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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier 327 1 Browse Search
Bliss Perry, The American spirit in lierature: a chronicle of great interpreters 86 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Walcott Boynton, Reader's History of American Literature 82 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 44 0 Browse Search
Charles E. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe compiled from her letters and journals by her son Charles Edward Stowe 42 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 2 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 38 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 38 0 Browse Search
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life 36 0 Browse Search
Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall) 32 0 Browse Search
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist 32 0 Browse Search
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Your search returned 164 results in 12 document sections:

Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier, Note (search)
Note The thanks of the author are due to various friends and correspondents who have aided him with information or criticism; and especially to his friend Samuel T. Pickard, Esq., the authorized biographer of Whittier, whose invaluable work must always hold the leading place among all books relating to the poet's personal history, and who has also been most generous in the way of private counsel. T. W. H. Cambridge, Mass.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier, Chapter 1: childhood (search)
akes it the more interesting to remember that Whittier was born within five miles of the old Longfelwidely travelled author of the Boston circle, Whittier the least so; Longfellow spoke a variety of languages, Whittier only his own; Longfellow had whatever the American college of his time could givegfellow had children and grandchildren, while Whittier led a single life. Yet in certain gifts, aparead it, similar scenes in the Country Brook. Whittier's Works, V. 320-22. The house still stand many as ten or fifteen. In such a household Whittier grew up, listening not without occasional crinel underclothing to everybody. The barn, as Whittier himself afterward testified, had no doors: thn its floors for more than a century. There Whittier milked seven cows; and tended a horse, two oxell remember in later years as being all that Whittier describes in him. The place where he is celebthy shadow less, Never fail thy cheerfulness! Whittier's Works, IV. 73. Coffin, then a young Dar[20 more...]
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier, Chapter 2: school days and early ventures (search)
days and early ventures The whole story of Whittier's beginnings as a poet is like something fromile! Haverhill, 1825. This poem was by Whittier, written in 1825 at the age of seventeen, andr education, or simply from his own poverty. Whittier wrote to Garrison thirty years later (1859), nnington, Vt., he printed in it four poems by Whittier, and wrote of him, Our friend Whittier seems y Clay and the American system, and that when Whittier met Clay in Washington, years after, and was ippers, just then invented. So carefully did Whittier plan to meet the cost of his half year's teacn experience. Underwood's Whittier, 75-8. Whittier does not preserve among his early poems The sd the editorship of the New England Review to Whittier, he himself having gone to Lexington, Ky., tolain this matter, you are no philosopher. Whittier had at Hartford more of social life than ever, afterward president of Columbia College. Whittier's first thin volume, Legend of New England (H[27 more...]
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier, Chapter 3: Whittier the politician (search)
Chapter 3: Whittier the politician As Whittier was a writer for the press before he attended aonly dice to play with. Fortune offering for Whittier an advancement in a similar manner, he escapee dwelt, Caleb Cushing was the candidate, and Whittier had himself supported him; but seventeen attehat Cushing himself was probably willing that Whittier, a far more popular candidate, should be tries in the process of electioneering. Pickard's Whittier, 168, 169. There are many lapses from a hd what strikes the reader is not so much that Whittier should wish to go to Congress at that early asts of honour. The italics in the letter are Whittier's own; they are the points on which he wishedshing succeeded in being elected in 1834, and Whittier showed political skill on its best side in maffice when the Whigs came into power in 1841, Whittier was too strong for him, reprinted the letter of the Legislature, was again arrayed against Whittier, and again failed. The important local ord[9 more...]
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier, Chapter 6: a division in the ranks (search)
untry for the abolition of slavery as John Greenleaf Whittier. Whittier, in his letter, made thiWhittier, in his letter, made this companion tribute to Garrison:-- I must not close this letter without confessing that I cannor further upon it, to give some extracts from Whittier's own review of the matter in his introductior instance, because very characteristic, that Whittier, like that very able woman, Mrs. Lydia Maria the Rev. Dr. William Ellery Channing, to whom Whittier had written, of his own impulse, in early you strenuously upon the antislavery agitation. Whittier was, it must be remembered, addressing one ins then almost fifty-four. A yet unknown man, Whittier was offering counsel to the most popular cler had neither insight, courage, nor firmness. Whittier, on the other hand, always maintained, that aer addressed to him may be found in Pickard's Whittier, I. 137. In November, 1837, a small volume of Whittier's poems was issued in Boston by the publisher of the Liberator, Isaac Knapp. It was f[2 more...]
