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eal traitors. And martial law has been proclaimed within and for ten miles around Richmond. Another good sign; for it shows that the people of that city and for ten miles around it are so dangerously sick of Jeff. Davis that nothing but the civil law of the bayonet will keep them quiet. What a charming little city to live in has Richmond become under the beneficent despotism of Davis! What a beautiful illustration it is of the delights of that happy valley of Rasselas, as promised by Yancey with the millennium of his Southern Confederacy! All distillations of spirituous liquors, and all sales of the same, under the ban of martial law! Can anything be imagined more disgusting to the rollicking champions of Southern independence, such as the rubicund and highly-perfumed Governor Letcher, for example? No liquor to be sold in Richmond? A Maine law there by martial law! Does Davis know what he is doing? Does he not know that in stopping the grog of his subjects and victims he
Notes of the War. the battle in Arkansas--Mr. Yancey's speech in New Orleans — cotton planting, &c., &c. gard, they were scions of ancient Creole families. Mr. Yancey in New Orleans. We copy the following from the New Orleans Delta, of the 14th inst.: Yesterday Mr. Yancey arrived in the city from Berwick's Bay, via the Opelousas Railrohey can let it alone," &c.] As to the blockade said Mr. Yancey I don't know that we should want it raised. If it conticotton or blood," the blockade will be raised. Here Mr. Yancey was asked by a gentleman, whether Mr. Seward's promise to open a cotton port had not had great weight? Mr. Yancey replied, emphatically, no. They did not believe one word he said.tiny, all will sink together. Through at his speech Mr. Yancey was warmly applauded, and evidently held the warmest symall of all our representatives and evolve in Europe. Mr. Yancey leaves immediately for Richmond. Cotton planting.
ntion until they brought themselves to the verge of rain. "Cotton is King," was the cry throughout the Confederacy, and it was received as a dogma altogether incapable of yielding a shadow of doubt. From the dream of security in which they were lulled by the siren song of intervention, they have been aroused by a shock so rude as to convince them at last that it was but a dream. If anything further were wanting to dispel the last shadow of illusion, it has been furnished by the speech of Mr. Yancey, published by us yesterday. He tells us, what it required no residence of a twelve- month's duration in London to ascertain, that we have no friends in Europe; that cotton, so far from being a Monarch, is among the most plebeian of plants, that we cannot depend upon the intervention of any foreign power to break the blockade; that we must trust to our own right arms for safety, victory, and independence. Upon this foundation alone, in future, will all the efforts of our people be based,
Wanted--immediately-- A number of good Drivers Magroder Light Artillery, Now encamped near Yorktown Stephen D. Yancey. , of 10 capt. Page, Redoubt No. 5. Yorktown.