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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.12 (search)
ised the current of her blood, she exclaimed: This is splendid! Oh, my! Is not that first-rate? I guess we will be in Richmond this time to-morrow. Continuing, the English chronicler says: The politicians who had come out to see the triumph of the Union arms, exclaimed: We have them whipped at all points. We have taken all their batteries. They are retreating as fast as they can, and we are after them. The Congressmen shook hands and cried out: Bully for us! Bravo! Didn't I tell you so? Later in the day, however, these sanguine claims were changed to tones of dismay. The Black horses had made their appearance and created such consternation among McDowell's men that they were magnified into thousands. Another glimpse of the black horsemen was followed by shouts from the terrified Federals, Cavalry! Cavalry! Then some one raised their fears by remarking, There will be cavalry after them soon enough; 20,000 of the best horsemen in the world in
nt Lincoln, notwithstanding all its threats of coercion, is pronounced a pacific document, and it is declared that he does not believe what he says when he threatens coercion, and that he has not the means to enforce it. Senator Douglas rises in his place in the Senate, and declaring the Message eminently peaceful, says he is informed, by military men, that an army of ten thousand soldiers, and the whole navy of the United States, would not be sufficient to reinforce Maj. Anderson! Bravo, South Carolina! All hail, gallant and glorious people! But if the Government of the United States, with its whole Navy and ten thousand men, can not even take the single town of Charleston, what becomes of the ridiculous prediction that, if the whole South, instead of one little State, had gone out in November, it would have been overcome by the Black Republicans? If it takes ten thousand men and the whole U. S. Navy to capture one little city, how many men and how large a Navy would it
s in the shade of the buggy; my horse was eating and resting, and I was forced to give him half an hour or more before I mounted, and meantime tried to make out the plan of battle, but all was obscure and dark. Suddenly up rode an officer, with a crowd of soldiers after him, from the village. "We've whipped them on all points!" he shouted, "We've taken their batteries, and they are retreating!" Such an uproar as followed. The spectators and the men cheered again and again, amid cries of "Bravo," "Bully for us," "Didn't I tell you so?" and guttural "hochs" from the Deutschland folks and loud "hurrahs" from the Irish. A walk towards the front — the Army wagons and first symptoms of a retreat. Soon afterwards my horse was brought up to the hill, and my friend and the gentleman I have already mentioned set out to walk towards the front — the latter to join his regiment if possible, the former to get a closer view of the proceedings. As I turned down into the narrow road, o
he corpse. "Hold!" he cried, bringing the musket quick to his shoulder: "Hold or 1 fire!" And, with his piece at aim, he advanced towards the spot where the object had stopped; as he came to within a few yards of it, it started again toward the camp. "Diable!" cried Pierre; "move any further and I fire. What, Pardieu? Le Prince. Ho! ho! why, Prince!" The animal turned and made a motion as though he would leap up on to the sentinel's bosom, but he motioned him off. "Bravo, Prince!" Pierre cried, reaching forth his hand and patting the head of the shagg beast, which had now sat upon his haunches. Pierre recognized the intruder now as a great dog, of the breed of St. Bernard, which had been owned in the regiment for over a year, and which had now been missing for over week. He had disappeared one night from the pickets, and all search for him had been unavailing. "Parblieu! mon grand Prince!" Pierre uttered, as though the dog could understand every word
band cringed and cowered with apprehension, she stood firm as a rock, and abused the whole concern. They were all fools and cravens, she said. She refused a body guard; ordered Lane, who posted a band of men in the Executive Mansion, to leave the house; avowed her determination to preserve her own reputation at all hazards. In truth, she did so. Nobody can question the pluck of that woman. She is full of spirit, fire and purpose. She looks like a red-hot cannon ball, dressed in profuse hoops, with eyes, and nose, and mouth cut on one side of it — a little, chubby, flushed-faced woman, used to command. Nothing could suppress her. She walked the street with a lofty air. She rode out in the afternoon in her carriage, unattended. She stood, her ground, in a word, with the courage of St. George, and the Dragon to boot, and came out of the ordeal, a fortnight later, when troops arrived, and mob gave way to martial law, looking healthier and heartier than ever. Bravo, Mrs. Lincoln!
