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The Daily Dispatch: January 27, 1865., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: January 31, 1865., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 24: (search)
er goes out to walk or take exercise, and his physician—Carus—says these readings are physically useful to him as substitutes. He gave me my choice of what he should read, after I arrived, so that there was no possibility of preparation; and he read the whole through at once, without the least pause, without speaking or being spoken to. It occupied a little more than two hours and a half, and did not fatigue him in the least, so fine is his organ. . . . . I hope I shall hear him often. January 22.—There was a small party at Count Baudissin's A few days earlier, Mr. Ticknor wrote: We went to Count Baudissin's and found a beautiful family group sitting round the table in the early evening, for it is the fashion here to make calls, at this season of the year, after candlelight. The family consists of the Count and his wife, and their two nieces, one married to a French marquis, and the other just come out, both very beautiful. . . . . The Count is a rich Holstein nobleman, who has<
cations, Jan. 27 to May 31, 1864. Organizing siege train for the armies operating against Richmond Apr. 20 to May 10, 1864. In command of the siege artillery of the Army of the James, May 13 to June 23, 1864, and of the armies operating against Richmond, June 23, 1864, to Jan. 5, 1865. Brevet Brig. General, U. S. Volunteers, Aug. 1, 1864. Chief of artillery of the expedition to Fort Fisher, N. C., Jan. 5-22, 1865; in command of the siege artillery of the armies operating against Richmond, Jan. 22 to July 13, 1865. Engaged in the siege of Petersburg till Apr. 2, 1865, including the Mine assault July 30, 1864; battle of Fort Steadman, Mar. 25 and assault of the rebel entrenchments, Apr. 2, 1865. Brevet Maj. General, U. S. Volunteers, Mar. 13, 1865. Brevet Lieut. Colonel, Colonel and Brig. General, U. S. Army, Mar. 13, 1865. Chief of artillery of the department of Virginia, May 10 to July 13, 1865; in command of brigade in the defences of Washington, D. C., July 15 to Sept. 25, 1865;
Journal, Jan. 21, 1861, p. 4, col. 4. —Reports of debate about preparing for war; Senate of Massachusetts. Boston Evening Journal, Jan. 21, 1861, p. 1, col. 5; Jan. 22, p. 1, col. 5. —Companies meet in Braintree, Salem, Charlestown, Marblehead and Boston, to revise their rolls, with a view to readiness to go out of the State.acter of the rebellion. North American Rev., vol. 95, p. 500. —Constitutionality of personal liberty law. Boston Evening Journal, Jan. 19, 1861, p. 2, col. 4; Jan. 22, p. 2, col. 3; Jan. 28, p. 2, col. 3; Jan. 31, p. 4, col. 6; Feb. 2, p. 2, col. 4. —Domestic and foreign relations of the United States. North American Rev., rial comment. Boston Evening Journal, Jan. 5, 1861, p. 2, cols. 1-7. —Constitutionality of. Joel Parker. Boston Evening Journal, Jan. 19, 1861, p. 2, col. 4; Jan. 22, p. 2, col. 3; Jan. 28, p. 2, col. 3; Jan. 31, p. 4, col. 6; Feb. 2, p. 2, col. 4. —Discussion in Massachusetts Senate of new bill. Boston Evening Journa
, requesting him to take the subject into consideration. His answer to this note was delayed no longer than was necessary to prepare it in proper form. On the 22d January it was communicated to these Senators in a letter from the Secretary of War. This contained an express refusal to enter into the proposed agreement. Mr. Holt ness of this legal proposition. The question of reenforcing Fort Sumter is so fully disposed of in my letter to Senator Slidell and others, under date of the 22d of January, a copy of which accompanies this, that its discussion will not now be renewed. I then said: At the present moment it is not deemed necessary to reenforce M P. S.—The President has not, as you have been informed, received a copy of the letter to yourself from the Senators, communicating that of Mr. Holt of the 22d January. This letter of Mr. Holt, though firm and decided in character, is courteous and respectful, both in tone and in terms. It reviews the subject in an able
er, supplied with provisions and placed in perfect security, until an adequate force had arrived to defend it against any attack. The fort has ever since been in our possession. General Scott, in his report to President Lincoln, speaks of this arrangement in the hostile spirit toward President Buchanan which pervades the whole document. He condemns it without qualification. He alleges that the Brooklyn, with Captain Vogdes' company alone, left the Chesapeake for tort Pickens about January the 22d, and on the 29th President Buchanan, having entered into a quasi armistice with certain leading seceders at Pensacola and elsewhere, caused Secretaries Holt and Toucey to instruct, in a joint note, the commanders of the war vessels off Pensacola, and Lieutenant Slemmer, commanding Fort Pickens, to commit no act of hostility, and not to land Captain Vogdes' company unless the fort should be attacked. He washes his hands of all knowledge of the transaction by declaring, That joint note I
