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purpose it was used by Mr. Osborne in Australia, in Southampton, England, and now very extensively in this country. See photolithography. Poitevin's process, 1855, belongs to this group, and is typical of its kind. He coated the stone with bichromated albumen, and put it through the actinic processes in situ, then inked up on the stone. Another process in the second group is Photogalvanography (which see). See also Photoglyphic engraving; Photozincograph. A third process is the Woodburn, in which a gelatine picture, having been obtained by light, is placed in contact with a sheet of soft metal, and submitted to heavy hydraulic pressure. Bearing in mind that the gelatine picture is a picture in relief and depression, the metallic counterpart obtained by pressure will be in reversed relief and depression. A mold will have been obtained, which it will only be necessary to fill with a solution of gelatine to obtain a duplicate, so to speak, of the gelatine picture from whi
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Kentucky Volunteers. (search)
Ky., October 8 (Reserve). Nelson's Cross Roads and Rural Hill October 18. March to Nashville, Tenn., October 20-November 7, and duty there till December 26. Advance on Murfreesboro December 26-30. Nolensville December 26-27. Battle of Stone's River December 30-31, 1862, and January 1-3, 1863. Ordered to Kentucky January 8, 1863. Duty at Bowling Green, Ky., till July. Regiment mounted and operating against guerrillas. Expedition to Tennessee State Line May 2-6. Woodburn and South Union May 13. At Glasgow, Ky., July to September. March to Knoxville, Tenn,, and Burnside's Campaign in East Tennessee September to November. Philadelphia October 24. Leiper's Ferry, Holston River, October 27. Knoxville Campaign November 4 to December 23. Rockford and near London November 14. Lenoir Station, Stock Creek and Holston River November 15. Near Knoxville November 16. Siege of Knoxville November 17-December 5. About Bean's Station December 9
The Daily Dispatch: February 22, 1862., [Electronic resource], Sketches of "captured rebel Generals." (search)
troops may reformaly have been at there two last named places have doubtless, are this, been sent forward to Clarksville. As Bowling Green is now in the hands of the Union troops, a read in now open to Clarksville along the railroad, by which it is not at all unlikely our troops may march from Gen. Buell's department upon the rebel rear at that place. Other important Localities. Eleven miles south of Bowling Green, along the railroad track, is a small station known by the name of Woodburn. At this point the brigades of Breckinridge and Hind, man was located on Thursday last, but have office been reported as having gone to Russellville. They have doubtless before this marched to Nashville. It is believed, however, that no rebel forces exist in Kentucky east of the direct road from Bowling Green via Franklin to Nashville. This Franklin to nine miles south of Woodburn, and twenty miles from Bowling Green. It is situated on the railroad as is shown by the may. It is a smal
New music. --We have received a copy of "The Warrior's Farewell," a very beautiful ballad, by Woodburn, dedicated to Miss Nannie Davies, of this city. It is published by Messrs. John W. Davies & Sons, Main street, and is a good specimen of their excellent taste in such works.