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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Pennsylvania Volunteers. (search)
and December 10. Charles City Cross Roads October 26. Battle of Fair Oaks October 27-28. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9, 1865. Dinwiddie C. H. March 31. Five Forks April 1. Gravelly Ford on Hatcher's Run April 2. Near Amelia C. H. April 4-5. Burkesville and Sailor's Creek April 6. Prince Edward's C. H. April 7. Appomattox Court House April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. Duty at Richmond, Va., and in District of Henrico, Dept. of Virginia, to Augustrm October 29. Darbytown Road December 10. Expedition to Fearnsville and Smithfield February 11-15, 1865. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Five Forks April 1. Gravelly Ford, Hatcher's Run, April 2. Deep Creek April 4. Amelia C. H. April 4-5. Prince Edward C. H. April 7. Appomattox Station April 8. Appomattox C. H. April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. March to Lynchburg, Va., April 12-16, thence to Richmond April 16-24. Expedition to Staunton May 5-1
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Pennsylvania Volunteers. (search)
Strawberry Plains, Deep Bottom, August 14-18. Ream's Station August 25. Reconnoissance to Hatcher's Run December 9-10. Hatcher's Run December 9. Dabney's Mills, Hatcher's Run, February 5-7, 1865. Watkins' House, March 25. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Skirmishes on line of Hatcher's and Gravelly Runs March 29-30. Boydton Road and White Oak Road or Hatcher's Run March 31. Sutherland Station April 2. Fall of Petersburg April 2. Flat Creek, near Amelia Court House, April 5. Sailor's Creek April 6. High Bridge, Farmville, April 7. Appomattox Court House April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. March to Washington, D. C., May 2-12. Grand Review May 24. Mustered out May 31, 1865. Regiment lost during service 10 Officers and 188 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 127 Enlisted men by disease. Total 326. 141st Pennsylvania Regiment Infantry. Organized at Harrisburg August 29, 1862, and moved to Was
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, West Virginia Volunteers. (search)
sville December 19-28. Gordonsville December 23. Sheridan's Raid from Winchester February 25-March 25, 1865. Mount Crawford February 28. Waynesboro March 2. Charlottesville March 3. Augusta Court House March 10. Haydensville March 12. Beaver Dam Station March 15. White House March 26. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Dinwiddie Court House March 29-31. Five Forks April 1. Namozine Church and Scott's Corners April 2. Jettersville April 4. Amelia Court House April 5. Sailor's Creek April 6. Stony Point April 7. Appomattox Station April 8. Appomattox Court House April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. Expedition to Danville April 23-29. March to Washington, D. C., May. Grand Review May 23. Mustered out July 8, 1865. Regiment lost during service 10 Officers and 71 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 126 Enlisted men by disease. Total 207. 2nd West Virginia Regiment Cavalry Organized at Parkersbur
he enemy evacuated Petersburg and Richmond, and retreated toward Danville. On the morning of the third pursuit was commenced. General Sheridan pushed for the Danville road, keeping near the Appomattox, followed by General Meade with the Second and Sixth corps, while General Ord moved for Burkesville along the Southside road, the Ninth corps stretched along that road behind him. On the fourth General Sheridan struck the Danville road near Jettersville, where he learned that Lee was at Amelia Court-house. He immediately intrenched himself and awaited the arrival of General Meade, who reached there the next day. General Ord reached Burkesville on the evening of the fifth. On the morning of the fifth, I addressed Major-General Sherman the following communication: Wilson's Station, April 5, 1865. General: All indications now are that Lee will attempt to reach Danville with the remnant of his force. Sheridan, who was up with him last night, reports all that is left, horse, fo
g a despatch from Major-General Sheridan that his army was in position at Amelia Court-house, immediate orders were given for the resumption of the march by the troopning of the sixth of April the three corps were moved in the direction of Amelia Court-house, with the intention of at tacking the enemy, if found there; but soon after moving, intelligence was received that Lee had moved from Amelia Court-house toward Farmville.The direction of the corps was changed, and the six corps moved from idly to that point, as I had learned from my scouts that the enemy was at Amelia Court-house, and everything indicated that they were collecting at that point. On arfive o'clock P. M., I learned without doubt that Lee and his army were at Amelia Court-house. The Fifth corps was at once ordered to intrench, with a view to holdi So soon as I found that the entire army of the enemy was concentrated at Amelia Court-house, I forwarded promptly all the information I had obtained to General Meade