d; disease, glanders. Jan. 13. Capt. J. Henry Sleeper returned from furlough. Jan. 16. Lieut. Henry H. Granger returned from furlough. One horse shot, by order Inspector General Jan. 17. Privates Nesbitt and Maxwell and Artificer Stowell reported to quarters. Jan. 19. Privates Nesbitt and Maxwell reported for duty. Corporal Currant and Private Hill reported for duty. Jan. 20. Private Maxwell reported to quarters. Jan. 21. Serg't George H. Putnam reported to quarters. Jan. 22. Private John W. Bailey returned from furlough and reported for duty. Jan. 23. Sergeant Geo. H. Putnam, Corp'l Currant, Artificer Stowell reported for duty. Private Richard Horrigan discharged Jan. 2, 1864. Jan. 24. Win. A. Trefry returned from hospital and reported for duly. Jan. 25. Arthur A. Blandin reported to quarters. Pierce T. Hill reported for duty. Received 8 horses from Lieut. Case, A. A. Q. M., and turned over 15 horses to Capt. L. H. Pierce. Jan. 26. Pierce T. Hi
l and James Gallagher joined the Battery. Private J. M. Ramsdell returned to duty from general hospital. Corporal B. C. Clark and L. Ham reported to quarters. Jan. 19. Private L. Ham reported to quarters. Jan. 20. Private Michael Campbell on furlough of 15 days to Boston, Mass. Private J. L. W. Thayer returned to duty from brigade hospital; Private E. A. Hill sent to brigade hospital; Corp. Clark and Private Ham excused. Private A. L. Gowell on pass of 48 hours to 54th (?) Corps. Jan. 22. Two horses received from Capt. Ellsworth, A. Q. M. Art'y Brigade, 2nd Corps. Corp. B. C. Clark reported to quarters. Jan. 23. Private J. L. W. Thayer sent to brigade hospital. Private L. Ham reported to quarters. Private A. L. Gowell returned from absence with leave. Eight horses received from Capt. Ellsworth A. Q. M. Art'y Brig. 2nd Corps. Jan. 25. Privates G. H. Nichols and L. E. Hunt reported to quarters. Jan. 26. Corp. G. A. Pease reported to duty from. brigade hospital.
Daniel Ammen, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.2, The Atlantic Coast (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter VIII Hatteras InletRoanoke Island. (search)
anded the troops, arrived on January 13th. Owing, however, to a lack of water for days before, few or none of the vessels had crossed the bulkhead; on the 15th, however, the naval vessels, having least draught in general, began crossing, and by the 23d all of them that had arrived up to that time were over the bulkhead. The Whitehall, in getting across the outer bar, or within the inlet from the sea, was so injured that she had to be sent to Hampton Roads for repairs. Not before the 22d of January had General Burnside made any considerable progress in getting the army transports over the bulkhead, and from the facts above stated, the last naval vessel was delayed until the 28th of January, and the last of the army transports until February 5th. For the time being, the river steamer Philadelphia was the flag-ship of Rear-Admiral Goldsborough; the naval vessels intended for action were as follows: Stars and Stripes, Lieutenant-Commanding Reed Werden, and flag-ship of Commander S.
Col. J. Stoddard Johnston, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.1, Kentucky (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 15: (search)
aybreak on the morning of the 4th. My division, moving on the Manchester road, was the rear of Hardee's corps. The Ninth Kentucky, Forty-first Alabama, and Cobb's battery, all under the command of Colonel Hunt, formed a special rear guard. The enemy did not follow us. My acknowledgments are due to Col. J. Stoddard Johnston, Lieutenant-Colonel Brent, and Lieutenant-Colonel Garner, of General Bragg's staff, and to Major Pickett of Lieutenant-General Hardee's staff, for services on Friday, January 22nd. Many a home in Kentucky was filled with mourning by this battle, and the Orphan brigade long lamented the death of its beloved commander. Gen. Roger Weightman Hanson had served as lieutenant in the Mexican war, and to great gallantry as a soldier and the accomplishments of an able lawyer united the rare qualities which made him respected as a commander and endeared to all as a comrade. As colonel of the Second Kentucky, whose fate he shared at Donelson, he had brought it up to
storm of rain and snow. There was no fighting, but the object of the demonstration was accomplished, for during its continuance, rebel reenforcements were detained at Columbus, Nashville was threatened, and Brigadier-General George H. Thomas, one of Buell's subordinates, fought and won the battle of Mill Spring, in east Kentucky. Smith, on his return, reported that the capture of Fort Henry was feasible: Two guns would make short work of the fort. Grant received this report on the 22d of January, and forwarded it at once to Halleck; the same day he obtained permission to visit St. Louis, the headquarters of the department. He had asked this leave as early as the 6th of the month, before the recent demonstration had been ordered, and again on the 20th, before Smith's report was made. On the 23d, he started for St. Louis. The express object of his visit was to procure Halleck's permission to take Forts Henry and Donelson; but when he attempted to broach the subject, Halleck sil
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