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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., chapter 6.79 (search)
and an occasional bombardment. The Confederates now rushed the work on their batteries on the river-front, and in a short time the whole ten were completed and about 25 heavy guns mounted. On the way down the river a Confederate battery at Grand Gulf fired about sixty shots at short range at the transports, killing one private and wounding one officer (Captain Chauncey J. Bassett) of the 6th Michigan regiment. The gun-boat Kineo, Lieutenant-Commander Ransom, shelled the town, and General Wions of Everett's; leaving the 21st Indiana, 6th Michigan, the remaining section of Everett's battery, and Magee's troop of cavalry to hold Baton Rouge against a possible attack from Camp Moore, near Tangipahoa. At Ellis's Bluffs, and again at Grand Gulf, troops were landed to drive off the field-batteries that had been firing upon the gun-boats. On the 25th the troops were back at Vicksburg where the bulk of the fleet and sixteen of Commodore Porter's mortar-boats, or bombers, as they were ra
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 20: events West of the Mississippi and in Middle Tennessee. (search)
roops under General Thomas Williams. The latter were sent by General Butler to occupy and hold places that might be captured by the navy. It was expected that batteries would be found on the bluffs at Port Hudson, Elles's Cliffs, Natchez, and Grand Gulf, but no serious resistance was offered at those places. Williams landed below Elles's Cliffs, and made a circuit in the rear to capture a battery on their crown, but the troops had fled with their guns. There were no signs of opposition at Natchez, but fearing it at Grand Gulf, the troops landed, took possession of the town, and, in retaliation for being fired upon, they burned it before they left. The whole force appeared off Vicksburg on the 26th of June, and that night the gun and mortar boats opened fire on the formidable Confederate batteries there. These were too elevated to be much damaged by the bombardment, and, after two days of almost ineffectual firing, Farragut determined to run by them. This he did without much ha
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 22: the siege of Vicksburg. (search)
n hundred pounds of gunpowder, on the way to Grand Gulf. They pushed on to Union Church, a little br to make a naval attack on the batteries of Grand Gulf. This was done on the morning of the 29th o good road from Bruinsburg (half-way between Grand Gulf and Rodney) to Port Gibson or the Bayou. Pierre, in rear of Grand Gulf, Grant decided to cross at that point. At daylight the next morning theed. Meanwhile Porter was directed to assail Grand Gulf again, but on approaching it, on the 3d of Mis troops down the west side of the river to Grand Gulf. Sherman kept up his menaces until evening,n, intending, in the mean time, to remain at Grand Gulf, and collect there ample supplies of every k engagement; that he should communicate with Grand Gulf no more, unless it should be necessary to se style, that the Yankees had been whipped at Grand Gulf and Port Gibson, and were falling back to seorter, his base of supplies was changed from Grand Gulf to the Yazoo. Let us see what Porter did.[4 more...]
capture of by Price, 3.279. Glendale, battle of, 2.430. Gloucester Point, attempt of W. H. F. Lee to surprise, 3.21. Goldsboroa, N. C., Foster's expedition against, 3.181; capture of by Gen. Schofield, 3.494; junction of Schofleld's, Terry's and Sherman's forces at, 3.503. Goldsborough, Commodore Louis M., naval operations of on the coast of North Carolina, 2.166-2.175. Grafton, National troops at, 1.497; McClellan at, 1. 531. Grand Ecore, Porter's gun-boats at, 3.256. Grand Gulf, batteries at passed by Porter's fleet, 2.603; abandoned by the Confederates, 2.604. Granger, Gen. G., his defense of Franklin against Van Dorn, 3.118; at the battle of Chickamauga, 3.139; operations of against Forts Gaines and Morgan, 3.443. Grant, Gen. U. S., occupies Paducah, 2.76; operations of in Kentucky, 2.85; against Fort Donelson, 2.207-2.234; movements of on the Tennessee, and his victory at Shiloh, 2.261-2.283; operations of against Vicksburg, 2.583-2.591, 608-614; 615-628
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 2: bombardment and fall of Fort Sumter.--destruction of the Norfolk Navy Yard by the Federal officers. (search)
Navy Yard, was the loss of at least twelve hundred fine guns, most of which were uninjured. A number of them were quickly mounted at Sewell's Point to keep our ships from approaching Norfolk; others were sent to Hatteras Inlet, Ocracocke, Roanoke Island and other points in the sounds of North Carolina. Fifty-three of them were mounted at Port Royal, others at Fernandina and at the defences of New Orleans. They were met with at Fort Henry, Fort Donelson, Island No.10, Memphis, Vicksburg, Grand Gulf and Port Hudson. We found them up the Red River as far as the gunboats penetrated, and took possession of some of them on the cars at Duvall's Bluff, on White River, bound for Little Rock. They gave us a three hours hard fight at Arkansas Post, but in the end they all returned to their rightful owners, many of them indented with Union shot and not a few permanently disabled. Had it not been for the guns captured at Norfolk and Pensacola, the Confederates would have found it a difficul
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 6: naval expedition against Port Royal and capture of that place. (search)
