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Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 8 0 Browse Search
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life 4 0 Browse Search
John G. B. Adams, Reminiscences of the Nineteenth Massachusetts Regiment 2 0 Browse Search
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. 2 0 Browse Search
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in of experimenters and then a line of practical developers. If the series is to be briefly stated, we shall give it thus; Dr. Clayton, Bishop Watson, Murdoch, Winsor, Clegg; a clergyman, a bishop, an engineer, an enthusiast, a mechanic. In 1726, Dr. Hales, in his work on Vegetable Statics, states that 158 grains of coal yieniture of the apartments on the morning subsequent to the illumination by the burning of the coal smoke. — Monthly Magazine, London, June 1, 1805. In 1803 – 4, Winsor lighted the Lyceum Theater and took out a patent for lighting streets by gas. He established the first gas-company. In 1804 – 5, Murdoch lighted the cotton-factory of Philips and Lee, Manchester, the light being estimated as equal to 3,000 candles. This was the largest undertaking up to that date. In 1807, Winsor lighted one side of Pall Mall, London; the first street lighting. Westminster Bridge was lighted in 1813. Houses of Parliament, London, in the same year. Streets o<
on, instead of lanterns, they set up lamps which, by means of a very thick convex glass, throw out great rays of light which illuminate the path for people that go on foot tolerably well. These lamps were at every tenth house. They fell into disuse, and lanterns were substituted. These bull's-eyes were again introduced in London in 1799. Master Kemming is noted as the enterprising establisher of public lamps in London. His oil lamps eventually gave way to Murdock's gaslamps, 1798; and Winsor, 1803. An order was issued in Paris, in the year 1524, that the inhabitants should keep lights burning, after nine in the evening, before the windows of all houses which fronted the streets; and in October, 1558, large vases filled with pitch, resin, and other combustibles were placed at the corners of the streets, or nearer together if necessary. These, in the next month of the same year, were superseded by lanterns. The lighting arrangements of the streets however, still continued f
John G. B. Adams, Reminiscences of the Nineteenth Massachusetts Regiment, Chapter 1: the call to arms. (search)
ed that as Company A of the 1st Battalion of Rifles, an old militia company located in West Newbury, and then under arms, would soon be ordered away, we would join it. That night we walked to West Newbury (five miles), found the company at the armory in the town hall and enrolled our names. Company A was one of three that composed the 1st Battalion of Rifles, commanded by Maj. Ben. Perley Poore. They had been organized several years and were known as Poore's Savages. They were armed with Winsor rifles and sabre bayonets, the rifle and bayonet weighing about fifteen pounds. The uniform was dark green, trimmed with light green, and as I donned it for the first time it was hard to tell which was the greener, the soldier or the uniform. We had a peculiar drill. Most of it, as I can remember, consisted of running around the town hall in single file, giving an Indian war-whoop and firing into the corner of the hall as we ran. I was a soldier now. I did not walk the streets as I had
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life, Bibliography (search)
n, June-July. (In Library Journal, Sept.-Oct.) (With others.) Other Side of the Woman Question. (In North American Review, Nov.) Editorials. (In Woman's Journal.) 1880 (in legislature) From the Death of Winthrop to Philip's War. (In Winsor, ed. Memorial History of Boston, vol. I.) A Revolutionary Congressman on Horseback. (In Scribner's Monthly, Jan.) Same. (In his Travellers and Outlaws, 1889.) Dwelling-Places. [Poem.] (In Scribner's Monthly, March.) Def. VI. The gesunde Menschenverstand, by Eugenie Jacobi, 1895. Young Folks' History of the United States. 2d ed. Printed in raised type by the Howe Memorial Press, Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind. French and Indian Wars. (In Winsor, ed. Memorial History of Boston, vol. II.) Address at the Celebration of the Battle of Cowpens, Spartanburg, South Carolina, May II. Pph. Same. (In Reed and others, eds. Modern Eloquence, vol. 8. 1900.) Oration. (In Exercises in Cele
te, built at Foster's yard in 1868 (A picture of this vessel is reproduced on the invitations to this meeting. She is represented just before the launch.) has a notice in the Boston Evening Journal of Oct. 29, 1868, as follows: Launched, ship Don Quixote. A fine vessel of about 1,000 tons was launched by Mr. Foster, at Medford, a few days since. She now lies at Long wharf and will load for San Francisco. Her commander was Captain Nelson, formerly of ship Golden Fleece, and she sailed for Winsor's regular line for San Francisco. The ship Pilgrim,—long may she be remembered as the last of all the vessels built and launched on the shores of the Mystic! She was constructed at J. T. Foster's yard for Henry Hastings & Co. Of nearly a thousand tons, launched on Dec. 3, 1873, she sailed to Hong Kong Feb. 14, 1874, with a cargo of ice, and was commanded by Capt. Frank Fowle, making the passage in one hundred and twenty-one days. Afterward, in December, 1889, was sold to Daniel Bacon, of