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Doc. 78.-Henry A. Wise's proclamation. Ripley, Va., July 6, 1861. To the true and loyal citizens of Virginia on all the Ohio border, and more particularly to those of Jackson County, I would earnestly appeal to come to the defence of the Commonwealth, invaded and insulted as she is by a ruthless and unnatural enemy. None need be afraid that they will be held accountable for past opinions, votes, or acts, under the delusions which have been practised upon the Northwestern people, if they will now return to their patriotic duty and acknowledge their allegiance to Virginia and her Confederate States, as their true and lawful sovereigns. You were Union men, so was I, and we held a right to be so until oppression and invasion and war drove us to the assertion of a second independence. The sovereign State proclaimed it by her Convention, and by a majority of more than 100,000 votes at the polls. She has seceded from the old and established a new Confederacy. She has commanded
nd we propose to have a regular road over it and sure communication through it, no matter at what cost of rebel treasure and blood. It is hoped that you will see the necessity of abiding by the laws and actively sustaining them. But if you raise an arm against the Government we have sworn to protect, the course I have briefly marked out I will follow to the letter. C. R. Jennison, Col. Com. First Kansas Cavalry. Kansas City, Mo., 26th. To all Persons in Arms against the Government in Jackson, Johnson, Lafayette, and Pettis Counties: 1st. All who are now in arms against the Government of the United States in the above-named counties, and who will surrender their arms and ammunition to me and deliver to me all Government property in their possession and under their control within reasonable time, and shall sign a deed of forfeiture, and shall hereafter perform their duty as good and loyal citizens, shall not be held responsible for past acts of rebellion, but shall be protect
Doc. 233. attack on Ripley, Va., December 19, 1861. The following account is given in the Wheeling Press of December 27: Ripley, Jackson Co., Va., December 20, 1861. Colonel D. Frost: It is with pain and regret that I have to inform you that on last night about nine o'clock our town was visited by a band of Moccasin Rangers, and the town completely taken possession of. They numbered about twenty-five, all well armed. A gentleman of the name of Dr. O. G. Chase came here some eighteen or twenty days ago, for the purpose of forming or raising a company. He brought some fifty stand of arms, ammunition, clothing, &c., without any protection whatever. I think he had got his company made up to twenty or upward. He took all the arms from the citizens, rendering them entirely defenseless, and on yesterday morning Mr. Chase locked his arms up in the jail, and his clothing, &c., in a room in H. Progler's upper house, gathered up his men and went off to Cottageville, saying that
s an elder in the Presbyterian Church, administered the sacrament to the church members in his army. He invited all Christians to participate in this ceremony. A Baptist, the straitest of his sect, thoroughly imbued with the idea of close communion, was seen to hesitate; but the occasion, and the man who presided, overcame his scruples, and thus it has happened that the prospect of a fight and the eloquence of Jackson made a Baptist forget that baptism is the door into the church. In all Jackson's army an oath is rarely uttered. A religious enthusiasm pervades it, which makes every man a hero. Conscious of the justice of our cause, and imbued with the strongest convictions of patriotism, his men are irresistible. In this incident we have an explanation of General Jackson's invincibility, and we are thus enabled to understand why his men are all heroes, and why they endure without a murmur the severest hardships to which any troops have been subjected during the war. When peace i
The gunboat Covington proceeded with us by the mutual wish of the captain of the transport and of Lieutenant G. P. Lord, commanding the gunboat. After getting some distance up the river, we took the precaution to bring on board and detain any persons lurking about the shore whom we suspected would carry intelligence into the country of our approach; and in this way I gained more or less valuable information, and also the services of a good guide. We arrived at Gregory's Landing, Jackson County, at dusk, and having learned that one of the camps of McCrae's men was four miles back of that landing, on Straight Lake, I ventured to move out there to surprise it. The evening was rainy and extremely dark, but my guides knew the road perfectly, and my patrols moved forward so carefully, there could be no possibility of an ambush. Three miles from the river was a bayou (Cache) difficult even for cavalry to ford, but the detachment of cavalry crossed it without accident, and suddenly s
