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Notes of the War.
the battle in Arkansas--Mr. Yancey's speech in New Orleans — cotton planting, &c., &c.
gard, they were scions of ancient Creole families.
Mr. Yancey in New Orleans.
We copy the following from the New Orleans Delta, of the 14th inst.:
Yesterday Mr. Yancey arrived in the city from Berwick's Bay, via the Opelousas Railro hey can let it alone," &c.]
As to the blockade said Mr. Yancey I don't know that we should want it raised.
If it conti cotton or blood," the blockade will be raised.
Here Mr. Yancey was asked by a gentleman, whether Mr. Seward's promise to open a cotton port had not had great weight?
Mr. Yancey replied, emphatically, no. They did not believe one word he said. tiny, all will sink together.
Through at his speech Mr. Yancey was warmly applauded, and evidently held the warmest sym all of all our representatives and evolve in Europe.
Mr. Yancey leaves immediately for Richmond.
Cotton planting.
The Daily Dispatch: March 25, 1862., [Electronic resource], Yankee Humanity. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: March 25, 1862., [Electronic resource], Keep moving. (search)
A number of good Drivers Magroder Light Artillery,
Now encamped near Yorktown Stephen D. Yancey. , of 10 capt. Page, Redoubt No. 5. Yorktown.