Found occurrences of 541 entitys in this document. Click on a column heading to sort by it, or to toggle ascending or descending sorting for the current column:

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Entity Max. Freq. ⇩ Min. Freq. ⇩
United States (United States) 36 0 Browse in all documents
Wise 19 7 Browse in all documents
Carlile 19 13 Browse in all documents
Baldwin 17 7 Browse in all documents
John H. Montague 16 0 Browse in all documents
Jackson 16 4 Browse in all documents
Fort Pickens (Florida, United States) 16 0 Browse in all documents
Bouldin 15 5 Browse in all documents
Preston 15 5 Browse in all documents
H. D. P. Bigelow 13 1 Browse in all documents
June, 4 AD 13 13 Browse in all documents
Macfarland 12 2 Browse in all documents
George Washington Parke Custis 12 0 Browse in all documents
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) 12 0 Browse in all documents
Fort Hamilton (Ohio, United States) 12 0 Browse in all documents
Robert E. Scott 12 0 Browse in all documents
France (France) 12 0 Browse in all documents
Early 12 4 Browse in all documents
Holladay 11 1 Browse in all documents
Burley 11 1 Browse in all documents
Blow 11 3 Browse in all documents
Robert Y. Conrad 10 0 Browse in all documents
Marshall 10 0 Browse in all documents
Summers 10 2 Browse in all documents
Couch 10 0 Browse in all documents
Richard Hughes 10 0 Browse in all documents
Garland 10 2 Browse in all documents
L. S. Hall 10 0 Browse in all documents
Walter D. Leake 10 0 Browse in all documents
Baylor 10 2 Browse in all documents
Samuel M. Price 10 0 Browse in all documents
Fisher 10 2 Browse in all documents
Charles Campbell 10 0 Browse in all documents
G. W. H. Tyler 10 0 Browse in all documents
J. M. Boyd 9 1 Browse in all documents
Banks 9 1 Browse in all documents
Marr 9 1 Browse in all documents
Hubbard 8 0 Browse in all documents
Deskins 8 0 Browse in all documents
Seawell 8 0 Browse in all documents
Staples 8 0 Browse in all documents
Lawrence S. Marye 8 0 Browse in all documents
Burdett 8 0 Browse in all documents
Peter C. Johnston 8 0 Browse in all documents
Gregory 8 0 Browse in all documents
Tarr 8 0 Browse in all documents
London Porter 8 0 Browse in all documents
Gravely 8 0 Browse in all documents
Pugh 8 0 Browse in all documents
James Moore 8 0 Browse in all documents
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