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f spring, were in sharp contrast to the travelworn, weather-beaten, ragged veterans passing over the verdant plain. Lee hastened the march of his troops to Amelia Court House, where he had ordered supplies, but by mistake the train of supplies had been sent on to Richmond. This was a crushing blow to the hungry men, who had beenppomattox and its tributaries. The spring floods impeded, though they did not actually check, Grant's impetuous pursuit of Lee. By the time Lee had reached Amelia Court House (April 5th), Grant's van was at Jetersville. Lee halted to bring up provisions; as he said in his official report, the ensuing delay proved fatal to his plans. The provisions that he expected to find at Amelia Court House were captured by the Federals. The freshet that delayed Grant's pursuit The flooded Appomattox ordered a truce. A meeting with Grant was soon arranged on the basis of the letters already exchanged. The conference of the two world-famous commanders took p
and the railroad bridge at Mattoax. This awkward situation was relieved to some extent by hurriedly laying a rough plank flooring over the rails on the railroad bridge, which made it practicable for vehicles to cross at Mattoax. The crossing to the south side of the Appomattox River having been effected in some confusion, but, owing to the light of the moon, without accident, both the railroad and pontoon bridges were destroyed before daylight; and the engineer troops moved on to Amelia Court House, where some rest but very inadequate rations awaited them. Soon orders came from General Lee to push on to Flat Fort Fisher effect of the naval bombardment of December, 1864 In 1864, a larger force than ever had assembled under one command in the history of the American navy was concentrated before Fort Fisher, North Carolina, under Admiral David D. Porter. Sixty vessels, of which five were ironclads, arrived in sight of the ramparts on the morning of December 20th. After a f
ed that I should grow angry at the toleration of such suicidal weakness, that we strong, intelligent men must bend to a silly proclivity for early news that should advise our enemy days in advance? The newspaper correspondents pitched their tents in the wake of the army, but they themselves were more than likely to be found with the advance-guard. Not a few of the plucky newspaper men fell on the field of battle, while others, like Richardson of the Tribune, endured imprisonment. at Amelia Court House. The courier had to ride southward across a dozen miles of dubious country. It was nip and tuck whether Yank or Reb first laid hands on him, and when he finally reached the wearied leader, and, rousing to the occasion, Grant decided to ride at once through the darkness to Sheridan's side, and set forth with only a little escort and the scout as guide, two staff-officers, thoroughly suspicious, strapped the latter to his saddle, linked his horse with theirs, and cocked their revolvers
orce at Bristoe's Station. In the Wilderness campaign he commanded a regiment in General R. H. Anderson's division. In the battle of the Wilderness, May 6th, he took part in the flank movement which General Longstreet planned to precede his own assault on the Federal lines. Colonel Stewart served also at Spotsylvania and Cold Harbor, and helped to repel the assaults on the Petersburg entrenchments. On the evacuation of Petersburg the next April, he marched with the advance guard to Amelia Court House, and took part in the battle of Sailor's Creek on April 6th. Thus, like many another youth of the South, Colonel Stewart did not give up as long as there was any army with which to fight. boy musicians. Here, at least, the supply far exceeded the demand; there were mere lads of twelve to fourteen all over the land vainly seeking means of enlistment. There were three hundred boys of thirteen or under who actually succeeded in being mustered into the Federal military service. Many
wn up by Grant, to the effect that they would not take up arms against the United States until or unless they were exchanged. This military medallion was devised by the photographer Rockwell during General Lee's stay in Richmond in April, 1865. These facts are furnished by Major Giles B. Cooke (No. 12, above), who had verified them by writing General Lee himself after the surrender. Late in March and early in April, the Federals made Lee's position untenable, and he pressed on to Amelia Court House, where the expected supplies failed him, Richmond having meanwhile surrendered on April 3, 1865. Grant, drawing near, sent Lee on April 7th a courteous call to surrender. Lee, still hoping against hope for supplies, asked Grant's terms. Before the final surrender he took his chance of breaking through the opposing lines, but found them too strong. Then he sent a flag of truce to Grant, and a little before noon on April 9th held a meeting with him in a house at Appomattox Court Hous
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Resources of the Confederacy in 1865--report of General I. M. St. John, Commissary General. (search)
