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Viii. After journeying leisurely through Switzerland, Germany, and the northern part of Italy, taking Berlin, Vienna, Munich, Venice, and Trieste en route, he reached Paris, where he made preparations for his immediate return to America. But in a medical conference held by Dr. Brown-Sequard, Dr. George Hayward, and the illustrious French practitioner, Dr. Trousseau, he was informed that death would be the inevitable result of so rash an undertaking. Escaping, therefore, from all the excitements of Paris, which meant the excitements of Europe, he fled to Montpelier, in the south of France, where he led a life of absolute retirement. Every day he was cupped on the spine, and three-quarters of his time was spent on his bed or sofa, sleeping whenever he could, but finding his chief recreation in reading; although he would frequently attend the public lectures at the College, on History and Literature.
Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 1, Mobs and education. (search)
emble, the settlement of which is identical with the surviving of our government,--a topic upon which every press, every legislature, every magistrate, south of Mason and Dixon's line, flings defiance at the Union, amid the plaudits of Mr. Fay and his friends. What day was it? The anniversary of the martyrdom of the only man whose name stirs the pulses of Europe in this generation. [Derisive laughter.] English statesmen confess never to have read a line of Webster. You may name Seward in Munich and Vienna, in Pesth or in Naples, and vacant eyes will ask you, Who is he? But all Europe, the leaders and the masses, spoke by the lips of Victor Hugo, when he said, The death of Brown is more than Cain killing Abel; it is Washington slaying Spartacus. [Laughter from some parts of the hall, and from others applause.] What was the time of this meeting? An hour when our Senators and Representatives were vindicating the free speech of Massachusetts in Washington, in the face of armed m
James Parton, Horace Greeley, T. W. Higginson, J. S. C. Abbott, E. M. Hoppin, William Winter, Theodore Tilton, Fanny Fern, Grace Greenwood, Mrs. E. C. Stanton, Women of the age; being natives of the lives and deeds of the most prominent women of the present gentlemen, Harriet G. Hosmer. (search)
Europe, further details may be then arranged. I have the honor to remain, gentlemen, Respectfully yours, H. G. Hosmer. In accordance with her purpose, Miss Hosmer visited St. Louis, Jefferson City, and other places, examining portraits and mementos of Col. Benton to supply herself with materials for the work. The next year she submitted photographs of her model to the commissioners and to his relatives, by whom they were unanimously approved. The plaster cast was sent from Rome to Munich to be cast at the royal foundry, the most celebrated in the world. In due time the statue arrived at the city of its destination; but partly on account of the war, more especially on account of hesitation in regard to the site, it remained three years or more boxed as it came from Europe. The location was at last fixed in Lafayette Park; and on the 27th day of May, 1868, the inauguration of the statue took place with imposing religious and patriotic ceremonies, in presence of a vast concou
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 21: Germany.—October, 1839, to March, 1840.—Age, 28-29. (search)
ed Innsbruck on the morning of the ninth. After a week at Munich, he went to Passau, thence in a small boat down the Danube honor abroad. Letters. To George S. Hillard. Munich, Oct. 18, 1839. dear Hillard,—The day after I wrote you in his own carriage, urged me to take a place with him to Munich,—a distance of nearly five hundred miles. This luxury of tg Hungarians played. After one day at Innsbruck, left for Munich,—a day and a night. In the malle-postefound a very pleasarret. Vienna, Oct. 26. At length in Vienna. Left Munich in the eilwagen Stage-coach. for Passau; rode a day and. My friend Parkes, whom I encountered with his family at Munich, says that his friends, such as Charles Austin and Grote, e present. As ever, C. S To George W. Greene, Rome. Munich, Oct. 18, 1839. Part of a letter begun in Italy. An dwarfs all that I have ever seen of the kind in America. Munich is a nice place. The king is a great patron of art. His g<
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Vienna, Oct. 26. (search)
Vienna, Oct. 26. At length in Vienna. Left Munich in the eilwagen Stage-coach. for Passau; rode a day and night. At Passau, with an English friend, chartered a little gondola, or skiff, down the Danube, seventy miles, to Linz; dropped with the current, through magnificent scenery, till towards midnight, and stopped at a little village on the banks. To our inquiries, if they ever saw any English there, we were told they should as soon expect to see the Almighty; and I was asked if Ame think him reserved and not a conversationist. Creswell told Sumner, when they met at Venice, that Webster was thought very reserved and solemn. Sydney Smith calls him the Great Western. My friend Parkes, whom I encountered with his family at Munich, says that his friends, such as Charles Austin and Grote, were disappointed in his attainments. Parkes insists that on my return to London I shall stay with him in his house in Great George Street. He was highly gratified to know the author of t
