Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 12, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Gen Zollicoffer or search for Gen Zollicoffer in all documents.

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the Kentucky sympathizers with the Southern cause Skirmish at Cumberland river between Zollicoffer and the Lincolnites From a private letter from Gen Zollicoffer's camp, on Cumberland riveGen Zollicoffer's camp, on Cumberland river, on the road between Jamestown and Sumersett, the Knoxville Register is permitted to extract the following particulars of a skirmish which occurred there on the 3d inst: Gen. Zollicoffer, haviGen. Zollicoffer, having complete control of the river, the enemy cannot approach except at one point, Steigal's Ferry. Here there were about 1,000 Lincolnites stationed. While the General was reconnoitering their positidred. It is expected that the river will shortly be navigable from here to Nashville. Gen. Zollicoffer The Knoxville (Tenn.) Register, of the inst., says: We have reliable informationver will shortly be navigable from here to Nashville. Gen. Zollicoffer The Knoxville (Tenn.) Register, of the inst., says: We have reliable information that Gen. Zollicoffer, the
Gen. Zollicoffer The Knoxville (Tenn.) Register, of the inst., says: We have reliable information that Gen. Zollicoffer, the Gen. Zollicoffer The Knoxville (Tenn.) Register, of the inst., says: We have reliable information that Gen. Zollicoffer, the