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first year in the family of Mr. Joseph Adams, at 10s. per week—silver being then 26s. per ounce. On May 12, 1740, I bought one acre of ground of Mr. Jason Russell for house, which was raised July 17, at the expense of the people —The frame being given, and the cellar and well dug and stoned gratis, and the boards and shingles carted from Sudbury and Billerica free of charge to me. I married Oct. 2, 1740, Miss Sarah Porter, daughter of Mr. Samuel and Mrs. Anne Porter, of Hadley, and on Oct. 16, I brought her to my house. Cambridge, 27th Sept. 1740. These may certify whom it may concern that the purpose of marriage between the Rev. Mr. Samuel Cooke of Cambridge, and Mrs. Sarah Porter of Hadley has been entered and published in Cambridge as the law directs. ANDr Bordman, jun. Town Clerk. Hadley, Oct. 2, 1740. These may certifie that the within certified persons were joined in marriage. Grindall Rawson, Clerk. On Aug. 2, 1741, a son was born to us, and on the 9th he was
your everlasting peace, &c. &c. He had also a dau. stillborn (16 Jan.) 1761 (Nov. 1760, one entry). The first wife of Rev. Samuel Cooke was Sarah Porter, dau. of Samuel and Anne of Hadley; m. 2 Oct. 1740; brought by her husband to his house, 16 Oct.; had one child, and d. 22 Aug. 1741, a. 24 (family monument), as did her child the 14th previous, both dying of the throat distemper. He then m. Anna Cotton, dau. of Rev. John and Mary of Newton, 23 Sept. 1742, came home the 80th. Anna, —uxor , and second E. S. Dennis; Mahala, bap. 26 Nov. 1797, m. William Winneck, 7 June, 1818; Seth Russell, bap. 16 Feb. 1800; Esther Peirce, bap. 13 Dec. 1801, d.—Sept. 1802, a. 1; Maria, bap. 23 Oct. 1803, m. Leonard Cutler; Hannah, bap. (privately) 16 Oct., d. 18 Oct. 1806, a. 1. See Wyman, 262. 22. Benjamin, S. of Ammi (11), m. Anna Wyeth, 6 Mar. 1785. He was prob. the Benjamin, laborer, and wife, who went from Cambridge to Charlestown, 1786. She was prob. the Anna, adm. to Pct. ch. 4 Ap
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—the first autumn. (search)
return to Cape Girardeau, he retraces his steps to that post, while Carlin returns to Pilot Knob, where the brigade of the Swamp Fox could never again come to molest him. Fremont had at last succeeded in putting his columns in motion; and while a detachment of his troops once more took possession of Lexington, setting free a certain number of Union prisoners left there and capturing seventy of the enemy's men, the Federal forces pursued their toilsome march towards the Osage. On the 16th of October Fremont reached that river in the vicinity of Warsaw, but its swollen waters rendered the ford impracticable and made it necessary to construct hastily a trestle-bridge. This work occupied five days, and on the 21st the whole army crossed the Osage. The transport train had by this time been organized, and it followed the Bolivar road on its way to Springfield. On the 24th Fremont reached the borders of Pomme de Terre River, eighty kilometres from that city; and he sent Major Zagonyi,
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book II:—the siege of Chattanooga. (search)
eserve the general who is with them. Finally, toward evening the enemy suddenly disappears. The train despatched from Memphis has taken up on the way a battery of artillery and a regiment of infantry, and, being covered by skirmishers, has advanced up to within a very short distance of Collierville. Corse closely followed the train at a double-quick, and the approach of these reinforcements has induced Chalmers to retreat. Sherman can continue his journey without difficulty. On the 16th of October his entire corps is at Corinth, and the troops which Hurlbut has stationed en échelon along the railway are preparing to follow him. On the 19th the heads of his columns, when they arrive at Eastport on the Tennessee, find two gunboats sent by Admiral Porter to protect the transports bringing in provisions for the army. This supplying by water, while it changes Sherman's base of operations, will allow him to abandon the railway on the west of Iuka and to call back the garrison which h
science with his sword. Even the cherished purpose of colonization yielded in the emergency; and the funds of the company were arbitrarily applied as resources in the war. It was a war of revolution; a struggle to secure German liberty by establishing religious toleration; yet even the great events on which the destinies of Germany were suspended, could not wholly drive from the mind of Gustavus his designs in America. They did but enlarge his views; and at Nuremberg, but a few days 1632 Oct. 16. before the battle of Lutzen, where humanity won one of her most glorious victories, and lost one of her ablest defenders, the enterprise, which still appeared to him as the jewel of his kingdom, Oxenstiern, in Argonautica Gustaviana. Compare Erinnerung, in Mercurius Germaniae, 1. These very rare tracts are in our Cambridge library. was recommended to the people of Germany. In confirming the invitation to Germany, Oxenstiern 1633 April 10. declares himself to be but the executor of
