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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The monument to Mosby's men. (search)
by the Federal troops on the 23d September, 1864, and to another Mosby man, A. C. Willis, who was soon after hung by Colonel Powell, U. S. A., in Rappahannock county, Va. A goodly number of old Confederates came in last night and this morning early ndered, but content themselves with the statement that they were killed. In less than three weeks thereafter Colonel William H. Powell, commanding a brigade of Federal cavalry, crossed the mountains into Rappahannock county. A detail of Mosby's men were at the same time escorting some Federal prisoners to Richmond, when they encountered Colonel Powell's command. One of them, A. C. Willis, was captured. Under the order of Colonel Powell, he was hung on the following day. Each a hero. Colonel Powell, he was hung on the following day. Each a hero. Be it said to the credit of American manhood, that there was not one of the seven but who met his fate with the calm courage of a hero. Even he, from around whose neck the loving arms of a mother were unclasped that he might be led to his executio
ption in Penn Sylvania. A dispatch from McConnels urg, Pa., dated the 10th, says that the enrollment is meeting with great resistance among the "sympathizers with rebellion" in Fulton county, Pa. Some of the enrolling officers have been attacked with rotten eggs, and threats are freely made against their lives. In some instances they have been shot at by parties concealed in the woods, and attempts have been made to deter the officers from the execution of their duties. The barn of Wm. H. Powell, enrolling officer for Thompson county, was fired by a gang Tuesday night. It was entirely consumed, together with all the stock, farming utensils, &c. The Investment of Vicksburg — great Still further reinforced — active operations Suspended. A dispatch from Cincinnati, dated the 10th, says: The Commercial has advices from Vicksburg through an officer of the Forty-eighth Ohio. The troops are impressed with the idea that Vicksburg must fall, and have no fears of failure.
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