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wever, could not keep quiet, and every chance that was presented was improved to slaughter the enemy, for they held them in profound contempt. The enemy devised a new plan for picketing. They owned a great many dogs, and when on outpost duty, Mr. Yankee would quietly light his pipe and play cards, while the dogs rambled through the woods, and gave the alarm of any approach! The faithfulness of their dogs saved them on many occasions from loss, for the animals would howl and retire from any onnd, and half-emptied the canteen at a draught. Setting down the can, he smacked his lips, and thus soliloquized: Well poor devil, he's gone, like a mighty big sight of 'em; but he was a gentleman, and deserved better luck. If he'd been a Massachusetts Yankee, I wouldn't a cared a darn! but these fellows are the right kind. They come along with good boots and pants, lots to eat, money in their pockets, and are no mean judges of whisky. These are the kind of fellows I like to fight! It was
open ground, dashed headlong into the redoubt, and all who escaped over the parapet were shot down or bayoneted by two companies who remained outside for that purpose. In this, as in all other instances I have witnessed of the Louisianians, their recklessness and daring have always astonished me, yet, considering their material, half Creole, half Irish, none need be astonished to find them nonpareils, when fighting for their homes and liberty against a negro-worshipping mixture of Dutch and Yankee. In this, as in all other fights witnessed by me, the cavalry had very little to do — the Yankee horse were always in the rear collecting stragglers, and forcing men to keep their lines. The day before had witnessed slight cavalry skirmishes, resulting in our favor, but nothing of the kind had transpired on Monday--it was entirely an affair of infantry and artillery. The artillery, it cannot be denied, behaved nobly, and, it must be confessed, effectually snuffed out the enemy more tha
in Varginny! --for us their inhuman masters, as Northern cant will have it. Not only in Mississippi, but the colored folks of every town in the South have given balls, parties, and fairs, for our benefit, and sent thousands of dollars, clothes, blankets, shoes, etc., for young massa and de boys. In truth, our servants feel as much pride in this holy war as we do, and are ever ready, as we have frequently seen, to prove in battle dat de Soufern colored man can whip a Norfern nigger and de Yankee to back him! Until the present, said Frank,--I never thought our boys possessed half so much spirit as they do. Fight! why, you might as well endeavor to keep ducks from water as to attempt to hold in the cooks of our company, when firing or fighting is on hand. In fact, an order has been frequently issued to keep darkeys to the rear in time of battle, but although I lectured my boy about it, I was surprised to find him behind me at Manassas, rifle in hand, shouting out: Go in, mass
Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 1, chapter 16 (search)
Adam Smith, Granville Sharpe and Pilgrim's Progress, the London Times and the Stock Exchange, outweigh a century of Cannings and Palmerstons, Gladstones, Liverpools, and Earls Grey. Weighed against the New England Primer, Lyman Beecher, and Franklin, against the New York Tribune and Herald, all our thirteen Presidents kick the beam. The pulpit and the steamboat are of infinitely more moment than the Constitution. The South owes the existence of slavery to-day to the cunning of a Massachusetts Yankee, Eli Whitney; and Fulton did more to perpetuate the Union than a Senate-Chamber of Websters. I will not say that Mr. Banks, at the head of the Illinois Railway (if he ever gets there), will be a more influential man than while Governor of this State, but I will say that the founders and presidents of our railways are a much more influential body than the Senate of the Union. Still, though I think little of political machinery, I value the success of the Republican party; not so mu
A Massachusetts Yankee, named Charles H. Upton, offers himself a candidate for the Washington Congress, in the 7th district of Virginia. Upton is ambitious; but he should not abuse the patience of the people too severely. The effect of the blockade of Southern ports is very much felt in Havana, where the prices of such articles as are usually supplied from those sources have materially advanced.
Northwestern Virginia. An intelligent gentleman from Northwestern Virginia has given us some interesting particulars of prominent persons connected with the Sancho Panza government set up by Carlile & Co., in the Northwest. "His Excellency Gov. Pierpont," who has the supreme modesty to style himself the successor of our "late Governor," John Letcher, is not a Massachusetts Yankee, as is commonly supposed. Our informant says that, bad as the Yankees are, such an imputation does them great injustice. Mr. Pierpont is a native of Virginia, and his father was a Virginian before him. His wife, however, is a Northern Abolitionist, and has converted him entirely to her faith. He is as rank an enemy of the South as can be found in any part of New England. He is a lawyer, but does not occupy a high standing at the bar. Mr. Pierpont is a member of the Methodist Protestant Church, and a fanatic in religion. John S. Carlile is not considered a first rate man in intellect, nor is
mps before Richmond. They all intend to die in the last ditch, and then the women will continue the fight. Such braggadocio is sickening. I never saw or heard so much brag from troops. But these fellows are excusable; they are green. Troops who have been in action do not brag. The enemy have a wholesome dread of our gunboats. They say they can not stand the fire of such heavy pieces. Views of an escaped Yankee. The Boston Traveller, of the 23d, contains the story of a Massachusetts Yankee, who, after "performing the duties of his profession for several months" in Richmond, escaped from here on the 10th inst., in company with other Northern men.--They went to Charlottesville and walked from there to the Valley: The whole of the negro population look forward to the coming of a Northern army with the hope and expectation that it will prove a day of deliverance to them. The slave girls have become more independent than usual, and frequently tell their mistresses that
llery, Steele came out victor, and entered the enemy's fortifications unopposed. Camden is strongly fortified with nine forts. All its approaches are well guarded, and it can be held against a largely superior force. Gen Steele's force is fully strong enough to whip Kirby Smith should he attack him. No tears need be entertained for his safety. Another exposition of the thief Butler. A Washington letter says that Pierpont a Virginian Yankee, is about to expose Butler, a Massachusetts Yankee, for thieving. It says: Governor Pierpont has at last got his letter to President Lincoln and Congress printed, and will to morrow lay a copy of it before each member.--I send you a copy to-night by mail. It is as exposition of the corruptions of the military authorities of Norfolk and Portsmouth, and is terribly severe on Gen Butler. Although the greatest secrecy has been observed lest the contents of the book should get out before the Governor was ready for its distribution