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier, Chapter 7: Whittier as a social reformer (search)
the chances of authorship, I have been spared the pain of disappointment and the temptation to envy those, who, as men of letters, deservedly occupy a higher place in the popular estimation than I have ever aspired to. Truly your friend, John G. Whittier. Amesbury, 9th, 3d mo., 1867. It is known that in the same conscientious spirit he was unwilling to insert in his Songs of three centuries Mrs. Howe's Battle hymn of the republic, but as he wrote to his assistant editor, I got over my Qemorial Church in Georgetown, Mass., the town of his birth. The church was dedicated on the 8th of January, with interesting exercises, one of the striking features of which was the singing of the following hymn, written for the occasion by John G. Whittier. . . . We venture to say that if the poet had known the conditions which the banker saw fit to impose on the Memorial Church, the poem would never have been written, and its author's name would never have been lent to the occasion. A corres
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier, Chapter 8: personal qualities (search)
ighten things out, in this snarl of a world. God help us! We can do but little, but that little shall not be withheld on our part. Always truly thy frd. John G. Whittier. [P. S.] Advise me whether to send the money to her or to thee. The very letter enclosing the money suggested also another object of interest, in a love and sympathy, if she is in a condition to receive it. Poor girl! she gave herself to the care of her sister too unreservedly. Always & truly thy fd John G. Whittier. The following is the account given of his kindness to a man, who described it anonymously in the Literary World for December 1877:-- When I was a ylife of her husband, the Hon. William Claflin. No book yields such a store of private anecdotes about Whittier as her little work, Personal Recollections of John G. Whittier. Mrs. Claflin quotes one adviser, who said I would rather give a man or woman on the verge of a great moral lapse a marked copy of Whittier than any other b
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier, Chapter 9: Whittier at home (search)
this spring and my sister also is an invalid, and we see little company, but I should feel sorry to have the sweet singers of the West so near and not see them. Dost ever come to Boston? I should be very glad to see thee at Amesbury. I have a pleasant and grateful recollection of our acquaintance in N. Y. and Boston. I shall be obliged to thee if thou wilt kindly remember me to Tuckerman. I like his last book exceedingly, and shall notice it soon in the Era. Thine cordially, John G. Whittier. Letters of R. W. Griswold, pp. 266-67. A lady who had been long a neighbour once described Whittier's parlour fire:-- That fire was a perpetual source of pleasure and annoyance to us all. It was an old-fashioned Franklin stove, that smoked on the slightest provocation, and scattered the ashes over the hearth. At the same time it had a habit of throwing out the most charming gleams and shadows, especially if driftwood was being burned. Mr. Whittier was very jealous of any o
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier, Chapter 10: the religious side (search)
tiful faith, devotedness, and fortitude, which come, not of the sect, but by nature, would most fittingly adorn the annals of Quakerism. Thee would not approve the monthly meeting cant, or have anything of our ludicrous quaintness, wouldst thou? but rather lay the foundation for a pure and correct taste, than minister to one, [old] and vitiated. I have never seen the Wordsworth sonnets alluded to, but will look at them, to understand thy place. Thy idea only wants the setting of J. G. Whittier's poetry to make it the richest jewel on his crown of fame. But I would have thee lay it by, uncut and unpolished, till restored health and the quiet occupations of a home life will allow thee to work upon it without paying the price, which has been the penalty of too many of thy literary labours. Thee had a double motive, hadst thou not, in mentioning the subject? one, for its own interest, and the other to remind me that it is not good for us to dwell too much upon our own little
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier, Chapter 12: Whittier the poet (search)
thority on American poetry, says admirably of Whittier:-- . . . His imperfections were those oftion, rendering its pastoral life and aspect, Whittier surpasses all rivals.. . . Longfellow's ruralocially miles above the people of the vales. Whittier is of their blood, and always the boy-poet of of men throughout the land. Unquestionably, Whittier's ambition, during his novitiate, had been to consummation of his work, was seldom heard. Whittier, in his hermitage, the resort of many pilgrim was at first attributed to the same author. Whittier's poems had even more lyric fire and producedions at Chicago in 1893, more were taken from Whittier's poems than from any other author, these beimeetings in England, in 1901, that they heard Whittier and Longfellow quoted and sung more freely ththe Hesperus and Sir Humphrey Gilbert such as Whittier never quite attained, and the same may be truing to those who dwell within its very sound, Whittier stands before them all; he is simply a compan[26 more...]