Found occurrences of 356 entitys in this document. Click on a column heading to sort by it, or to toggle ascending or descending sorting for the current column:

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Entity ⇩ Max. Freq. Min. Freq.
Sergeant 1 1 Browse in all documents
J. R. Seay 2 0 Browse in all documents
Seabrook Island (South Carolina, United States) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Wingfield Scott 10 0 Browse in all documents
William C. Scott 10 2 Browse in all documents
W. C. Scott 26 0 Browse in all documents
D. J. Saunders 2 0 Browse in all documents
Philip Saulter 2 0 Browse in all documents
Sampson 2 0 Browse in all documents
George Russell 4 0 Browse in all documents
Gen Ruggles 6 0 Browse in all documents
Mufor Ross 2 0 Browse in all documents
Rilton M. Rogers 2 0 Browse in all documents
Arthur Les Rogers 1 1 Browse in all documents
James H. Rochelle 1 1 Browse in all documents
Robinson 4 0 Browse in all documents
B. H. Robertson 10 0 Browse in all documents
Righter 6 0 Browse in all documents
Richmond (Virginia, United States) 10 0 Browse in all documents
Rector 1 1 Browse in all documents
Raine 1 1 Browse in all documents
Michael Rablett 2 0 Browse in all documents
John Purcell 2 0 Browse in all documents
Pulaski (Kentucky, United States) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Roger A. Pryor 8 0 Browse in all documents
Price 3 1 Browse in all documents
Francis W. Powell 1 1 Browse in all documents
A. Potzell 2 0 Browse in all documents
Potter 3 3 Browse in all documents
Jennie Possell 1 1 Browse in all documents
Pope 4 2 Browse in all documents
John W. Perkins 4 0 Browse in all documents
Pennybacker 2 0 Browse in all documents
Pendleton (West Virginia, United States) 1 1 Browse in all documents
Peirpoint 1 1 Browse in all documents
Pearisburg (Virginia, United States) 8 0 Browse in all documents
Pea Ridge (North Carolina, United States) 2 0 Browse in all documents
Patton 3 1 Browse in all documents
Pats 2 0 Browse in all documents
Parrish 2 2 Browse in all documents
Paris 8 0 Browse in all documents
Palatine (West Virginia, United States) 4 0 Browse in all documents
W. W. Owen 3 1 Browse in all documents
Otey 3 1 Browse in all documents
James Ontueworth 1 1 Browse in all documents
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) 4 0 Browse in all documents
Norfolk 2 0 Browse in all documents
Vincent Nolte 4 0 Browse in all documents
L. W. Nizon 2 0 Browse in all documents
Newtown (Arkansas, United States) 1 1 Browse in all documents
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