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s, British, in Cape Fear River, 2.315. Bloody Bridge, battle of, 3.469. Blue Springs, battle of, 3.155. Blunt, Gen. James G., activity of in Missouri, 2.532; at the battle of Boston Mountains, 2.534. Bogle's Creek, battle near, 3.5116. 3.341-3.350. Maryland Heights, occupation of by Gen. French, 3.51; abandonment of urged by Hooker, 3.56. Mason, Senator James M., letter of in relation to the Virginia ordinance of secession, 1.384; sent as ambassador to Great Britain, 2.153. non, respected by the soldiers of both parties, 1.485. Mower, Gen., in the Red River expedition, 3.253. Mulligan, Col. James A., his defense of Lexington, Mo., 2.67; his surrender, 2.69; death of, 3.348. Mumford, W. B., tears down the flag rhe destruction of, 1.392-1.398. Navy-Yard at Pensacola, surrendered to the State authorities, 1. 169. Negley, Gen. James S., at Nashville, 2.264; his unsuccessful attempt on Chattanooga, 2.303. Negroes, excluded by Gen. Halleck from his ca
the first thing necessary is to see that its means are sufficient. If acting against an uncivilized nation, which has no regular army, or at least without such armed and disciplined men as our own, the result of such a descent is generally a favorable one. The conquest of India by the English, of Egypt and Algiers by the French, and the expedition by these powers united against China, are examples of this. For descents on islands, we have but to look at English history for examples. James, in his excellent naval history, gives a detailed description of all those made during the wars of the French revolution and empire. On the other hand, expeditions against a civilized country are attended with the greatest difficulties and danger. The English armies in the United States are a proof of this, and the Peninsular war might likewise serve as an example. If we look at Moore's retreat to Corunna in 1809, and at Murray's expedition to Tarragona, we will see all the dangers aris
H. Wager Halleck , A. M. , Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. Army ., Elements of Military Art and Science; or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactis of Battles &c., Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers. Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia., Chapter 7: sea-coast defences..—Brief description of our maritime fortifications, with an Examination of the several Contests that have taken place between ships and forts, including the attack on San Juan d'ulloa, and on St. Jean d'acre (search)
conducted by a more enter-prising and experienced people, the expedition would have cost the English their whole squadron. Great as was the damage done to the fleet, the forts themselves were uninjured. The English say their own fire did no execution, the shot in all probability not even strikng their objects--the rapid change of position, occasioned by a fair wind and current, preventing the certainty of aim. The state of the batteries when the fleet first passed, is thus described in James's Naval History: Some of them were dilapidated, and others but partially mounted and poorly manned. And Alison says: They had been allowed to fall into disrepair. The castles of Europe and Asia, indeed, stood in frowning majesty, to assert the dominion of the Crescent at the narrowest part of the passage, but their ramparts were antiquated, their guns in part dismounted, and such as remained, though of enormous calibre, little calculated to answer the rapidity and precision of an English b
d by the writer, rather highly civilized individuals, a few in each of our great cities and their environs. The Boston newspaper observes, with a good deal of point, that it is from these exceptional enthusiasts that the heroes of the tales of Mr. James and Mr. Howells seem to be recruited. It shrewdly describes them as people who spend more than half their life in Europe, and return only to scold their agents for the smallness of their remittances ; and protests that such people will have, abe of the greatest value to us in the future, yet they were not of much use to our civilization now. I remember, that when I first read the Boston newspaper from which I have been quoting, I was just fresh from the perusal of one of the best of Mr. James's novels, Roderick Hudson. That work carries us to one of the smaller cities of the interior, a city of which, I own, I had never heard — the American Northampton. Those who have read Roderick Hudson will recollect, that in that part of the s
Shields, Smith, Sumner, Wade--10. Nays 30. So far, the bill had been acted on as in Committee of the Whole. On coming out of Committee, Mr. Clayton's amendment, above mentioned, was disagreed to--22 to 20--and the bill engrossed for its third reading by 29 to 12--and, at a late hour of the night March 3d.--or rather, morning — passed: Yeas 37; Nays Messrs. Bell, of Tennessee, Houston, of Texas, and Walker, of Wisconsin, who had voted against Mr. Chase's amendment above cited, and Mr. James, of Rhode Island, who had not voted on it at all, now voted Nay. Messrs. Bayard, of Delaware, Cass, of Michigan, Thompson, of Kentucky, Geyer, of Missouri, Thomson, of New Jersey, who did not vote for or against Gov. Chase's amendment, whereon we have given the Yeas and Nays, were now present and voted for the bill. 14: whereupon the Senate, exhausted by struggle and excitement, adjourned over from Friday to the following Tuesday. In the House, this bill was not taken up for more than t
, La., Arsenal seized at, 412; 490. Bayard, James A., (father,) 107. Bayard, James A., (son,)., (Union,) killed at Belmont, 597. Brooks, James, speech on the Mexican War, 200. Brooks, Pr 300; Buckingham reflected in, 326. Conner, James, resigns at Charleston, 336. Conway, Gov. Eon, Gen. James, Jr., of S. C., 169. Hamlet, James, a fugitive slave, 215. Hamlin, Hannibal, 1 Hammet, Wm. H., of Miss., 161. Hammond, James H., of S. C., 144; 180; 181; 830; 337. Hamn246; elected Governor in 1860, 326. Lane, Gen. James H., turns back the Border Ruffians, 284; in ounty, Miss., men hung there, 128. Madison, James, 42; 43; 63; 72; takes the Southern view of thts, 596; occupies Columbus, Ky., 613. Polk, James K., 69; nominated for President, 164; is electop, prays at Peace meeting, 363. Potter, Major James D., at Bull Run, 545. pound Gap, Ky., thre; his resignation, 412; 485. Thompson, Judge James, of Pa., speaks in favor of the Fugitive Sl[20 more...]
