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James Russell Lowell, Among my books 94 0 Browse Search
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James Russell Lowell, Among my books, Wordsworth. (search)
third of a mile northwest of the lake. Here Wordsworth passed nine years, among a people of simple s the Brissotins. As hitherto the life of Wordsworth may be called a fortunate one, not less so ig quite apart from the popular and above it. Wordsworth has been unwisely blamed, as if he had been 805, and referring to a still earlier date. Wordsworth went in powder, and with cocked hat under hiafterwards became a theoretical churchgoer. Wordsworth defended earnestly the Church establishment.un together in retrospection. How far could Wordsworth at fourteen have been acquainted with the potrike us oddly as coming from Wordsworth. Wordsworth's purity afterwards grew sensitive almost ton the spring of 1798) which would imply that Wordsworth had been accused of some kind of social hereo his father's estate had not been paid, and Wordsworth was one of those rare idealists who esteem id only to oblivion. In the autumn of 1795 Wordsworth and his sister took up their abode at Racedo[37 more...]