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 23: return to his profession.—1840-41.—Age, 29-30. (search)
animates the rulers of both our countries. We love England; and I hope you will believe it, notwithstanding the vulgar cries to the contrary. Believe me ever and ever, dear Morpeth, Sincerely yours, Charles Sumner To his brother George, Munich. Washington's Headquarters, Cambridge, April 18, 1841. dear George,—It is Sunday, and I am Longfellow's guest. One of my greatest pleasures is of a Saturday afternoon to escape from Boston and find shelter here. We dine late, say between fiable. I envy you six months in Germany. I was not there long enough to learn the language as I wished. Another six months would make me master of it and of its literature . . . . Ever affectionately yours, Charles. To his brother George, Munich. Washington's Headquarters, Cambridge, Sunday, May 9, 1841. dear George,—Once again from the headquarters of our great chief. Since I last wrote you, Mrs. Craigie, the widow of the builder of Craigie's Bridge and the owner of this house, has
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, chapter 14 (search)
e and water have not yet entirely cured me; but I trust that their results will continue to develop in me. Every day I hope to turn the corner. Thence he went to Munich and on to Worms, down the Rhine to Cologne, and after a night at St. Quentin was in Paris by the middle of November. He wrote to E. L. Pierce from Worms, Novem, as his presence will tell for it incalculably on the floor of Congress. All alone I gave three cheers on the night of the election, and startled the streets of Munich. In this country there has been a constant snow-storm, which has outdone all that I have ever seen of snow at this season. At Munich there were six inches in thMunich there were six inches in the streets,— And dark as winter was the flow Of Iser rolling rapidly. Excuse this scrawl, which I write in the public room of an humble inn while two Germans near me are discussing poetry and sipping coffee. To Dr. Howe, from the steamer on the Rhine, November 10: In my rapid rambles I have enjoyed much of nature
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.), Book III (continued) (search)
rican humour, then, may claim to be of a different school from the comedy of the Old World, operating on human nature by the lenitives and tonics of mirth instead of by the scalpel of criticism. One of the most decided believers in recreative humour was a man of many interests whose humorous writing was originally done merely for his own amusement. Charles Godfrey Leland (1824-1903), a native of Philadelphia and a graduate of Princeton, after three years of student life at Heidelberg and Munich and three days as captain of a barricade in the Paris revolution of 1848, found the practice of law in the city of his birth a listless occupation. Turning journalist, he worked successively as managing editor under P. T. Barnum and R. W. Griswold. He gave early and able support to Lincoln's administration, besides seeing service in an emergency regiment during the Gettysburg campaign. The later years of his long life were spent in cultivating a wide circle of friends in America and Europ
Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1, Chapter 12: Greece and other lands 1867; aet. 48 (search)
n spite — perhaps partly because — of the fact that a high price was set on his head) and the various colonies of refugees, the Doctor felt that further aid must be obtained. Accordingly, the journeyings of the little party after leaving Greece were for the most part only less hurried than the earlier ones, the exception being a week of enchantment spent in Venice, awaiting the Doctor, who had been called back to Athens at the moment of departure. The Journal tells of Verona, Innsbriick, Munich. Then came flying glimpses of Switzerland, with a few days' rest at Geneva, where she had the happiness of meeting her sister once more; finally, Paris and the Exposition of 1867. After a visit to Napoleon's tomb, she writes: Spent much of the afternoon in beginning a piece of tapestry after a Pompeiian pattern copied by me on the spot. Worsted work was an unfailing accompaniment of her journeyings in those days; indeed, until age and weariness came upon her, she never failed to have
Mormon Tabernacle, II, 137. Morpeth, see Carlisle, Earl of. Morris, Gouverneur, I, 7, 8. Morse, E. S., II, 169. Morse, William, II, 108. Mosby, John, II, 253. Mothers' Peace Day, I, 318, 319, 345. Mott, Lucretia, I, 285, 304; I, 108. Moulton, Louise C., II, 161, 169, 171, 273. Verse by, 335. Mounet-Sully, Jean, II, 195. Mt. Auburn, I, 183; II, 290, 294. Mt. Holyoke, I, 251. Mozart, W. A., I, 45; II, 351. Mozier, Joseph, I, 271. Mozumdar, II, 87. Munich, I, 278. Murray, Gilbert, II, 361. Murray, Lady, Mary, II, 361. Music, power of, I, 44. Musical Festivals, Boston, I, 222, 223, 225, 227, 290. Mycenae, II, 5, 43. Nantes, revocation of Edict of, I, 10. Naples, I, 53, 54, 97; II, 30. Napoleon I, I, 229, 230, 278; II, 102, 284. Napoleon II, II, 26. Napoleon III, I, 300, 301, 310. National American Woman Suffrage Association, I, 365. National Gallery, I, 314. National Peace Society, I, 43. National Sail
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