swer to a communication that I wrote to President Davis on Friday night, asking full information of the purpose of the Government, in order that I might meet the responsibilities of my position. He not only directed the Secretary of War to give me all the information possessed by the War Department, but to procure any information that I might ask for from General Lee himself. Being assured that there was no reason to apprehend an evacuation of the city, I went on that evening to my home in Amelia, and returned next day, upon being informed by telegraph of the proposed evacuation. Neither the superintendent of the road nor myself, up to the time that the trains left the city, ever heard of supplies being wanted at Amelia Courthouse, although I had a long interview with the President and Secretary of War alone in my office in reference to the route to be taken by the wagon supply train, and a still longer conversation with the President on the cars during the night on his way to Danvi
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Annual reunion of the Virginia division, A. N. V. (search)
Anglo-Saxon race. Great men never die, Their bones may sodden in the sun, Their heads be hung on castle gates and city walls, But still their spirits walk abroad. Again, gentlemen, permit me to thank you for your kind remembrance of the Army of Tennessee, and to again assure you that it is a pleasure to meet you to-night. Then followed a number of volunteer toasts, which were in turn happily responded to by Colonel James Lingan, President of the Louisiana Division, Army of Tennessee Association; Dr. Carrington, late of the Confederate States navy; Colonel F. R. Farrar ( Johnny Reb ), of Amelia; General Fitz. Lee; Rev. H. Melville Jackson, of Richmond; Major R. W. Hunter, of Winchester, formerly of the Staff of General Edward Johnson, and General John B. Gordon, and General J. A. Early, who always brings down the house. The whole occasion was indeed a joyous one, which renewed many glorious memories and revived hallowed associations which we would not willingly let die.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Correspondence and orders concerning the army of Northern Virginia. (search)
nd was nowhere west of the railroad in that vicinity. Dr. Fontaine, of the Fourth Virginia Cavalry, stated to me that he was last night as high up as Hanover Courthouse and that he saw and heard nothing of them in the region west of the road from Ashland to that point. He also reported that there was no enemy on the stage road from Fredericksburg this side of Gouldin's, eighteen miles south of Fredericksburg. It was reported by citizens that there was a force of the enemy marching by the Amelia road, but of that he knows nothing. I think it probable, from what I learned to-day, that the enemy, being satisfied with temporarily breaking up our railroad communication north, have withdrawn east of these roads, with a view, probably, of concentrating his force nearer Richmond. I omitted to mention in the statement of Captain Fox that he met a citizen of his acquaintance who had been seeking the restoration of some property, and was referred by the parties to whom he applied to Gener
To relieve him, I had to again draw out three brigades under General Anderson, which so weakened our front line that the enemy last night and this morning succeeded in penetrating it near the Cox road, separating our troops around the town from those on Hatcher's Run. This has enabled him to extend to the Appomattox, thus inclosing and obliging us to contract our lines to the city. I have directed the troops from the lines on Hatcher's Run, thus severed from us, to fall back toward Amelia Court-House, and I do not see how I can possibly help withdrawing from the city to the north side of the Appomattox tonight. There is no bridge over the Appomattox above this point nearer than Goode's and Bevil's over which the troops above mentioned could cross to the north side, and be made available to us; otherwise I might hold this position for a day or two longer, but would have to evacuate it eventually; and I think it better for us to abandon the whole line on James River to-night, if pra
On the next day the column moved on to Amelia Court House; it was now joined by the naval battaliobout twenty thousand good rations. At Amelia Court House Ewell's corps made a junction with Lee'sl of supplies intended for Lee's army at Amelia Court House. Though manufactured without one fiber tence, for the collection of supplies at Amelia Court-House. Had any such requisition or communicatived to place supplies for Lee's army at Amelia Court House; that sufficient supplies were in depot regard to the accumulation of rations at Amelia Court-House. . . . The second or third day after the establishment of a depot of supplies at Amelia Court-House, I have to say that I had no informationnowledge of any plan to send supplies to Amelia Court-House. Under such circumstances, with transpolle. In regard to sending supplies to Amelia Court House, he writes: I have never believed thloaded with provisions for Lee's army at Amelia Court House, and that these passenger cars, without [7 more...]
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