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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, chapter 30 (search)
You will read of the death of Judge Prescott,—aged eighty-two. He passed away most tranquilly. He had dressed for the day and was in his library, when he was seized with a weakness which in twenty minutes closed in death. His fortune is one of the largest ever left by a lawyer in our part of the world. It is said to be three hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. At last, the Historical Society propose to publish a volume of Transactions. Your article Memoirs of the Pilgrims at Leyden. Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Vol. XXXIX. pp. 42-74. will appear. Dr. Bell, the head of the McLean Asylum for the Insane, goes to Europe, at the request of the Committee in Providence, who are about to establish an asylum there. I think you may promote his views; and I have accordingly asked him to call on you. He has the confidence of the best people here, and is reputed to have peculiar skill in the treatment of the insane. I lead a very quiet life this win
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, A book of American explorers, Book XIV: the Pilgrims at Plymouth (A. D. 1620-1621.) (search)
from the journal of Bradford and Winslow, commonly called Mourt's Relation, London, 1622. (Young, pp. 125-136, 150-162, 167-174, 182-189.) I.—The sailing of the Pilgrims. [the Pilgrims sailed from Delft Haven,—often called by them Delph's Haven,—in Holland, July 22, 1620.] And when the ship was ready to carry us away, the brethren that staid, having again solemnly sought the Lord with us and for us, and we further engaging ourselves mutually as before,—they, I say, that staid at Leyden, feasted us that were to go, at our pastor's house, being large, where we refreshed ourselves, after tears, with singing of psalms, making joyful melody in our hearts, as well as with the voice, there being many of the congregation very expert in music; and indeed it was the sweetest melody that ever mine ears heard. After this, they accompanied us to Delph's Haven, where we were to embark, and there feasted us again. And after prayer performed by our pastor, where a flood of tears was po
17, 1862. Died at Kissimee, Fla., Jan. 13, 1894. Brown, Orlando. Born in Connecticut. First Lieutenant, Assistant Surgeon, 18th Mass. Infantry, July 31, 1861. Major, Surgeon, 29th Mass. Infantry, Dec. 14, 1861. Mustered out, Aug. 6, 1862. Captain, Assistant Quartermaster, U. S. Volunteers, Oct. 13, 1863. Colonel, 24th U. S. Colored Infantry, June 19, 1865. Brevet Brig. General, U. S. Volunteers, Jan. 6, 1866. Mustered out, Aug. 28, 1868. Buckland, Ralph Pomeroy. Born at Leyden, Mass., Jan. 20, 1812. Colonel, 72d Ohio Infantry, Jan. 10, 1862. Commanded the 4th brigade Sherman's division at the battle of Shiloh. Brig. General, U. S. Volunteers, Nov. 29, 1862. Commanded brigade 15th Army Corps at Vicksburg and the district of Memphis in 1864. Resigned Jan. 6, 1865. Brevet Maj. General, U. S. Volunteers, Mar. 13, 1865. Burbank, Sidney. Born in Massachusetts, Sept. 26, 1807. Cadet, U. S. Military Academy, July 1, 1825, to July 1, 1829. Brevet Second Lieutenant,
Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 13: (search)
and 6 wounded. Capt. W. W. Havis' battery lost 1 killed and 1 wounded. In Capt. Evan P. Howell's battery 3 men were killed and 4 wounded. Capt. T. L. Massenburg lost in his battery 1 officer and 3 men wounded. Capt. T. M. Peeples, of Company D, Leyden's Ninth battalion, was engaged on Saturday, and he reported First Lieut. Thomas H. Lovelace seriously wounded in the thigh by a piece of shell, and Privates John Edmonson and W. H. Suddarth slightly wounded. Company E, of the Ninth artillery (LeLeyden's) battalion, commanded by Lieut. William L. Everett, was slightly engaged on Saturday the 19th, losing one horse. On the next day it was actively engaged. It fired upon the enemy's train of wagons, checking their movement through the gap, dismounting one cannon, and compelling the Federals to abandon 30 wagons and several pieces of artillery; also repulsing three successive charges. The loss of the battery was 3 men slightly wounded and 5 horses disabled. Forrest led the pursuit on Mo
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The campaign and battle of Lynchburg. (search)
ops, the energies of the women were directed to the effort of giving food to the hungry and travel-worn troops whose arrival had brought them so much comfort. While the cannon were booming over the hills of the suburbs and the fierce rattle of contending musketry could be heard, our women were bending over the fires cooking rations for the men in the lines, or scraping lint and rolling bandages for the wounded. The first ray of hope restored confidence, and the inhabitants of Londondery or Leyden were not more calm or heroic, or more actively engaged in doing all in their power for defence, than were these women and the old men, who were the only other inhabitants of the city left. The old men, with such weapons as they could procure of every variety of style, were in the trenches across the plateau now known as Rivermont, ready to sacrifice their lives in protecting their loved ones and their homes from the marauding troops which were advancing with a devastating purpose, long si
