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Jan. 27. The Grand Jury at Washington made three presentments of Ex-Secretary Floyd, first, for maladministration in office; second, for complicity in the abstraction of the bonds; and third, for conspiracy against the Government.--N. Y. Tribune.
ce about three o'clock this afternoon, near Summersville, Va. General Rosecrans, after making a reconnoissance, found General Floyd's army--five thousand strong, with sixteen field-pieces — intrenched in a powerful position, on the top of a mountained the recall of the troops, and the men lay on their arms within a short distance of the enemy all night. The rebel General Floyd fled during the night, and sunk the boats in the river, and destroyed the temporary bridge which he made when he firs and Lieutenant Snyder, of Ohio, were wounded, but not dangerously. Twenty-five of Colonel Tyler's men who were taken by Floyd at Cross Lane, were recaptured, and Floyd's personal baggage, with that of his officers, was taken by General Benham's brFloyd's personal baggage, with that of his officers, was taken by General Benham's brigade, which suffered most. It was commanded by him in person, and Colonel McCook led his brigade. General Rosecrans and General Benham, Colonel McCook, Colonel Lytle, Colonel Lowe, Captain Hartsuff, Captain Snyder, Captain McCullen Burke, of the
October 2. A long letter, which recounts in detail the retreats of Wise and Floyd in Western Virginia, subsequent to the battle of Carnifex Ferry, appeared in the Richmond Dispatch. The authorship of the letter is attributed to Colonel Henningsen, the filibuster. Richmond papers consider it too partial to General Wise, and too severe upon General Floyd.--(Doc. 65.) A secessionist camp at Charleston, Mo., was broken up, and forty rebels captured.--By a copy of the Mesilla Times, a General Floyd.--(Doc. 65.) A secessionist camp at Charleston, Mo., was broken up, and forty rebels captured.--By a copy of the Mesilla Times, a secession paper published at Mesilla, Arizona Territory, dated August 10, it appears that a complete secession government has been organized at that place, from governor down to justice of the peace — the governor being the notorious John R. Baylor, well known for his violent pro-slavery feelings. The Times calls for troops, in order to enable the traitors to hold the territory, and apprehends an attack by way of Southern California, and by the regular troops still quartered in the New Mexican
property recovered.--(Doc. 148.) Gen. Benham, with his brigade, crossed the Kanawha River near the mouth of Loup Creek, Western Virginia, and marched forward on the road to Fayetteville Court House, to get in the rear of the rebel army under Floyd, on Cotton Hill, at the junction of the New, Gauley and Kanawha Rivers.--Part of Gen. Cox's brigade at the same time crossed the New River near Gauley, and attacked Floyd's force in front. After a slight skirmish, the rebels fell back to DickensFloyd's force in front. After a slight skirmish, the rebels fell back to Dickenson's Farm, four miles, and at night retreated toward Raleigh.--(Doc. 149.) One hundred and fifty Union men of the Ninth Virginia regiment were surprised by seven hundred rebels under one Jenkins, at Guyandotte, in Western Virginia, and all killed or taken prisoners. Apparently the surprise was effected by the treachery of the inhabitants of the town, as when it was made the soldiers were scattered all over the place at houses to which they had been invited with the appearance of hospitali
ter firing two or three volleys, the rebels were routed, leaving three men and one horse dead on the field. Gen. Lockwood, with the expedition for the eastern shore of Virginia, marched from Snowville, Worcester County, Maryland.--N. Y. Express, Nov. 20. The First Kansas Cavalry, Colonel Jennison, went to Sedalia, Mo., to protect supply trains and other Government property at that and neighboring points. Colonel Jennison issued a proclamation to the people of Jackson, Lafayette, Cass, Johnson, and Pitt counties, Missouri, in which he said, that every man who feeds, harbors, protects, or in any way gives aid and comfort to the enemies of the Union, will be held responsible for his treason, with his life and property. --N. Y. Commercial, Nov. 16. Gen. Benham, in pursuit of the retreating army of Gen. Floyd, came up with a portion of their rear guard at McCoy's Mills, and defeated it, killing fifteen rebels — among them Col. Croghan. No loss on Benham's side.--(Doc. 163