ers Second corps, A. N. V., April 4, 1863. Brigadier-General R. H. Chilton, Assistant Adjutant and Inspector-General, Headquarters Department of Northern Virginia: General: I have the honor herewith to submit to you a report of the operations of my command in the battle of Cedar Run, on the ninth day of August, 1862: Intelligence having reached the commanding General that Gordonsville was endangered by the approach of the enemy, I was ordered to move in that direction with Ewell's and Jackson's divisions, from my position on the Mechanicsville turnpike, near Richmond. I arrived near Gordonsville on the nineteenth day of July. From information received respecting the strength of the opposing Federal army, under General Pope, I requested the commanding General to reenforce me. He accordingly sent forward Major-General A. P. Hill, with his division. On the second of August, whilst Colonel (now Brigadier-General) W. E. Jones, by direction of Brigadier-General Robertson, was movin
andoah Valley, on the western side of the Blue Ridge, covering Chester and Thornton's Gaps, and expecting us to attempt to pass through and attack them. As late as the 17th of November a contraband just from Strasburg came into my camp and reported that D. H. Hill's corps was two miles beyond that place, on the railroad to Mount Jackson. Hill was tearing up the road and destroying the bridges under the impression that we intended to follow into that valley, and was en route for Staunton. Jackson's corps was between Strasburg and Winchester. Ewell and A. P. Hill were with Jackson. Provisions were scarce, and the rebels were obliged to keep moving to obtain them. On the 10th of Nov. General Pleasonton was attacked by Longstreet, with one division of infantry and Stuart's cavalry, but repulsed the attack. This indicates the relative position of our army and that of the enemy at the time I was relieved from the command. Had I remained in command I should have made the attem
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Cavalry operations in May, 1863--report of General J. E. B. Stuart. (search)
otsylvania. It has been since ascertained that this expedition was by no means an insignificant affair, and, but for the timely arrival of this cavalry on the spot and its prompt and vigorous action, might have resulted disastrously. Artillery as well as trains were passing Spotsylvania, unprotected, at the time. With very little rest, and without waiting for rations or forage, this noble little brigade, under its incomparable leader, was in the saddle early next morning, and moving on Jackson's left flank during the entire day (May 1st), swinging around to the left to threaten the enemy's rear. On the morning of May 2d, the cavalry of this brigade was disposed so as to clear Jackson's way in turning the enemy's right flank; this was done in the most successful manner, driving off the enemy's cavalry wherever it appeared, and enabled Jackson to suprise the enemy. In the subsequent operations attending the battle and glorious victory, the cavalry did most essential service in
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), History of Lane's North Carolina brigade. (search)
and with brilliant success. The enemy had now been driven from every part of the field, but made an attempt to retrieve his fortunes by a cavalry charge. Their squadrons, advancing across an open field in front of Branch, exposed their flank to him, and encountering a deadly fire from the Fourteenth Georgia and Twelfth Virginia, had many saddles emptied, and fled in utter disorder. * * * Extract from General Jackson's report. During the advance of the enemy to the rear, the guns of Jackson's division becoming exposed, they were withdrawn. At this critical moment Branch's brigade of A. P. Hill's division, with Winder's brigade further to the left, met the Federal forces, flushed with their temporary triumph, and drove them back with terrible slaughter through the wood. The fight was still maintained with obstinacy between the enemy and the two brigades just named, when Archer and Pender coming up, a general charge was made, which drove the enemy across the field into the opp
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Relative numbers and losses at slaughter's mountain ( Cedar Run ) (search)
shall certainly be over rather than under the mark. Hence Jackson had, exclusive of Hill, possibly 12,000 infantry and artillery. Robertson's cavalry, after its hard service, could hardly have exceeded 1,000 or 1,200 men. Thus the Confederate force under Jackson on August 9 was-- Hill's division10,623 Winder's and Ewell's division's12,000 Cavalry1,200    23,823 Nearly 24,000 men. Of this force two brigades, Lawton's and Gregg's, were not on the battlefield. This diminished Jackson's strength by eleven regiments or about 3,800 men. So his force engaged against Banks was, by the above, about 20,000 men. But this is no doubt an excessive estimate, for in it no account is taken of the diminution which must have taken place between the latter part of July and August 9th, due to the heat and sickness of the season. In the ten days preceding the battle, Banks' Federal corps seems to have lost twenty-five per cent. of its strength from this cause. Jackson's strength was le
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