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rounds. Inheriting a considerable fortune from his father, he seems in his early years to have indulged in the display of it, as we may gather from an allusion in the Plutus of Aristophanes (B. C. 388); and we may therefore well believe the assertion, that it was through his intercourse with Isocrates that his mind was directed to higher views (Lys. de Arist. Bon. p. 155; Arist. Plut. 180 ; Schol. ad loc. ; Dem. c. Aphob. i. p. 815, c. Aphob. de F. T. p. 862; Pseudo-Dem. Erot. p. 1415). In B. C. 378, Timotheus was made general with Chabrias and Callistratus, and it is possible that, while Chabrias was occupied in Boeotia, his colleagues commanded the fleet, and were engaged in bringing over Euboea and other islands to the Athenian confederacy (Xen. Hell. 5.4.34 ; Diod. 15.29, 30; Plut. de Glor. Ath. 8; Rehdanttz, p. 57). In B. C. 375, Timotheus was sent with sixty ships to cruize round the Peloponnesus, in accordance with the suggestion of the Thebans, that the Spartans might thus be
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