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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 130 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: January 20, 1865., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 2: Lee's invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania. (search)
advantageous positions, and at noon he had one hundred and forty-five cannon in battery along the line occupied by Longstreet and Hill. Meade, too, had been preparing for the expected shock of battle. General Hunt, his chief of artillery, had worked all night in arranging the great guns from Cemetery Hill to little Round Top, where it was evident the blow was to be given, and he judiciously posted artillery in reserve under Colonel R. O. Tyler. the batteries of Bancroft, Dilger, Eakin, Wheeler, Hill, and Taft, under Major Osborne, were placed in the Cemetery, where the kind and thoughtful General Howard had caused the tombstones, and such monuments as could possibly be moved, to be laid flat on the ground, to prevent their being injured by shot and shell. On the left of the Cemetery, near Zeigler's Grove, were Hancock's batteries, under Woodruff, Brown, Cushing, Arnold, and Rorty, commanded by Captain Hazzard. Next to these, on the left, was Thomas's battery, with those of Thom
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 4: campaign of the Army of the Cumberland from Murfreesboro'to Chattanooga. (search)
Gordon's Mill. this is from a sketch made by the author in May, 1866. this Mill is on the left bank of the Chickamauga Creek, and near the Lafayette and Rossville road, about twelve miles south of Chattanooga. In this view the Mill-dam is seen. The banks of the stream are here precipitous and rocky. from Lee and Gordon's Mill northward, in heavy force so as to fall heavily on the National left, while the front should be hard pressed, and the passes of Pigeon Mountain well guarded by Wheeler's cavalry, to prevent a flank attack from that direction. But the wise movements of the Nationals during the night disconcerted Bragg's well-laid plans, and, instead of finding Rosecrans comparatively weak on his left, he found him positively strong. By a continuous night-march up the Dry Valley road, Thomas, with his heavy corps, followed by a part of McCook's corps, Thomas's position near Kelley's Farm. this sketch is given to show the general character of the battle-ground, which
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 5: the Chattanooga campaign.--movements of Sherman's and Burnside's forces. (search)
Anderson), about four thousand strong, under Wheeler, his chief of cavalry, crossed the Tennessee, Bridgeport in pursuit, could overtake them. Wheeler's destructive work was just finished when McCed him. The struggle lasted until night, when Wheeler, who had been worsted in the fight, moved offment of Crook's cavalry, under Colonel Long. Wheeler's force greatly outnumbered Long. They dismo strongly guarded to be quickly taken, and as Wheeler had a relentless pursuer, he pushed on southw, on the railway running north from Decatur. Wheeler's shattered columns reached Pulaski that nighand moved menacingly toward Decherd, heard of Wheeler's troubles, and his flight back to the army, urnside, at Lenoir Station. At the same time Wheeler and Forrest were dispatched, with cavalry, by Longstreet followed as rapidly as possible. Wheeler and Forrest had failed to seize the height oninvested Knoxville, and began a close siege. Wheeler, Forrest, and Pegram were sent to cut off Bur
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 8: Civil affairs in 1863.--military operations between the Mountains and the Mississippi River. (search)
ian V. Whaley. Wisconsin.--James S. Brown, Ithamar C. Sloan, Amasa Cobb, Charles A. Eldridge, Ezra Wheeler, Walter D. McIndoe. Schuyler Colfax, Speaker of the House of Representatives. delegates the heart of Alabama, and two divisions sent to Mobile, with the entire body of cavalry, under Wheeler, Wharton, and Morgan. Johnston's command embraced all the Confedcrate troops in Georgia. Alabaand Tunnel Hill. Then the whole column pressed forward, driving the Confederate cavalry, under Wheeler, before them, who made a stand at Tunnel Hill Ridge, a short distance from the village. There g column, but were soon silenced by the Second Minnesota and Nineteenth Indiana Batteries, when Wheeler, finding his position flanked by troops under General Morgan and Colonel Hambright, fell back. The Nationals passed on, Morgan and Colonel D. McCook in advance, keeping up a close pursuit of Wheeler, and at five o'clock Feb. 24. approached the range of hills called Rocky Face Ridge, one of wh
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 10: the last invasion of Missouri.--events in East Tennessee.--preparations for the advance of the Army of the Potomac. (search)
. The Confederates were vanquished, with a loss never reported, but estimated at full three hundred men. Sturgis's loss was about one hundred. At the same time, Wheeler, with about twelve hundred mounted men, had come up from Georgia, and was boldly operating between Knoxville and Chattanooga, his most notable achievement being an attack Dec. 28. upon a National supply-train, near Charlestown, on the Hiawassee, which was guarded by only one hundred men, under Colonel Siebert. Of course, Wheeler easily captured the train, but it was not so easy to hold it, for, immediately after the seizure, Colonel Long came up to Siebert's assistance, with one hundred and fifty of the Fourth Ohio Cavalry and Colonel Laibold's Second Missouri Infantry. These, with Siebert's men, retook the train, and drove Wheeler back, with a loss of forty-one killed and wounded and one hundred and twenty-three made prisoners. The Union loss was only sixteen. A little later, when Sturgis was occupying Dandri
