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vannah last week. The Fifteenth and Seventeenth corps went in transports to Beaufort on Saturday, the 14th. The Seventeenth corps, under Major-General Blair, crossed Port Royal ferry, and, with a portion of General Foster's command, moved on Pocotaligo. General Howard, commanding that wing of the army, reported, on Sunday, the 15th, that the enemy abandoned his strong works in our front on Saturday night.--General Blair's corps now occupies a strong position across the railroad, covering all approaches eastward to Pocotaligo. A mistake prevails at the North as to the present inducement for commerce at Savannah. There is not yet any large population to be supplied, no credit or money, no commodities of exchange, and there can be no great amount for a considerable period. All the cotton and products now within Savannah belong to the Government, as captured property. Stringent precautions against supplies that might go to the enemy have been made, and will be enforced
ce been ascertained, was recalled after it had proceeded some fifteen miles. The force dispatched to Beaufort, however, moved out from Port Royal on the 13th, and on the 14th it encountered our advance, (Colcock's cavalry,) and drove it back on Pocotaligo, which was evacuated by General McLaws during the following night without loss of men or material. General McLaws took up position behind the Combahee, after destroying the bridges by which he crossed that river. From Pocotaligo to BranchvPocotaligo to Branchville the distance does not exceed forty-five miles, and can be easily accomplished in three days. The enemy once firmly established on the railroad, either at Branchville or some point nearer Augusta, and the fall of Charleston becomes only a question of time, and a short time at that. We may leave it to the President and General Lee to decide what effect such a movement would have upon Richmond and the Army of Northern Virginia.--At Branchville, Sherman's flanks would be protected by the Edist
the enemy in his front, and, it is said, captured a portion of their picket line. We received no Northern papers yesterday, most probably in consequence of our naval operations. The only intelligence received from the South yesterday was the announcement from General Hardee that the enemy were making no demonstrations on the Salkehatchie. To go to Branchville, Sherman must cross the Big and Little Salkehatchie rivers, which flow together and form the Combahee a few miles north of Pocotaligo. Mr. Blair, peace missionary, left the city yesterday morning for Grant's lines by flag-of-truce boat. Nothing is known of what passed between him and the President during their frequent interviews. From what dropped from Mr. Blair in conversation with his friends here, some have inferred that he proposed some such visionary scheme as reconstruction, the South to retain its peculiar institution untouched, and the Yankees to pay for all the negroes they had stolen. Any speculations
sfully against Fort Fisher. The report that the Tallahassee had been captured while attempting to run into the Cape Fear river is discredited by the War Department. An official dispatch from General Hardee, dated on the 24th, says there are no movements being made by the enemy on either side of the Savannah river.--That is, that Sherman was not demonstrating against either Augusta or Branchville; but, on Wednesday, it was reported in Charleston that the enemy were withdrawing from Pocotaligo, and that a large column was moving from Savannah up the Augusta road. It was reported yesterday that the President had appointed General R. E. Lee General-in Chief of the Armies of the Confederate States, and had assigned General Joseph E. Johnston to the command of the Army of Northern Virginia. The general expectation had been that General Johnston would be assigned to the command of our forces now confronting Sherman, in South Carolina. General Curtis Lee has been made a maj
day, but it was not much in demand, and there was a prospect of a decline. From the South--Sherman's movements. Reports from Charleston say that Augusta and Branchville are now Sherman's objective points. The Twentieth army corps occupies Robertsville, a point on the Savannah river, fifty miles above Savannah. A heavy force of artillery, infantry and cavalry, consisting of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth corps, is reported to be encamped near the junction of the Salkehatchie and Old Union roads. On Monday, the enemy advanced in force from White Point and drove our skirmish line to King's creek; but were subsequently driven back; and our skirmish line re-established. Since then there has been quiet on the Combahee at that point. On the same evening they made a demonstration on our position protecting the pontoon bridge over the Salkehatchie, but without result. It is reported that on Tuesday night they burnt McPhersonville, five miles northwest of Pocotaligo.
ty last week, and is now on their march. The advance has already reached Sisters's ferry, which is some sixty miles above this city. Owing to the late heavy rains, the roads thus far have been almost impassable, and the march necessarily slow, but the worst is now over. The next definite news you get from them will, no doubt, be through rebel sources. The right wing, composed of the Fifteenth and Seventeenth corps, as you are aware, struck the Charleston and Savannah railroad near Pocotaligo, several days ago. General Sherman's headquarters are still at Beaufort, from which point he will join the army as soon as it has fairly got out into the wilderness. Thus far the army has met no opposition worth naming, and the probability is there will be none till we reach the Roanoke river. Hardee left this city with twelve thousand men, five thousand of whom were Georgia militia, and have since been disbanded. His entire force at Charleston now cannot be over fifteen thousand,
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