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h sends him via Fredericksburg, which is due east of Germanna, while Richmond is due south.--He however puts Hancock on the same day (the 8th) into Spotsylvania Court-House, from which, if he was ever there, he was certainly whipped, as our forces hold it and confront the enemy, who has been unable to dislodge them. "The cool determination and courage" of the Federal troops, says the truthful Stanton, "was too much for the desperate fury of the rebels, who have been driven at all points" ! ! Butler sent him General Lee's modest and guarded message of the first battle, and he communicated that to the public, no doubt believing that a report like that would be construed by the Yankees, so accustomed to boasting and hombast, into the admission of a defeat by General Lee. Stanton helps them to this conclusion by adding himself that it was generally believed in Washington that "Lieut. Gen. Grant is achieving a complete victory" ! The third dispatch of the veracious Secretary of War to
s. We have many rumors from the battle field which we do not deem necessary to mention. It was, however, reported last evening that our forces had Gen Gilmore's corps cut off from the gunboats, with every prospect of their capture. We have heard our own Jossea on yesterday estimated at one hundred and fifty killed and a thousand wounded. A considerable proportion of those brought in had received light wounds. Altogether, the situation on the Southside is decidedly favorable, and Butler must look to his laurels. Indeed, it is not believed, that this redoubtable individual is in any position of danger, but either on board a gunboat or on the way to Fortress Monroe. Most of the prisoners brought in yesterday were genuine Yankees; but there were some few Dutchmen among them, who speak a word of English. The casualties in Kemper's Brigade. The following is a partial list of the casualties in Kemper's brigade, in the fight of yesterday. 1st Va. Regiment.
eft, (our right.) the first is true, but the latter is not. Our victory was complete on every part of the field. It is reported that Grant, just before opening the battle this morning, issued an order in which he announced to his troops that Butler had taken Petersburg, and was then investing Richmond, with every prospect of reducing it at an early day; also, that Johnston had been defeated at Dalton, leaving his dead and wounded in the hands of Sherman. We have not heard from Dalton for some days, but we know that the order utters a falsehood when it claims that Butler has occupied Petersburg and invested Richmond. The courage of Grant's army, however, like that of the man in the play, is oozing out at their fingers' ends, and it requires to be stimulated. Wednesday, May 11th. Unbroken quiet has reigned to-day. The two armies still confront each other, lashing their sides and glaring upon each other like lions about to engage in mortal combat. A report prevailed
und the dwelling, but happily "nobody was hurt." They also occupied Hopkins's and Rowe's houses, firing from the windows. One minute ball from the Yankees passed through the window of Dr McCabe's chamber, and buried itself in the wall of the closet, smashing a small quantity of glassware. They finally moved down the Mountain road towards the Yellow Tavern, and the rest of their movements you know. The veracious officers announced the defeat of Lee by Grant, the taking of Petersburg by Butler, the death of Longstreet, and similar lies. Providentially, Dr McCabe was in the city attending to his duties, or he too would have had to share the fate of the Rev Mr Winston. God grant that the news we hear from Gen Lee's army may be, without abatement, a fact. If so we may thank Him, and take fresh heart for the conflict. Resident. P. S.--I omitted to state that the pillaging process was principally conducted by the negro soldiers, about fifty of whom were with the party
, and money from the North is required by every consideration of humanity. Butler's position on the Southside. A letter from Butler's command, on the southsiButler's command, on the southside, in a New York paper says: The position of our forces here is considered impregnable. If we cannot get out of the Peninsula which contains us, it is certainhe rebels badly, and was sent out again. Another letter says: With Gen Butler and his Staff, I was privileged this afternoon to ride along our lines. The t impediment to our advance upon that town. The very latest dispatch from Butler's movements is dated 2 P. M. On Monday, at Fortress Monroe, where a steamer hady. Our force were engaged during the day in throwing up entrenchments. Gen Butler designs entrenching from the Appomattox to the James river, a distance of somch to Maj Gen Dix, at New York, says: A dispatch has been received from Gen Butler, dated, "in the field near Chester Station, Va, May 12th, 8.30 P. M." I