s to avoid. The election is therefore with you. But it becomes my duty to notify you to remove the women and children from the city within 48 hours, if I have rightly understood your determination. Very respectfully, your ob't serv't, [Signed] D. G. Farragut, Flag-Officer Western Gulf Blocking squadron. The Mayor convened the City Council, and we learn that it was decided by them not to recede from their position, and the Louisiana flag still floats proudly to the breeze. Bravo! for New Orleans. The following further correspondence between Mayor Monroe and Com. Farragut we had in the New Orleans Delta of Tuesday evening: City Hall, April 28, 1862. To Flag-Officer D. G. Farragut, U. S. Flag-Ship Hartford: Your communication of this morning is the first intimation lever had that it was by your strict orders that the United States flag was attempted to be hoisted upon certain of our public edifices by officers sent or there to communicate with the a
, under existing circumstances we may be precipitated into a foreign war before we have quite finished up the rebellion. The prudence of the British authorities may, however, avert this result. Earl Russell has, ere this, been informed that the United States will not permit the fitting out of vessels of war in British ports to prey upon our commerce, and that if it is allowed to proceed we shall not hesitate to capture such vessels. If this be war, England "must make the most of it." Bravo, Jonathan! What a brave fellow indeed would you prove yourself if you would only stand up to this! The telegram is felicitous enough to announce that from signs already visible England will take a sensible view of the course and avoid all collision with us!" First of all, then, Jonathan, you are such a liar that we don't believe you will make your demand — and then, as to England we shall see whether she will yield or no. If she don't, Jonathan will postpone his war. One or the other will
in whose wisdom, integrity, and firmness the country may rely with hope for a speedy suppression of the rebellion, the tion of bloodshed, and the maintenance of the Union which our fathers bequeathed to us — a Union of independent States and free people, created by the Constitution, and to be maintained only by its observance. [Applause.] Resolved, That the right of suffrage regulated by the States, is the only safeguard for individual liberty, and must be defended at every hazard.--[Cheers.] Resolved, That we recognize in Gen. George B. McClellan [tremendous cheering, repeated again and again] qualifications which eminently fit him to be the deliverer and savior of our country; and we hold it to be the paramount duty of all patriotic citizens and organizations to abandon all disturbing questions and rally around him as the destined preserver of our constitutional liberties. [Renewed enthusiasm. and of "Bravo!"] The resolutions were adopted with great enthusiasm.
r years, is also brave, and her courage has given the English spectators special satisfaction. Fighting, bleeding, dying, sword in hand, and with a smile of stern defiance upon their lips, the conduct of our Confederate gladiators has drawn down Bravo after Bravo, and Encore after Encore, from all parts of the amphitheater. We have a right then to insist that, when England's turn comes, we shall not be swindled. We confess that we are not without some misgivings on the subject. Sidney SmithBravo, and Encore after Encore, from all parts of the amphitheater. We have a right then to insist that, when England's turn comes, we shall not be swindled. We confess that we are not without some misgivings on the subject. Sidney Smith once said: "As for the spirit of the peasantry, in making a gallant defence behind hedge-rows and through plate-racks and hen-coops, highly as I think of their bravery, I do not know any nation in Europe so likely to be struck with panic as the English; and this from their total unacquaintance with the science of war. Old wheat and beans blazing for twenty miles round; cart mares shot; sows of Lord Somerville's breed running wild over the country; the minister of the place wounded solely in hi
We cannot but admire the inextinguishable hopefulness and intrepidity of the Confederates abroad. We have often paid an humble tribute to their fervid and disinterested love of country. But the subject grows upon us as we consider it. We feel it impossible to repress our enthusiasm, to keep the tears of admiration from our eyes, and the shouts of "Bravo" and "Encore" from our lips. We have never seen, never heard, never dreamed, of such devotion to country. The fall of Atlanta, of Charleston, of Wilmington, only refreshes their indomitable pluck. The sky itself might fall; and if it caught those hopeful larks, it would be more than Lincoln's blockaders were able to do when they first flew from their beloved parent nest. It is delightful to hear the carols of these songsters, perched upon pleasant twigs in English flower-gardens, bidding the Confederate eagle, as he soars and screams in the thunder cloud, be of "good cheer." The closing of our ports may keep muskets, and c
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