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im, but his father would not consent to have him go; but he went with him to Springfield, then returned home. The company that 'listed under my grandfather were from a number of towns: all that went from Menotomy returned, except Thomas Robbins [should be Joseph, not Thomas Robbins—see History of Precinct under 1768], who died in a fit. Father recollects going to meeting, and when I read the sermon to him, it was fresh in his memory.* * * My father is now almost 104 years old, or will be 22d January, if he lives to see that day. He has failed a great deal for the year past, but now he is so that he can walk about, often without a staff. He reads but very little to what he did a year ago. He used to read nearly one half of the time for a number of years. John Adams died 26 Feb. 1849, aged 104 years, 1 month, 4 days. 3. Joseph, s. of Joseph (1), adm. Camb. ch. 3 Dec. 1738, and to Pct. ch. at organization 9 Sept. 1739; m. Martha, dau. of Ephraim Frost, 10 Jan. 1740, who was adm.
power, as the highest peace-officer in the realm. Cromwell next attempted an alliance with the property of the country. Affecting contempt for the regicide republicans, who, as his accomplices in crime, could not forego his protection, he prepared to espouse the cause of the lawyers, the clergy, and the moneyed interest. Here, too, he was equally unsuccessful, The moneyed interest loves dominion for itself; it submits reluctantly to dominion; and his second parlia- 1654 Sept. to 1655, Jan. 22. ment, chosen on such principles of reform as rejected the rotten boroughs, and, limiting the elective franchise to men of considerable estate, made the house a fair representation of the wealth of the country, was Chap XI.} equally animated by a spirit of stubborn defiance. The parliament first resisted the decisions of the council of Cromwell on the validity of its elections, next vindicated freedom of debate, and, at its third sitting, called in question the basis of Cromwell's author
a later day. If you will not comply, said the King, it must Chap. XLII.} 1770. Jan. make an eternal breach between us. Yorke gave way, was reproached by Hardwicke his brother, and by Rockingham; begged his brother's forgiveness, kissed him and parted friends; and then with a fatal sensibility to fame Burke, i. 303. went home to die by his own hand. His appalling fate scattered dismay among the Ministry, and encouraged the opposition to put forth its utmost energies. On the twenty-second of January, Rockingham, overcoming his nervous weakness, summoned resolution to make a long speech in the House of Lords. He turned his eyes, however, only towards the past, condemning the policy of George the Third, and defending the old system of English government, which restrained the royal prerogative by privilege. While the leader of the great Whig party cherished no hope of improvement from any change in the forms of the Constitution, the aged and enfeebled Chatham, once more the man
list of letters remaining in the Medford Post Office, and advertised by Postmaster James C. Winnek. There were 131 of them. Such was the first venture in Medford journalism, and certainly Editor Morgan and Publisher Moody made a creditable showing, and deserved success. Possibly the readers of the Register may inquire: Did the Medford people of a half century ago appreciate the effort and rally to its support? We regret to say that evidently they did not, as in the third issue, on January 22, there was in its columns A Last Appeal, in which the editor and publisher, while not expecting large things, confessed disappointment. They, however, continued its publication for three months, during which time, several correspondents made use of its columns in letters of encouragement, on public improvements and appeal for action at town meeting on various matters. The various lectures of the Medford Lyceum were reported, and this seems to have been well attended. Then there was th
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 20., Notes Epistolary and Horticultural. (search)
ens, were then well known. His catalogs give a list of imported trees, and also one of trees obtained from people in the United States, and as we find the Bartlett listed in the latter, from Boston, and the Bon Chretien in the former, we may fairly assume Mr. Hall's trees were imported stock, quite likely obtained at Prince's. Probably the Bartlett pear found a home in Medford in the early part of the nineteenth century. Though we have a local horticultural society established in 1913 (January 22), interest in the culture of fruits and flowers in this city antedates it by many years. Horticulture had a cordial reception in the early days of Medford, even back as far as the building of the house of Matthew Cradock. The grounds of the Royall estate were known far and wide, and mention has been made in the Register of fine gardens of a later date belonging to well-known families that were justly celebrated. Some exist today, and in many small gardens fine flowers and fruits have
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 22., A Medford garden and the gardener's notes. (search)
tatoes May 17 Quince tree in blossom 17 Peas in Blossom June th 4 pickd the first Strawburrys July the 1 had the first new potatoes August the 4 Picked the first peach August 23 Cactus Triangularius Blossom October the 16 Got the plants into the Green House October 17 had the first frost. December 17 1827 Pickd. 18. Lemons witch weighed 18 lbs. 2 oz. Large weighed, 22. oz. Measured 17 inches one way 13, the other. 1828 Jan. th 16. pickd the first Jappan Rose Jan. 22 Glass down to Zero at Sunrise March th 9, Soed the first Peas & Reddishes March the 17 Nobless Peach in Blossom April th 1 Soed the Peas in the upper garden April the 1 Soed the Seeds in the Hotbead April th 7 The Multifloer Rose in Blossom April the 20 the Cluster Rose in full blossom May th 13 first pashion flower in blossom May th 16 Sot out the annual Flower plants June the 8 had the first pees June the 8 had the first strawberries June the 16 Got the p
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 22., Medford a century ago—1819. (search)
in and out of the poor-house. While it is still true that the poor always ye have with you, and it was to Medford's credit that they have been cared for, yet the above proportion seems unnaturally excessive, and in looking for the cause, thinking men were alarmed and formed that society with the long name a century ago. Thus far we have quoted from the town meeting records, now turn to those of the selectmen written by the clerk in another volume. At their first meeting in 1819, on January 22, we find: Voted, That the following names be posted up in the houses and shops of all Taverns, Innholders and Retailers within said town as a list of the names of persons reputed common drunkards, common tipplers, spending their time and estate in such houses, to wi<*> [Here follow seven names which in courtesy we omit.] The selectmen were required thus to do. As the annual town meeting was in March, the fiscal year ended on February 15, but a century ago the reports were not printe
Hanover county. --A meeting of the citizens of Hanover, who desire to maintain the rights of the South in the Union will be held at the Court-House, on Tuesday, Jan. 22d, (Court-day,) to select a candidate for the Convention. ja 17--5t
[special Dispatch to the Richmond Dispatch.] meeting in Lynchburg Lynchburg, Va., Jan. 22. --A meeting held here to-night to nominate candidates for the State Convention adopted resolutions almost unanimously that the Convention should pass an Ordinance of Secession, unless the controversy between the Government and Southern States should be adjusted before that time.--A committee was appointed to make nominations.
Repeal of the Personal liberty bill by the Rhode Island Senate. Providence, R., I., Jan. 22. --The Senate of this State, to-day, repealed the Personal Liberty Bill, by a vote of 21 to 9. The subject of repeal was warmly discussed in the House, and postponed until Thursday next.
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