he Cumberland Gap by blasting rocks, etc.--Louisville Journal, November 20. In pursuance of a resolution of the Common Council, salutes of thirty-four guns each were fired in New York City, and the bells were rung as a token of rejoicing for the brilliant victory at Port Royal.--N. Y. Commercial Journal, November 20. The Congress of the Confederate States has passed an act to remove the capital from Richmond to Nashville, Tennessee.--Richmond Enquirer, November 20. The rebel Gen. Floyd suddenly broke up his camp in the vicinity of the Gauley River, and made a hasty retreat. He burned over three hundred of his tents, and destroyed a large amount of camp equipage. In his flight he cast aside ten wagon loads of ammunition and arms. The Ninety-third regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, under the command of Colonel McCarter, left Harrisburg for Washington. The new steam sloop-of-war Housatonic was launched at the Charleston, Mass., Navy Yard. The Fourth Massach
n Gen. Burnside's expedition. The steamer Arago arrived at New York from Europe, bringing as a passenger Lieut.-Gen. Winfield Scott, and intelligence that the party in Europe advocating a war with the United States, was greatly encouraged in their cry for blood. --N. Y. Herald, December 27. First Lieutenant J. C. Ives, Topographical Engineers, U. S. A., having tendered his resignation under circumstances showing him to be disloyal to the U. S. Government, was, by direction of the President, dismissed the service from this date.--General Orders, No. 110. The rebel general, John B. Floyd, issued an address to the troops under his command, dated at the camp, near Dublin depot, Western Virginia, in which he expressed his admiration of the manner in which they had conducted a campaign of five months, and urged them to respond to the distinguished compliment paid the army of the Kanawha, by the Confederate Government, in assigning them to the defence of Kentucky.--(Doc. 238.)
te success, the hill was carried by storm; and the enemy was driven into his works, amidst the hearty cheers of the victors. No further movements were made during the fifteenth; both armies occupying their respective positions and preparing for a renewal of the engagement this morning. At daybreak, however, the enemy sounded a parley and displayed a white flag, to which Col. Lauman, commanding the Fourth brigade, responded; and proposals for a surrender were tendered and accepted. Generals Floyd and Pillow, with about five thousand of the garrison, escaped in the night; and those who surrendered embraced Generals Buckner and Tilghman, some fifteen thousand prisoners, twenty thousand stand of arms, immense quantities of stores, etc. During the action on the fourteenth, the gunboats suffered severely. The St. Louis was struck sixty-one times, and lost ten men killed and wounded. The Pittsburgh was struck forty-seven times, and lost two men, wounded; the Carondelet was struck
d other property was destroyed by fire. They left behind them, however, eighty army wagons, six caissons in good order, a large quantity of army clothing, good supplies of medical stores, besides many other useful articles. The forts were all dismantled, but the huts, sufficient to accommodate twenty-five or thirty thousand men, and built in a substantial manner, were left unharmed.--(Doc. 85.) This day Jeff. Davis sent a message to the rebel Congress, stating that he had suspended Gens. Floyd and Pillow from their commands until they could give more satisfactory accounts of their action at Fort Donelson. He is dissatisfied with their reports. The message states that neither of them say that reinforcements were asked for, nor do they show that the position could not have been evacuated and a whole army saved as well as a part of it. It is also not shown by what authority two senior generals abandoned their responsibility by transferring the command to a junior officer.--(Doc.
and plundered of a large amount of military stores, fire-arms, ammunition, etc. Private property was respected. Before entering the town a skirmish took place between the loyal inhabitants and the rebels, but the latter being superior in numbers, the Unionists had to give way.--Wheeling Intelligencer, Sept. 4. On the twenty-seventh June last, the rebel Governor, Letcher, of Virginia, issued a proclamation, calling upon the State for a force of ten thousand men, to be commanded by Gen. John B. Floyd, to be employed in the defence of West-Virginia; but the men not being forthcoming, the Governor issued another proclamation under this date, emphatically calling upon all officers of the State, civil and military, to give the necessary aid to expedite the raising of the required troops, and to contribute whatever might be proper to render them effective. A fight took place in the vicinity of McMinnville, Tenn., between a body of Union troops, under the command of Col. Fyffe, Twen
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