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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The prison experience of a Confederate soldier. (search)
vivors to Fort Delaware. At Morris Island, Fort Pulaski, and on the return vessel, they were kept separate from the common herd, and furnished with comfortable quarters with extra rations. Another colonel, but a gallant soldier and true man, Woolfolk by name, was allowed to occupy a state-room, but why he was granted this privilege, I cannot recall. The Crescent was a side-wheel steamer which plied between New Orleans and Galveston before the war, and many of its crew were with the vesselre being arranged, a signal gun was fired from one of the escorts, and she quickly came in sight and steamed directly toward our vessel. This untoward event terminated all further negotiations for surrender. While the vessel was aground, Colonel Woolfolk, who occupied a state-room, as before mentioned, hung a sheet out of the window of his room, fastening one end on the inside, to make the impression on the officers and guards of the boat that he had lowered himself into the water and escape
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
. Veteran Camps at the Unveiling of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, 347 Virginia Cavalry, 14th, Co. H; Survivors of, 74. Virginia Infantry, 15th, Co. A; Annotated Roll of, 48. Virginia, Magnanimity of, 366. Waid, Capt. James D., 21. War for the Union. Losses in its battles, 40. War Talks of Confederate Veterans, 69. Washington, D. C. Menaces by Early, 298-301. Washington Monument, Mary, 56. Waynesboroa, Battle of, 311. Weed, Thurlow, 38. Wheeler, Hon., Joseph, 24. Wilderness, Battle of the, 289. Williamsburg, Va. Battle of, June 1, 1862. Erroneous statements as to corrected, 106, 287. Wilson, R. R., 157. Winchester, Va., Battle of, 304. Winchester, Va. Confederate Dead in its Stonewall Cemetery; ladies in charge of lots, 47; Memorial Services June 6, 1894, 41. Women of all time, 56. Women of the South, 82. A Monument to plead for by Col. W. R. Aylett, and pledged by the Richmond Howltzers, 54. Woolfolk, Col. Escape of, 136.