in from Richmond. order of Grant's pursuit. General Lee's New hopes. they are dashed at Amelia Court-house. the Confederates in a starving condition. Lee abandons the route to Danville and makes mountains beyond Lynchburg. With spirits visibly reassured, the retreating army reached Amelia Court-house in the morning of the 4th. But a terrible disappointment awaited it there. Several days lies ran through to relieve the evacuation of the capital, without unloading the stores at Amelia Court-house. Gen. Lee found there not a single ration for his army. It was a terrible revelation. To spirits of his men, and consume the last hope. Meanwhile the forced delay of his army at Amelia Court-house gave Sheridan, who was pursuing with his cavalry, and the Fifth corps, time to strike in he 4th he was reported at Jetersville, on the Danville Railroad, seven miles south west of Amelia Court-house. But it was no longer a question of battle with Gen. Lee; the concern was now simply to e
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 2, Chapter 7: the World's Convention.—1840. (search)
t were hushed. Wendell Phillips tried to read their credentials, Ante, p. 351. These explicitly deprecated the making any sexual distinction in organizing the Convention. but was put down with a kind Memorial of G. Bradburn, p. 77. of promise that he should have a hearing the next day. Thus Mrs. Mott, in her diary, on June 18. On Life, p. 156. June 19: Wendell Phillips again tried to introduce Garrison and company, without success; some angry debate. We all felt discouraged. June 20: Amelia Ibid. Opie stopped us to speak as we went into the meeting, and said, You are held in high estimation, and have raised yourselves by coming. While it cannot be believed, from what has gone before, that the female delegates would under any circumstances have been admitted, the exclusion of Lucretia Mott and other female American Friends was a darling object with the guiding spirits of the Convention. William Howitt wrote to the former on June 27, 1840: I heard of the circumstance of your
hated by Englishmen, 2.365; at World's Convention, 367, favors admission of women, 379; meets G., 379, 383; speech at meeting Brit. and Foreign A. S. S., 382; preparation for speech in Parliament, 383; to speak on India, 388; temperance speech, 396.—Letter to Mrs. Mott, 2.379.—Portrait in Harper's Monthly, July, 1880. Ohio, response to Southern appeal, 2.77; abolitionists opposed to Third Party, 313. Oliver, Gamaliel W., 1.30. Olney, —, Mr., 1.424. Oneida Community, 2.205. Opie, Amelia [1769-1853], praise of female delegates to World's Convention, 2.375, acquaintance with G., 384, hospitality, 387. Orthodox Congregationalists, Conn. manifesto against itinerant moralists, 2.130, 135; Mass. Pastoral Letter, 133-136, 198.—See also J. S. C. Abbott, N. Adams, G. Allen, L. Bacon, L. Beecher, G. W. Blagden, H. Bushnell, A. Cummings, C. G. Finney, C. Fitch, R. B. Hall, J. Le Bosquet, N. Lord, A. A. Phelps, G. Shepherd, C. B. Storrs, M. Stuart, M. Thacher, C. T. Torrey, J. H.
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 13 (search)
the Second Cavalry Division were sent out to support Davies, and some heavy fighting ensued—the Confederates having sent a considerable force of infantry to cut off the latter; but the attempt was thwarted. The night of the 5th, Lee moved from Amelia. His only hope now was to make a race to Farmville (west thirty-five miles), there cross the Appomattox once more, and, by destroying the bridges after him, escape into the mountains beyond Lynchburg. When, therefore, on the morning of the 6th, the whole Army of the Potomac, which, the night previous, had been concentrated at Jetersville, moved northward towards Amelia to give battle to the Confederates, it was found that Lee had slipped past. The direction of the corps was then changed: the Sixth Corps moved from the right to the left; the Second Corps was ordered to move by Deatonsville; and the Fifth and Sixth corps to move in parallel directions on the right and left. As Lee was retreating by the Deatonsville route, this disposi
oyed by fire, and a contribution was made for his relief, in 1700. 4. Joshua, by w. Anna, had Amelia, b. 18 Dec. 1793; Anna Perkins, b. 19 July 1795, d. 14 Sept. 1796; Thomas Gould, b. 26 Sept. 179othy Bigelow, of Groton. Mr. Dana; m. Anna Kendrick, and had at Groton Luther, b. 13 Aug. 1763; Amelia, b. 14 Ap. 1765; Samuel, b. 26, June 1767, June of Court of Common Pleas, in Middlesex; Thesta, f Newton 20 May 1792. Lucy, m. Elijah White 2 Oct. 1796. Lucy, m. Stephen Bacon 23 Nov. 1797. Amelia, m. Ebenezer Brown 21 Ap. 1799. Sarah, m. John Williams of Roxbury 7 May 1804. The last five w788, a student in H. C., d. 27 July 1805, a. 17; Lucinda, b. 12 Dec. 1789, d. unm. 11 Ap. 1864; Amelia, b. 9 Oct. 1791, d. 9 Jan. 1793; Augusta, b. 31 Oct. 1792; Ann Theodora, b. 14 Oct. 1795; Joseph known as Sexton, Undertaker, and Overseer of the Poor. 26. Andrew Newell, s. of Job (18), m. Amelia H., dau. of Royal Stimson, 4 May 1843, and had Amelia Annie, b. 4 Jan. 1846; Susan Elizabeth, b.
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