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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
accuracy, and we know of no one else of the same name at this time. He was tribune of the plebs B. C. 210, curule aedile B. C. 197, and in the same year one of the triumviri for establishing colonies at Puteoli, Buxentum, and various other places in Italy; praetor B. C. 196, with Sardinia as his province, which was continued to him another year; and consul B. C. 194 with P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus. In his consulship he assisted as triumvir in founding the colonies which had been determined upon in B. C. 197, and he fought against the Boii with doubtful success. In the year after his consulship, B. C. 193, he served as legate to the consul L. Cornelius Merula, in his campaign against the Boii, and in B. C. 191 he served as legate to the consul M'. Acilius Glabrio, in his campaign against Antiochus in Greece. In B. C. 184 he was an unsuccessful candidate for the censorship. (Liv. 31.20, 32.27, 29, 33.24, 26, 43, 34.42, 45, 46, 47, 35.5, 36.22, 39.40.) He died B. C. 174. (Liv. 41.21.)
Ly'sias 3. One of the ambassadors sent by Antiochus the Great, in B. C. 196, to meet the ten deputies appointed by the Romans to settle, together with Flamininus, the affairs of Greece. He was afterwards present at the interview of the king with the Roman ambassadors at Lysimachia. (Plb. 18.30, 33.) According to Appian (App. Syr. 6), he also accompanied Hegesianax and Menippus on their embassy to Rome in B. C. 193, though he is not mentioned on that occasion by Livy (34.57-59).
mmediately embarked his troops, and set sail with them in person, but died of his wound before they landed in Africa. (Liv. 28.46, 29.4, 5, 13, 36, 30.18, 19; Polyb. Frag. Hist. 31; Appian, App. Hisp. 37, Annib. 54, Pun. 9, 31, 32; Zonar. 9.11, 13.) Such is the statement of Livy and all our other authorities; but Cornelius Nepos, on the contrary, represents him as not only surviving the battle of Zama, but as remaining at Carthage after the banishment of Hannibal, and subsequently co-operating with his brother at the commencement of the war with Antiochus (B. C. 193) in endeavotring to induce the Carthaginians to join in hostilities against Rome. According to the same author, he was banished from Carthage on this account, and died soon after, being either shipwrecked or assassinated by his slaves. (Corn. Nep. Hann. 7, 8.) It seems probable that the circumstances here related refer in fact to some other person of the name of Mago, whom Nepos has confounded with the brother of Hannibal.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
first met with a defeat from the Boians, but this was soon compensated by a brilliant victory over the Insubrians, and the conquest of the important town of Comum. Besides this, in conjunction with his colleague, Purpureo, he obtained some advantages over the Boians and Ligurians: and on his return to Rome was, by unanimous consent, honoured with a triumph. (Liv. 33.25, 36, 37; Plb. 18.25.) In the same year he was appointed pontifex, in the room of C. Sempronius Tuditanus. (Liv. 33.42.) In B. C. 193 he again served in Cisalpine Gaul as one of the lieutenants of the consul L. Cornelius Merula, and took part in the great victory he obtained over the Boians. (Id. 35.5, 8.) In B. C. 189 he obtained the censorship in conjunction with T. Flamininus, an honour which was enhanced in this instance by the number of distinguished competitors over whom they obtained the preference. Their census was marked by the first admission of the people of Formiae, Fundi, and Arpinum, to the full rights of R
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Q. Ma'rcius and M. Ma'rcius (search)
Q. Ma'rcius and M. Ma'rcius 4. Q. and M. MARCII, tribunes of the soldiers of the second legion, fell in battle against the Boii in B. C. 193. (Liv. 35.5.)
Menippus 3. One of the envoys of Antiochus the Great to Rome in B. C. 193, on which occasion, however, the negotiation failed in consequence of the demands of the Romans. (Liv. 34.57-59; App. Syr. 6.) [HEGESIANAX.] In B. C. 192, Menippus was sent by Antiochus as ambassador to the Aetolians, whom he stimulated to war with Rome by magnifying the power and resources of his master. In the same year Antiochus placed him in command of 3000 men to aid in intercepting all succours sent to Chalcis in Euboea by Eumenes II. of Pergamus and the Achaeans, who contrived, however, to throw aid into the town before the passage thither by sea and land had been barred by the Syrian forces. But, after Menippus had occupied the road to Antis, 500 Roman soldiers, also destined for the relief of Chalcis, arrived, and found themselves obliged to turn aside to Delium. Here, in spite of the sanctity of the place, they were suddenly attacked by Menippus, and were all slain except about fifty, whom he captured
Mer'ula 1. L. Cornelius Merula, L. F., was consul in B. C. 193. His province was Gallia Cisalpina. Merula closed an active predatory campaign by a total defeat of the Boian Gauls in the neighbourhood of Mutina. But since h's victory cost the Romans dear, and the officers of Merula accused him of negligence on his march to Mutina, the senate refused him a triumph on his return to Rome. (Liv. 34.54, 55, 56, 57, 35.4, 5, 6, 8.)
stinguished contemporaries, taken an active part in the Hannibalian war; but at the conclusion of this war in B. C. 201, he is reported to have said in the senate that he did not look upon its termination as a blessing to Rome, since he feared that the Roman people would now sink back again into its former slumbers, from which it had been roused by the presence of Hannibal. (V. Max. 7.2 ยง 3.) Metellus survived the war many years, and was employed in several public commissions. In B. C. 201 he was appointed one of the decemviri for dividing the public land in Samnium and Apulia among the Roman soldiers, who had served in Airica against Hannibal (Liv. 31.4). In B. C. 185 he was one of the ambassadors sent to Philip of Macedonia and to the Achaeans. (Liv. 39.24, 33; Plb. 23.6, &c., vel Excerpt. Legat. 40, 41; Paus. 7.8.6, 7.9.1.) The name of Metellus also occurs in the debates in the senate in B. C. 193, and his address to the censors in B. C. 179 is given by Livy. (Liv. 35.8, 40.46.
Mi'nio 1. Was the confidential friend and counsellor of Antiochus the Great, and his representative at the conference with the Roman envoys at Ephesus in B. C. 193. Minio commanded a portion of Antiochus' centre at the battle of Magnesia in B. C. 190. (Liv. 35.15, 16, 37.40, 42.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), P. Minu'cius and Q. Minu'cius (search)
P. Minu'cius and Q. Minu'cius 4. P. and Q. MINUCII, legionary tribunes in the war of Rome with the Boian Gauls in B. C. 193. (Liv. 35.5.)
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