flour heavy--Southern unchanged. --Wheat quiet Corn has a declining tendency — Mixed 67@68; Southern white 69½@72; yellow 68@ 69½y--Southern unchanged. --Wheat quiet Corn has a declining tendency — Mixed 67@68; Southern white 69½@72; yellow 68@ 69½. Whiskey steady at 18½ Sugar steady-- Muscovado 4½@6½. Coffee steady — Rio11½@13½; Java 17. Molasses unchanged — Orleans 33@37. Turpentine dull at 35½@36. Rosin firm at 130. Stocks dull and lower — New York Centrals 78½, Virginia 6's 76, Missouri 6's 65@65½. Sales in New York, April 2, of $5,000 Va., 6's at 76½ $1,000 N. C. 6's at 8