ch under him swelled to the proportions of a fleet, all his talents and energies being devoted to the task of making it a formidable force such as the necessities of the case demanded. In this work Captain Foote was assisted by that distinguished engineer, James B. Eads, who planned and built that class of iron-clads known on the Mississippi as turtle backs, which gave such a good account of themselves during the war,and fought their way through many a bloody encounter, from Fort Henry to Grand Gulf, Port Hudson and the Red River. After the capture of Fort Hatteras, Commodore Stringham was relieved of the command at his own request. Two squadrons were organized on the Atlantic coast, one to guard the shores of Virginia and North Carolina under Flag Officer L. M. Golds-borough; the Southern Squadron. extending from South Carolina to the Capes of Florida, was assigned to Flag Officer S. F. Dupont, and the Gulf Squadron to Flag Officer W. W. McKean. Although the capture of the po
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 23: destruction of the ram Arkansas.--capture of Galveston.--capture of the Harriet Lane.--sinking of the Hatteras.--attack on Baton Rouge.--Miscellaneous engagements of the gun-boats. (search)
er. The same summons was given at Vicksburg, where the mayor in the first instance bade defiance to the Army and Navy under Butler and Farragut. The result of the negotiations with the authorities of Vicksburg is best told in the account of the attack by Farragut's squadron, where, owing to the long drawn out negotiations, all the energies of the Confederates had time to concentrate on the defences of the city, which in a month was rendered impregnable against a purely naval attack. Grand Gulf, at that moment a place of no importance, following in the footsteps of its illustrious neighbor Vicksburg, set to work to erect batteries and opened fire on the gun-boats. In consequence of this, Captain Palmer, in the Iroquois, with the other vessels under his command, dropped down the river and shelled the town, the first instance of such a proceeding on the part of our Navy. The little town was set on fire and destroyed. This was considered a great outrage by the Confederates, and w
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 26: siege of Vicksburg. (search)
l Porter would expect me to return when I found that no other boat was sent below. I kept the bunkers of the Indianola full of coal, and would have sunk what remained in the barges; but knowing that if another boat was sent below Vicksburg, I would be expected to supply her with coal, I concluded to hold on to the barges as long as possible. In consequence of having the barges alongside we could make but slow progress against the current, the result of which was, that I did not reach Grand Gulf until the morning of the 24th, at which point and at others above we were fired on by parties on shore. As I knew that it would be as much as I could do to get by the Warrenton batteries before day-light the next morning, I returned the fire of but one party. At about 9.30 P. M. on the 24th, the night being very dark, four boats were discovered in chase of us. I immediately cleared for action, and as soon as all preparations had been completed I turned and stood down the river to mee
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 27: expedition through Steele's Bayou and Deer Creek. (search)
derates. retreat of the Army and Navy. repairing damages. good effect of the expedition. loss to the Confederates. Grand Gulf fortified. a council of war. Grant's decision. the rams run the batteries the Lancaster sunk. the Switzerland joithere was no apparent necessity for it, they went to work to strengthen their left flank also, as far down the river as Grand Gulf, thinking, perhaps, that the gun-boats might pass the batteries at Vicksburg, pass up the Black River, and gain the reaetting through Steele's Bayou. Whether they were influenced by these ideas or not, they proceeded at once to fortify Grand Gulf in such a manner that no vessel could pass up Black River, and with hope that the forts would be strong enough to preveot-hold for an army, and Grant thought a better chance of turning Vicksburg might be found below, between Warrenton and Grand Gulf. Having consulted with Admiral Porter regarding the possibility of passing the batteries at Vicksburg with a suffici
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 28: passage of the fleet by Vicksburg and capture of Grand Gulf.--capture of Alexandria, etc. (search)
uff. Captain Walke captures sharpshooters. Grand Gulf captured. Porter confers with Farragut. upland at Bruensburg, eight or ten miles below Grand Gulf, could have disembarked at the latter point days had passed since the reconnoissance of Grand Gulf by the Admiral and time was lost which couldissance that measures were on foot to attack Grand Gulf, and they worked incessantly to strengthen ts or to any assault from the land forces. Grand Gulf was by nature as strong as Vicksburg, the Coriter, is an instance in point. Speaking of Grand Gulf he says: The vessels were handled with sntage to be gained by landing immediately at Grand Gulf, as was afterwards proven. The military hustice. The night following the attack on Grand Gulf information was obtained from a negro, that oo River the same day the gun-boats attacked Grand Gulf. Accordingly, on that day Sherman moved up rts, after dismantling the fortifications at Grand Gulf, had ascended Red River, had destroyed the w[16 more...]
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