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 7. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Criticism (search)
should fail, He wiped his brow, and quaffed a cup of good old Flemish ale. Twas purchased by an English squire to please his loving dame, Who saw the cherubs, and conceived a longing for the same; And oft as on the ancient stock another twig was found, Twas filled with caudle spiced and hot and handed smoking round. But, changing hands, it reached at length a Puritan divine, Who used to follow Timothy, and take a little wine, But hated punch and prelacy; and so it was, perhaps, He went to Leyden, where he found conventicles and schnaps, And then, of course, you know what's next,—it left the Dutchman's shore With those that in the Mayflower came,—a hundred souls and more,— Along with all the furniture, to fill their new abodes,— To judge by what is still on hand, at least a hundred loads. Twas on a dreary winter's eve, the night was closing dim, When brave Miles Standish took the bowl, and filled it to the brim; The little Captain stood and stirred the posset with his sword, And a
ry of the Iroquois in New York. Wounded, and repulsed, and destitute of guides, he Chap. I.} 1615, 1616. spends the first winter after his return to America in the country of the Hurons; and a knight errant among the forests carries his language, religion, and influence, even to the hamlets of Algonquins, near Lake Nipissing. Religious disputes combined with commercial jeal- 1617 to 1620 July ousies to check the progress of the colony; yet in the summer, when the Pilgrims were leaving Leyden, in obedience to the wishes of the unhappy Montmorenci, the new viceroy, Champlain, began a fort. The merchants grudged the expense. It is not best to yield to the passions of men, was his reply; they sway but for a season; it is a duty to respect the future; and in a few years the castle St. Louis, so long the place 1624. of council against the Iroquois and against New England, was durably founded on a commanding cliff. In the same year, the viceroyalty was transferred to 1624. the r
y, and quieted their spirits. In 1609, removing to 1609. Leyden, they saw poverty coming on them like an armed man; but, bith them seven articles, from the members of the Church at Leyden, to be submitted to the council in England for Virginia. d not the envoys desired first to consult the multitude at Leyden. On the fifteenth of December, 1617, the Pilgrims transncil-board, when the envoys from the independent Church at Leyden preferred their requests. Who shall make your ministers? did not intimidate the resolved. And now the English at Leyden, trusting in God 1620. and in themselves, made ready for f the congregation; and Robinson was therefore detained at Leyden, while Brewster, the governing elder, who was also able asus away, writes Edward Winslow, the brethren that staid at Leyden, having again solemnly sought the Lord with us and for us,er inconvenience. Robinson and the rest of his church, at Leyden, were suffering from deferred hopes, and were longing to r
George Keith's schism, III. 36. Under Fletcher, 37. New constitution, 42. Delaware forever separated from it, 44. Few checks on popular power, 394 Its governor meets the Iroquois deputies, 455. Military organization, 456 Peorias, III. 197. Pepperell, William, III. 458. Pequods, war with the, I 397, 400. Peters, Hugh, arrives, I. 383. His death, II. 32. Philadelphia founded, II. 389, Philip, King, II. 98. Phipps, William, III. 83. Pilgrims, their flight, I. 301. At Leyden, 302. Sail for America, 307. Arrive at Cape Cod, 309. Land at Plymouth, 313. Their sufferings, 314. Plymouth colony, royal commissioners in, II. 84. Revolution in, 449. United with Massachusetts, II. 81. See Pilgrims. Pocahontas, I. 131, 146. Poisson, Du, III. 361. Pokanokets, II. 98; III. 238. Port Royal founded, I. 26. Its name changed to Annapolis, III. 218. Portugal, voyages of, I. 14. Slavery in, 166. Its colonial system, III. 113. Potawatomies, III. 242.
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 25., Women of the Mayflower and Plymouth Colony. (search)
omen could not afford to be idle. This was the gayest winter Plymouth had yet known. Now we will observe some passing events which were of special interest to the women. In the early summer, into John and Priscilla Alden's home came Elizabeth, called the first-born daughter of the Pilgrims. Then came a wedding of special interest. All Plymouth rejoiced when Patience Brewster married Thomas Prence. Destiny had woven for her a beautiful pattern, with childhood in Scrooby, girlhood in Leyden, and womanhood in Plymouth. A bright, particular star in the galaxy of the women of Plymouth colony. Her young husband reached the important place of governor in a few years. Gray days and golden days passed over Plymouth, each one finding the women busy with the household duties, which did not end with the sunset gun, as the men's labor might. Let us look for a moment at the list of occupations which kept them busy. Candle making; pickling eggs; preserve and cordial making; distillin
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