Browsing named entities in Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones). You can also browse the collection for Seth Williams or search for Seth Williams in all documents.

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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Introduction. (search)
fect. R. E. Lee, General. Lieutenant-General U. S. Grant. While the letters were being copied, General Grant introduced the general officers who had entered, and each member of the staff, to General Lee. The General shook hands with General Seth Williams, who had been his Adjutant when Lee was Superintendent at West Point some years before the war, and gave his hand to some of the other officers who had extended theirs, but to most of them who were introduced he merely bowed in a dignifiet he at first mistook Parker for a negro, and was struck with astonishment to find that the Commander of the Union armies had one of that race on his personal staff. Lee did not utter a word while the introductions were going on, except to Seth Williams, with whom he talked quite cordially. Williams at one time referred, in rather a jocose manner, to a circumstance which occurred during their former service together, as if he wanted to say something, in a good-natured way, to break up the f
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Semmes' Georgia Brigade. (search)
John Fitch, A. Henphery, R. Y. Vaughn, J. R. Williams, J. M. Walker. Co. I. Sergeant C. L. Williams, J. L. Andres, Private W. A. Jenkins, Carley Jenkins, Sergeant R. G. Stallings, Corporal D. C. Barbee, B. Andrews, G. W. Davidson, Private W. Bostick, A. Carlton, L. D. H. Ford, E. W. Howard, E. Herndon, J. Hudson, C. Jenkins, Private A. F. Morris, L. Pickard, W. S. Parker, E. Sikes, John Ship, R. D. Stone, J. H. Stone, J. F. Williams, J. H. Williams, S. Williams, G. S. Williams. Co. K. Sergeant R. L. Walker, Private Francis Hughes, M. A. Hessee, Rufus McCulloch, H. C. King, Thos. Lynch, Private H. Allen, E. Malone, Wm. Barnett, B. Meadows, G. W. Cheeks, N. P. Deshorg, A. C. Dalby, James Norwood, A. C. Dailey, Thos. L. Ray, G. G. Dailey, J. M. Shaw, G. Fulbright, James Squires, A. Graham, James Thomas, J. C. Hazell, Henry Walker, W. H. Hazell, Wm. Walker, Thos. Horner, G. W. Pittard. Thos. Hughes, [6 off
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Terry's Brigade, formerly John M. Jones's. (search)
gg. Co. D. Private H. High, John Wells, Private J. Langley. Co. E. Sergeant R. L. Thompson, W. H. Hill, Corporal R. D. Honeycutt, Private K. A. Bridges, W. Cross, Private J. Cross, Jas. Dew, B. Jones, E. M. Ray, J. C. Maynard. Co. F. Private T. N. Haswell, Jno. Carter, Private W. Dickerson, W. D. Hill. Co. G. Private C. A. Reid, Frank Ayscue, Private Sydney Joiner. Co. H. Sergeant W. C. Stronach, Corporal Chas. Dedman, J. H. Booth, H. Jinks, Private S. Williams, George Lynn, Gaston Ford, C. F. Dedman, Corporal H. T. Rollins, Private P. Sears, John J. Mooring, Samuel T. Elliott. Co. I. Private W. R. King. Co. K. Sergeant J. H. Ross, Jacob Wagoner, J. H. Tarply, Private Patterson Boon, Private E. R. Galespy, C, Iseley, Wm. Linens, J. C. Matthews. [72] Fifty-second North Carolina Regiment. Field and Staff. Hos. Stew'd E. J. De Berry. Co. A. 1st Sergeant Jno. W. Fetzer, 1st Corporal R. F. Cook,