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 14: Sherman's campaign in Georgia. (search)
antry and artillery, and 10,000 cavalry under Wheeler. It was arranged in three corps, commanded r there was a lull in the contest. Meanwhile, Wheeler, with his cavalry, finding no opposition on t no tidings of him; so, being hard pressed by Wheeler's cavalry, he turned to the southwest and str, had been compelled to skirmish heavily with Wheeler's cavalry, near Flat Rock, where Stoneman hadf of his infantry in rash acts, Hood sent out Wheeler, with the greater part of his cavalry, to capth a hope of depriving him of subsistence. Wheeler moved swiftly with about eight thousand horsety miles south of Atlanta. When he heard of Wheeler's raid he was rejoiced. I could have asked n forebodings of the future. In the mean time, Wheeler, who, as we have seen, had struck the railwaySteedman came down from Chattanooga and drove Wheeler off. The latter then pushed up into East Tennheatham, Lee, and Stewart. His cavalry under Wheeler, had been re-enforced. Then, convinced that H
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 15: Sherman's March to the sea.--Thomas's campaign in Middle Tennessee.--events in East Tennessee. (search)
nd evil-boding. At East Point he met some of Wheeler's cavalry, which Hood had left behind to operen made a dash upon Macon, driving in some of Wheeler's cavalry there, threatening the strongly-maneneral Wayne, of Georgia, composed of some of Wheeler's cavalry, a body of militia, and convicts frishing near the former, with the main body of Wheeler's cavalry. At the same time Kilpatrick movedillen. Kilpatrick had several skirmishes with Wheeler on the way, but no severe battle; and on the e movement, Kilpatrick was closely pressed by Wheeler, and at one time, the former, with his staff, little loss, and rejoined their companions. Wheeler still pressing, Kilpatrick chose a good positrations in the direction of Augusta, and give Wheeler all the fighting he desired. At the same timlway connecting Millen and Augusta, he fought Wheeler, Dec. 4. and drove him from his, barricades ver road. The latter was closely followed by Wheeler, but Kilpatrick and Baird gallantly covered t[1 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 16: career of the Anglo-Confederate pirates.--closing of the Port of Mobile — political affairs. (search)
--Cresswell, Davis, Thomas, Webster; West Virginia--Blair, Brown, Whaley; Kentucky--Anderson, Kendall, Smith, Yeaman; Ohio--Ashley, Eckley, Garfield, Hutchins, Schenck, Spaulding; Indiana--Colfax, Derwent. Julian, Orth; Illinois--Arnold, Farnsworth, Ingersoll, Norton, E. B. Washburne; Missouri--Blow, Boyd, King, Knox, Loan, McClurg, Rollins; Michigan--Baldwin, Beaman, Driggs, Kellogg, Longyear, Upson; Iowa--Allison, Grinnell, Hubbard, Kasson, Price, Wilson; Wisconsin--Cobb, McIndoe, Sloan, Wheeler; Minnesota--Donnelly, Windom; Kansas--Wilder; Oregon--McBride; Nevada--Worthington; California--Cole, Higby, Shannon.--119. Fifteen of the above were Democrats. The nays were all Democrats, as follows: Maine--Sweat; New York--Brooks, Chanler, Kalbfleisch, Keirnan, Pruyn, Townsend, Ward, Winfield, B. Wood, F. Wood; New Jersey--Perry, Steele; Pennsylvania--Ancona, Dawson, Denison, Johnson, Miller, Randall, Styles, Strause; Maryland--Harris; Kentucky--Clay, Grider, Harding, Malloy, Wadswor
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 17: Sherman's March through the Carolinas.--the capture of Fort Fisher. (search)
ina. All the roads in that direction had, for weeks, been held by Wheeler's cavalry, who had employed a large force of negroes in felling tralkhatchie with infantry and artillery, at important points, while Wheeler's cavalry hovered around the advance of the National army; and whek, meanwhile, was skirmishing briskly, and sometimes heavily, with Wheeler, as the former moved, by Barnwell and Blackville, toward Aiken andt day and night. But Slocum was very little troubled excepting by Wheeler's cavalry; and those troopers were kept too busy by Kilpatrick to eemed to have been no adequate military force for its protection. Wheeler's cavalry had done all in its power, in front of the National armymentioned, lingered till near ten o'clock, and scattered groups of Wheeler's command hovered about the Federal army at their entrance into th the morning, before the arrival of the National troops, and says, Wheeler's cavalry also shared largely in the plunder, and several of them
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 18: capture of Fort Fisher, Wilmington, and Goldsboroa.--Sherman's March through the Carolinas.--Stoneman's last raid. (search)
brigade had a severe skirmish Feb. 8. with some of Wheeler's cavalry, near Williston Station, and routed them. vicinity, and Atkins's brigade was sent to Aiken. Wheeler was there in force, Feb. 11. and drove him back, amarching out, charged Kilpatrick's entire command. Wheeler was repulsed with a loss of two hundred and fifty-one men. Kilpatrick then threatened Wheeler at Aiken until the night of the 12th, when he drew off, and, moving t of Lexington, when only about fifteen hundred of Wheeler's cavalry were between him and Columbia. But when . 17. when the main army reached Columbia, he found Wheeler ahead of him. At that time the remnant of Hood's artherly almost to Chesterville. There he found that Wheeler had united with Hampton, and the combined forces weorces of Beauregard, and the cavalry of Hampton and Wheeler, which had fled from Columbia. Cheatham was near, the seaboard of North Carolina, and the cavalry of Wheeler and Hampton. These, Sherman said, made up an army