Found occurrences of 784 entitys in this document. Click on a column heading to sort by it, or to toggle ascending or descending sorting for the current column:

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Entity Max. Freq. ⇩ Min. Freq. ⇩
New England (United States) 26 0 Browse in all documents
John H. Hooper 20 0 Browse in all documents
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) 20 0 Browse in all documents
Marshall Symmes 18 0 Browse in all documents
Benjamin Floyd 17 1 Browse in all documents
John Winthrop 14 2 Browse in all documents
Peter Chardon Brooks 14 0 Browse in all documents
Thomas P. Smith 14 0 Browse in all documents
Eliza M. Gill 12 4 Browse in all documents
Fish 12 0 Browse in all documents
Charles Lidgett 11 1 Browse in all documents
Dudley Hall 11 1 Browse in all documents
Edward Everett 10 0 Browse in all documents
Nathaniel P. Richardson 10 0 Browse in all documents
Walnut Tree Hill (Massachusetts, United States) 10 0 Browse in all documents
Rosewell B. Lawrence 10 0 Browse in all documents
Caleb Swan 10 0 Browse in all documents
George Washington 10 0 Browse in all documents
Concord (Massachusetts, United States) 10 0 Browse in all documents
Samuel Weld 10 0 Browse in all documents
Jeremiah Jordan 10 0 Browse in all documents
William B. Thomas 10 0 Browse in all documents
Charles Brooks 9 5 Browse in all documents
John Brooks 9 3 Browse in all documents
Edward Brooks 9 3 Browse in all documents
Jonathan Bradshaw 9 3 Browse in all documents
Solomon Manning 8 0 Browse in all documents
Mystick River (Massachusetts, United States) 8 0 Browse in all documents
Thomas Patterson 8 0 Browse in all documents
Paul Revere 8 0 Browse in all documents
Samuel Brooks 8 0 Browse in all documents
Winter Hill (Massachusetts, United States) 8 0 Browse in all documents
George S. T. Fuller 8 0 Browse in all documents
Ebenezer Smith 8 0 Browse in all documents
Hosea Ballou 8 2 Browse in all documents
Moses Whitcher Mann 8 0 Browse in all documents
Louise Winsor Brooks 8 0 Browse in all documents
Jonathan Watson 8 0 Browse in all documents
Medford (Massachusetts, United States) 8 2 Browse in all documents
Chairman 8 0 Browse in all documents
Percy H. Hodgman 8 0 Browse in all documents
Henry B. Doland 7 1 Browse in all documents
Samuel Swan 7 1 Browse in all documents
Sagamore John 6 0 Browse in all documents
Chardon (Ohio, United States) 6 0 Browse in all documents
Isaac Royall 6 0 Browse in all documents
John Wild 6 2 Browse in all documents
Ruth Floyd 6 0 Browse in all documents
Charles H. Loomis 6 0 Browse in all documents
Jonathan Patten 6 0 Browse in all documents
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