sh vessels, joined by thirty of New England, and four New England regiments, sailed in Sept. 18-29. September from Boston. In six days, the fleet anchored before the fortress of Port Royal. The garrison of Subercase, the French governor, was weak and disheartened, and could not be rallied; murmurs and desertions multiplied: the terms of capitulation were easily con- Oct. 1-12. certed; the tattered garrison, one hundred and fifty-six in number, marched out with the honors of war, to Oct. 5-16. beg food as alms. Famine would have soon compelled Charlevoix, II 343, 346. a surrender at discretion. In honor of the queen, the place was called Annapolis. The French were unwilling to abandon the hope of recovering possession. Vaudreuil, having appointed Castin his lieutenant for Acadia, in the winter of 1710, sent messengers over the snows to the missionaries, to preserve the zeal and patriotism of the Indian allies and the inhabitants; but, from that day to this, the English flag ha
both those ports. The design against Gloucester was never carried out; but Mowat, in a ship of sixteen guns, attended by three other vessels, went up the harbor of Portland, and after a short parley, at half-past 9, on the morning of the sixteenth of October, he began to fire upon the town. In five minutes, several houses were in a blaze; parties of marines landed to spread the conflagration by hand. All sea-going vessels were burned except two, which were carried away. The cannonade was keurteen guns, and seventeen days later, two others of thirty six guns. But much time would pass before their equipment; as yet, war was not waged on the high sea, nor reprisals authorized, nor the ports opened to foreign nations. On the sixteenth of October, the day on which Mowat anchored below Falmouth, the new legislature of Pennsylvania was organized. Chosen under a dread of independence, all of its members who were present subscribed the usual engagements of allegiance to the king. In
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 1., Literal copy of Births, deaths, and Marriages in Medford from earliest records. (search)
Tufts & mercy his wife dyed June 5: 1693 Amos Woodward sone of Daniell & Elizibeth woodward borne June 11 mercy Blanchard daughter George Blanchard & Sarah his 1693 wife borne november 5 1693 Stephen Hall sone of Stephen hall & Grace his wife borne november 10: 1693 Thomas ffox sone of Isack Fox and Abigaill his wife born February 11 169 3/4 John Bradshoe sone of John Bradshoe & mary his wife Borne July 8: 1694 Caleb Brooks sone of Ebenezer Brooks and Abigaill his wife Borne October 16: 1694 Rebekah Tufts daughter of Jonathan Tufts & Rebekah his wife born Sebtember 5th: 1694 John Willis sone of John Willis and hester his wife born October 10th 1694 John Willis sone of John Willis and hester his wife dyed October 4th William Hall sone of John Hall and Jemina his wife 1694 dyed November 1: William Hall sone of John Hall and Jemina his 1694 wife Born May 5th 1693 dorathe Tufts daughter of Peter Tufts & mercy his wife born Sebtember 10th: 1693 dorathe Tufts
A valuable gift. A pleasant and well-attended social meeting opened the season for the Medford Historical Society at its rooms October 16. President Wait reported that the enrolment of members in the several committees, according to the plan proposed last summer, had not proceeded far, and emphasized the fact that this enrolment is wholly voluntary, and should not be regarded as imposing a burden upon any member. The notable event of the evening was the presentation to the Society of several valuable articles once the property of Mrs. Lydia Maria Child, and intimately associated with different periods of her life from girlhood to full maturity. The presentation was made by Mrs. Anna D. Hallowell, through whose efforts they have been secured for the Society. The articles are the gift of Mr. W. H. Parsons, of Brooklyn, whose wife was a niece of Mrs. Child. They were given in the name of Mrs. Sarah M. Parsons (born Preston). The gift included (1) a baby's gown, wrought by L
Programme for the year. October 16.—Social Meeting. November 20.—The Second Church and Mystic Church. Mr. Charles Cummings. December 18.—The Homes of the Puritans. Rev. T. F. Waters, President of the Ipswich Historical Society. January 15.—Benjamin Hall. Miss Helen T. Wild. February 19.—The Royall House and Farm. Mr. John H. Hooper. March 19.—Annual Meeting. April 16.—Slavery in Medford. Mr. Walter H. Cushing. May 2.—Not yet arranged. New members. (Number previously reported, 254.) Samuel N. Mayo. Mrs. H.
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