cond (or first regular) session, Gen. Wilson, of Mass., gave Dec. 4. notice in Senate of a bill to punish officers and privates of our armies for arresting, detaining, or delivering persons claimed as fugitive slaves; and Mr. O. Lovejoy, of Ill., simultaneously introduced a bill of like tenor in the House. Mr. Wilson submitted his bill on the 23d; a resolve to the same effect having been submitted by Mr. Summer six days before; as one of like nature was this day laid before the House by Mr. James F Wilson, of Iowa. Mr. Wilson, of Mass., soon reported Jan. 6, 1862. his bill; of which he pressed the consideration ten days afterward; but it was resisted with great ingenuity and carnestness by all the Opposition and by a few of the more conservative Administration Senators. Other bills having obtained precedence in the Senate, Mr. F. P. Blair reported Feb. 25. to the House from its Military Committee, an additional Article of War, as follows: All officers are prohibited fro
landed June 2. on James island; and three more days elapsed ere Gen. Wright came up from Edisto with the residue of their forces. Such disjointed Gen. Hunter's attack on Secessionville. combinations in an intensely hostile region could have but one result; since the enemy were probably twice as strong, both in defenses and in men, as they would have been found had our advance been made with compact celerity. Secessionville is a petty village formed of the Summer residences of a few James island planters, on the east side of their island, two miles from the Stono, with salt water on three sides, and swamps narrowing to a mere ride the only practicable land approach from the west. Pemberton was in chief command at Chlarleston, Brig.-Gen. N. G. Evans having direction under him in this quarter; but Col. J. G. Lamar was in immediate charge of the works; against which Gen. H. G. Wright advanced at early dawn, June 16. with a force of perhaps 6,000 men, though some 1,500 more w
e, Lee chases Meade up to, 395. Chalmers, Gen. James R., at Stone River, 282. Chambersburg, Paf Port Hudson, 318; 331 to 337. Garfield, Gen. James A., drives Marshall from Kentucky, 42; at bawa, captures 13 prisoners. 312. Grimes, Senator James W., of Iowa, his bill for the education ofl., killed at Fair Oaks, 148. Longstreet, Gen. James, at Fair Oaks, 142-3; repulsed at Mechani<*>en., surrenders Island No.10, 55. Mallon, Col. James E., 42d N. Y., killed, 396. Mallory, Col.cooperates against Price, 560. McPherson, Gen. James B., at Corinth, 230; at Lamar, 286; triumphsharlottesville and the James, 727; Rains, Gen. James E., killed at Stone River, 282. ram Albem wounded at Harper's Ferry, 200. Shields, Gen. James. wounded, 114; on battle of Kernstown, 115;lorida in Bahia harbor, 645-6. Wadsworth, Gen. James S., Military Governor of Washington, 108; on educating colored children, 266. Wilson, Gen. James H., raids through central Alabama, 717; capt
ompany 1, 1st Artillery) six 10-pounder Parrott rifle guns; Hunt's (Light Company M, 2d Artillery) four light 12-pounders; Carlisle's (Company E, 2d Artillery) two James's 13-pounder rifle guns, two 6-pounder guns; Tidball's (Light Company A, 2d Artillery) two 6-pounder guns, two 12-pounder howitzers; Green's (Company G, 2d Artillery) four 10-pounder Parrott rifle guns; Arnold's (Company D, 2d Artillery) two 13-pounder James's rifle guns, two 6-pounder guns; Ayres's (Light Company E, 3d Artillery) two 10-pounder Parrott rifle guns, two 12-pounder howitzers, two 6-pounder guns; Griffin's (Battery D, 5th Artillery) four 10-pounder Parrott rifle guns, two 12-po (Company G, 5th Artillery) two 20-pounders and one 30-pounder Parrott rifle guns. The 2d Regiment Rhode Island Volunteers had with it a battery of six 13-pounder James's rifle guns; the 71st Regiment New York Militia, two of Dahlgren's boat howitzers, and the 8th Regiment New York Militia a battery of six 6-pounder guns. The men
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