easily repulsed. Some disposition was manifested by the enemy to renew the assault on Friday, and heavy skirmishing took place, which was soon abandoned by the Yankees. Nothing on interest occurred on Saturday or yesterday. It is reported that Butler has received reinforcements of negro troops, but we are not prepared to vouch for the truth of the statement. One thing is certain — he is reduced to very narrow straits, and the more undisciplined negro troops he has to manage in his present qu. A severe cavalry fight occurred on Saturday, at Haw's shop, in Hanover county, a few miles to the right of the Central Railroad. A form of our cavalry, consisting, we learn, of Rosser's and Workham's brigades, the 4th and 5th regiments of Butler's South Carolina brigade, and the 20th Georgia battalion, all under the command of General Wode Hampton, was sent out to reconnoitre the enemy's position. They came upon a large force of Yankee cavalry in the above mentioned locality, and withou
in be seen whether he will make a demonstration towards crossing the Pamunkey at Hanover Court House, or will move up to the Chickahominy or form a junction with Butler, and seek to throw himself on the south side of Richmond across our lines of communication, as he did at Vicksburg. It only remains to be added that Gen Lee gined or will be march over the crimson fields of Mechanicsville, Gaines's mill, and Fraser's farm? or will he try to reach the James river, form a junction with Butler, and then throw his whole army across the Richmond and Petersburg and the Richmond and Danville railroads, and thus cut our communications with the more Southern States? This last plan would be in accordance with the movement by which he enveloped Vicksburg, and destroyed all hope of the ear. Butler is already firmly fixed on the narrow neck of land at Bermuda Hundreds, his flanks and rear protected by the James and Appomattox rivers, and his front by a formidable line of entrenchments.
It is only by some fortunate double attack, like that which is the peculiarity of this campaign, that a large retreating army in America can be broken up. Unless Butler should be peculiarly fortunate on the James, we may expect weeks of stubborn contest between the gradually failing army of Lee and his increasingly strong and tend veterans and regiments, he says, have more than replaced all losses and detachments. We have no official reports since my last telegram from Gen Grant or Gen Butler. Official reports of this Department show that within eight days after the great battle of Spotsylvania Court House many thousand veteran troops have been cott. Wendell Phillips and George Thompson. Gen Hooker, it seems, was not wounded in the recent battles at and near Reases. The sufferer was Brig Gen Harker. Butler's Medical Director puts his loss in the great fight of Monday at five thousand, exclusive of Heckman's brigade, which is reported as nearly all missing.
sses for the Confederate arms; the Northern troops have been several times successfully enacted, guns and prisoners taken, while their attacks have in every instance been "heavily repulsed with loss" The authors of this good news have singularly forgotten to state that Lee has whipped Grant all the way from the Rapidan to the North side; we in the North cell such movements retreats, but then we are only ignorant mudeillis and one southerner is equal to five Yankees, (in lying, we admit) Bend Butler has been driven to his den on the James; Sherman has beer "repulsed with heave loss" ever so many times, and hers is another emission — they do not say that Johnston has whipped Sherman forward from Chickamauga to Rome. Then they have glorious news from the West Gen. Banks has been surrounded and his whole army has surrendered and the story about Steele's surrender is also true in the mains and rebel has been cantankerously showed up in West Virginia, and would have been quite captured, but
fully accomplished. A large, portion of the troops at Bermuda Hundred, ruder Gen Butler, have been transferred, under command of Gen Smith, to the Army of the Potomaant. Gens Smith and Broo passed up yesterday.--Gen Gillmore remains with Gen Butler at Bermuda Hundred, as also Gens Ames and Wild. Large quantities of suppliesd the released mules afterwards broke loose and came galloping into town. Butler's Robberies to be Investigated. Gen Butler is at a large discount for his fGen Butler is at a large discount for his failure on the Southside. His "patriotism," however, is greatly praised for consenting so cheerfully for the larger part of his command, under Baldy Smith, to leave hs of the present rebellion were engaged in plotting and maturing it, Benjamin F Butler was cognizant of and privy to their treasonable purpose, and gave them his coun was acting in the military service, he was, by himself and his accomplices A J Butler, and many others, guilty of many acts of fraud, peculation and embezzlement aga
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