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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 19 (search)
ginia. They say my farm there has not been disturbed It is held by the government now, January, 1866, and my family are homeless and destitute. Onancock, Accomac County, Va.-J. B. J. 155 by the enemy. I think it probable they knew nothing about its ownership, or it would have been devastated. My agent sent me a little money, part of the rent of year before last. My tenant is getting rich. After peace I shall reside there myself. How I long for the independent life of a farmer! Wood is selling at $16 per cord, and coal at $9 per load. How can we live here, unless our salaries are increased? The matter is under consideration by Congress, and we hope for favorable action. Col. Bledsoe has resigned and gone back to his school at Charlottesville. September 25 Blankets, that used to sell for $6, are now $25 per pair; and sheets are selling for $15 per pair, which might have been had a year ago for $4. Common 44 bleached cotton shirting is selling at $1 a yard.
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXV. April, 1863 (search)
down and pick up any found in the street. The boarding-houses are breaking up, and rooms, furnished and, unfurnished, are rented out to messes. One dollar and fifty cents for beef, leaves no margin for profit, even at $100 per month, which is charged for board, and most of the boarders cannot afford to pay that price. Therefore they take rooms, and buy their own scanty food. I am inclined to think provisions would not be deficient, to an alarming extent, if they were equally distributed. Wood is no scarcer than before the war, and yet $30 per load (less than a cord) is demanded for it, and obtained. The other day Wilmington might have been taken, for the troops were sent to Beauregard. Their places have since been filled by a brigade from Longstreet. It is a monstrous undertaking to attempt to subjugate so vast a country as this, even with its disparity of population. We have superior facilities for concentration, while the invader must occupy, or penetrate the outer lines
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXIX. August, 1863 (search)
unding 180. He had Gen. Jim Lane, but he escaped. Gen. Floyd is dead; some attribute his decease to ill treatment by the government. I saw Mr. Hunter yesterday, bronzed, but bright. He is a little thinner, which improves his appearance. Gen. Lee is in town-looking well. When he returns, I think the fall campaign will open briskly. A dispatch received to-day says that on Tuesday evening another assault on Battery Wagner was in progress — but as yet we have no result. Lieut. Wood captured a third gun-boat in the Rappahannock, having eight guns. The prisoners here selected to die, in retaliation for Burnside's execution of our officers taken while recruiting in Kentucky, will not be executed. Nor will the officers taken on Morris Island, serving with the negroes, suffer death in accordance with the act of Congress and the President's proclamation. The Secretary referred the matter to the President for instruction, and the President invited the advice of th
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXX. September, 1863 (search)
is, and refers, for respectability, to President Davis and Gov. Letcher. His letter gives a list of prices of medicines in the Confederate States. I select the following: Quinine, per oz., $100; calomel, $20; blue mass, $20; Opiun, $100; S. N. bismuth, $100; soda, $5; borax, $14; oil of bergamot, per lb., $100; indigo, $35; blue-stone, $10. Boots are selling in this city at $100 per pair, and common shoes for $60. Shuck mattresses, $40. Blankets, $40 each; and sheets, cotton, $25 each. Wood is $40 per cord. I submitted a proposition to the Secretary (of a quartermaster) to use some idle government wagons and some negro prisoners, to get in wood for the civil officers of the government, which could be done for $8 per cord; but the quartermasters opposed it. But to-day I sent a letter to the President, suggesting that the perishable tithes (potatoes, meal, etc.) be sold at reasonable rates to the civil officers and the people, when in excess of the demand of the army, and
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 43 (search)
er 2 Bright, and cool, and dry. It is reported that a battle has occurred at Atlanta; but I have seen no official confirmation of it. It is rumored that Gen. McClellan has been nominated by the Chicago Convention for President, and Fernando Wood for Vice-President. There is some interest felt by our people in the proceedings of this convention, and there is a hope that peace candidates may be nominated and elected. Senator Johnson (Missouri) told me to-day that he had seen Mrs. the importation of suppliesquartermaster's, commissary's ordnance, etc. Gen. L. advises that supplies enough for two or three years be brought in, so that we shall not be under apprehension of being destitute hereafter. Such were his ideas. Lieut. Wood, who commads the Tallahassie, is the President's nephew, and gains eclat by his chivalric deeds on the ocean; but we cannot afford to lose our chances of independence to glorify the President's nephew. Gen. Lee but reiterates what has been wr
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 46 (search)
and Heard, both rosyfaced, robust men, and yet found for light duty by a medical board. Thus we go. The poor and weakly are kept in the trenches, to desert the first opportunity. It is said a dispatch came from Bragg yesterday (I saw it not) stating that Wheeler and some infantry had a sharp battle with Sherman's advance, near Millen, in which the latter suffered greatly. But reinforcements coming up, our forces fell back in order, disputing the way. Tea is held at $100 per pound! Wood still $100 per cord. I saw Gen. Rains to-day. He says he has over 2000 shell torpedoes planted along our lines around Richmond and Petersburg. Col. Bayne reports the importation of 6400 packages salted meats, fish, coffee, preserved vegetables, from Nassau, Bermuda, and Halifax, since October 1st, 1864, in fourteen different steamers. December 8 Rained hard in the night; clear and pleasant in the morning. A letter from John T. Bourne, St. Georges, Bermuda, says he has some
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 47 (search)
tc. One o'clock P. M. The day has grown dark and cold, indicating snow, and a dismal gloom rests upon the faces of the increasing party of croakers. We have famine, owing to the incapacity of the government, and the rapacity of speculators. Wood, however, is coming in, but it is only for military officers, etc. No one can live on wood. Gold is $70 for $1, and meal about $100 per bushel. The House of Representatives (in secret session) has passed the Senate joint resolution creating tnt. It is said, and published in the papers, that Mrs. Davis threw her arms around Mr. Blair and embraced him. This, too, is injurious to the President. My wood-house was broken into last night, and two (of the nine) sticks of wood taken. Wood is selling at $5 a stick this cold morning; mercury at zero. A broker told me that he had an order (from government) to sell gold at $35 for $1. But that is not the market price. It is believed (by some credulous people) that Gen. J. E. Jo