Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 21, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Whitfield or search for Whitfield in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: March 21, 1863., [Electronic resource], Particulars of Van-Dorn's recent victory. (search)
ing distance of their infantry on the extreme fight. Just then regular firing of musketry commenced upon our left, and Whitfield reported that he was hard pressed, when one of Armstrong's regiments, held in reserve, was ordered to his support untillery. Armstrong's entire brigade was then rapidly crossed from the right of the pike to the left, to the assistance of Whitfield, the enemy having advanced to within a hundred yards of his forces and taken position behind the railroad embankment wh forces, and commanding the railroad. So soon as Armstrong's brigade got into position as infantry they, together with Whitfield's, dashed impulsively forth from their position, and drove the enemy from the railroad to the base of the opposite moun fine new Enfield rifles and cartridge boxes. Our own loss is 30 killed and 125 wounded--nearly all in Armstrong's and Whitfield's brigades. Among the killed we mourn Col. Earl, of the 31 Arkansas, one of our most fearless and experienced officers