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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), El Molino del Rey, capture of. (search)
El Molino del Rey, capture of. Almost within cannon-shot distance of the city of Mexico is Chapultepec, a hill composed of porphyritic rock, and known in the Aztec language as Grasshoppers' Hill. It rises from the ancient shore of Lake Tezcuco, and was the favorite resort of the Aztec princes. It was also the site of the palace and gardens of Montezuma. That hill was crowned with a strong castle and military college, supported by numerous outworks, which, with the steepness of the ascent to it, seemed to make it impregnable. Only the slope towards the city was easily ascended, and that was covered with a thick forest. At the foot of the hill was a stone building, with thick high walls, and towers at the end, known as El Battle of El Molino Del Rey. Molino del Rey— The King's Mill. About 400 yards from this was another massive stone building, known as Casa de Mata. The former was used (1847) as a cannon foundry by the Mexicans, and the latter was a depository of gunpo
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Gordon, George Henry 1825-1886 (search)
Gordon, George Henry 1825-1886 Military officer; born in Charlestown, Mass., July 19, 1825; graduated at the United States. Military Academy in 1846; served in the war with Mexico, participating in the siege of Vera Cruz, the actions of Cerro Gordo, Contreras, and Chapultepec, and the capture of the city of Mexico. During the Civil War his bravery was conspicuous in many battles. He received the brevet of major-general of volunteers in April, 1865. He was the author of The army of Virginia from Cedar Mountain to Alexandria; A War diary; and From. Brook to Cedar Mountain. He died in Framingham, Mass., Aug. 30, 1886.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mexico, War with (search)
he defences of the city. When the trick was discovered, Scott declared the armistice at an end, and advanced upon the city. Less than 4,000 Americans attacked Santa Ana with 14,000 Mexicans, Sept. 8, at Molino del Rey (the King's Mill), near Chapultepec. The combatants fought desperately and suffered dreadfully. The Mexicans left almost 1,000 dead on the field; the Americans lost 800. The lofty battlemented hill of Chapultepec was doomed. It was the last place to be defended outside of thChapultepec was doomed. It was the last place to be defended outside of the city. It was attacked by mortar and cannon shells and round-shot, Sept. 12, and the assault continued until the next day, when the American flag waved in triumph over its shattered castle. The Mexicans fled into the city, pursued by the Americans to the very gates. That night Santa Ana and his troops, with the civil officers, fled from the city, and, at 4 A. M. the next day, a deputation from the municipal authorities waited upon Scott, begging him to spare the town and treat for peace.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Reno, Jesse Lee 1823- (search)
Reno, Jesse Lee 1823- Military officer; born in Wheeling, W. Va., June 20, 1823; graduated at West Point in 1846. He served through the war with Mexico, and was severely wounded in the battle of Chapultepec; was appointed Professor of Mathematics at West Point in 1849; chief of ordnance in the Utah expedition of 1857-59. He took part in the attack on Fort Bartow and the battles of Newbern, Camden, Manassas, and Chantilly. At the battle of South Mountain he commanded the 9th Corps, and while leading an assault was killed Sept. 14, 1862.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Seymour, Thomas Hart 1808-1868 (search)
Seymour, Thomas Hart 1808-1868 Diplomatist; born in Hartford, Conn., in 1808; educated at the Partridge Military School, Middletown, Conn.; practised law in Hartford, Conn.; was editor of The Jeffersonian in 1837; judge of probate; and a member of Congress in 1843-45. He entered the Mexican War as major of the 9th Regiment; was promoted lieutenantcolonel, Aug. 12, 1847; and brevetted colonel, Sept. 13, 1847, for services at Chapultepec; was governor of Connecticut in 1850-53; and minister to Russia in 1853-57. He died in Hartford, Conn., Sept. 3, 1868.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Shepherd, Oliver Lathrop 1815-1894 (search)
Shepherd, Oliver Lathrop 1815-1894 Military officer; born in Clifton Park, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1815; graduated at the United States Military Academy in 1840; served in the Mexican War, winning distinction at Contreras, Churubusco, and Chapultepec; promoted captain in 1847; served through the Civil War; promoted colonel in 1863 and received the brevet of brigadier-general in 1865; retired in 1870. He died in New York City, April 16, 1894.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
...April 8, 1847 Battle of Cerro Gordo......April 18, 1847 Army enters Puebla......May 15, 1847 President Polk visits the Eastern States as far as Augusta, Me., and returns to Washington......July 7, 1847 Battles of Contreras and Churubusco......Aug. 20, 1847 Armistice granted the Mexicans by General Scott......from Aug. 21 to Sept. 7, 1847 Salt Lake City founded by the Mormons......1847 Battle of El Molino del Rey ( The King's Mill )......Sept. 8, 1847 Fortress of Chapultepec carried by storm, and the city of Mexico occupied by the United States troops. Sept. 13, 1847 Gen. Zachary Taylor returns to the United States......November, 1847 Thirtieth Congress, first session, assembles......Dec. 6, 1847 By resolution Congress authorizes the erection on public grounds in Washington of a monument to George Washington......Jan. 31, 1848 Treaty of peace, friendship, limits, claims, etc., between the United States and Mexico signed at Guadalupe Hidalgo......F
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Winder, John Henry 1800-1865 (search)
Winder, John Henry 1800-1865 Military officer; born in Maryland in 1800; graduated at the United States Military Academy in 1820; promoted captain of the 1st Artillery in October, 1842; served in the Mexican War, winning distinction at Contreras, Churubusco, Chapultepec, and the fall of the city of Mexico; promoted major in November, 1860; resigned in the following April and joined the Confederate army, in which he was appointed a brigadiergeneral and given command of Richmond, having under his charge Belle Isle and Libby prison. Later he was placed in command of the Andersonville prison, Ga. He died in Branchville, S. C., Feb. 9, 1865. See Confederate prisons.
George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade), chapter 2 (search)
u may look for me to dinner. I may come on in the night train, but I am so fatigued with traveling at night that I now propose to come in the day line. On the night of March 27 articles of capitulation were signed and exchanged, and General Scott on the 29th took possession of Vera Cruz and the castle of San Juan d'ulloa. On April the 8th General Scott began his advance on the city of Mexico, and after defeating the Mexicans at Cerro Gordo, Jalapa, Puebla, Contreras, Churubusco, and Chapultepec he attacked the capital and entered it September 14, 1847. The army occupied the city of Mexico until the treaty of peace was signed, February, 1848. The following served with the army in Mexico under Generals Taylor and Scott and afterward became conspicuous in the Civil War and are subsequently mentioned. United States army George A. McCall, assistant adjutant-general, afterward commanded the Pennsylvania Reserves in the Federal Army of the Potomac. Joseph Hooker, assistant a
On the expiration of the Mexican war, when Major Beauregard returned to his home in New Orleans, General Totten, as chief of the Engineer Department, forwarded him the following copy of Gen eral Orders, publishing the brevets he had won on the field of battle: 1. For gallant and meritorious behavior in the battles of Contreras and Churubusco, Mexico, August 20th, 1847, to be Captain by brevet. To date from August 20th, 1847. 2. For gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Chapultepec, Mexico, September 13th, 1847, to be Major by brevet. To date from September 13th, 1847. And General Totten added: It affords the department high satisfaction to communicate to you the wellearned reward of your efforts on the fields of Mexico. In order to show the high estimation in which Major Beauregard was held, and the impression his eminent services had produced upon his superior officers and comrades in arms, we here insert the following letters, written with a view to
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