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ut two companies of the First New York cavalry to cut off their retreat. Companies A and K, commanded by Captain Jones, and Lieutenant Laverty respectively, were sent out. Captain Jones left Lieutenants Laverty and Watkins with a small party at Millwood, thirteen miles from Winchester, while he and Lieutenant Boyd went on still further. The Captain's party had scarcely moved away, when the rebels made their appearance at Millwood, with all they had captured. Lieutenant Laverty immediately ordce at Millwood, with all they had captured. Lieutenant Laverty immediately ordered a charge, and dashed upon them, when the rebels broke and ran, though fighting desperately as they fled. They were chased seven miles. The expedition resulted in the recapture of all which the rebels had taken, and the killing of one of them, and taking prisoner of another. The escape of the remainder of the rebels was owing to its being night. Lieutenant Laverty was the only one injured, on the National side.
regiment New-York volunteer cavalry, and the Baltimore battery, at Berryville, Colonel McReynolds, of the First New-York cavalry, commanding. My instructions to Col. McReynolds were to keep open our communication with Harper's Ferry, and to watch the passes of the Blue Ridge (Snicker's and Ashby's Gaps) and the fords of the Shenandoah River known as Snicker's and Berry's. To this end he was to cause to be diligently scouted, the country between him and those localities, and as far south as Millwood. I was expressly instructed to undertake no offensive operations in force. Acting in accordance with these instructions, I kept my forces well in hand in the vicinities of Berryville and Winchester, except that during the expedition of General Jones into West-Virginia, by order from your headquarters, I sent portions of them into that State. During my occupancy of Winchester, I almost continually kept out heavy cavalry scouts on the Front Royal road as far as Front Royal, and on the Stra
de of Anderson's division. From this place we moved on Chambersburgh, via Funkstown, Hagerstown, and Middleburgh, reaching the former on the twenty-seventh. Passing through Chambersburgh on the twenty-seventh, we pushed on to Fayetteville, five miles from Chambersburgh, on the Baltimore and Philadelphia turnpike. Here we halted until Tuesday, the thirtieth, waiting for the rear of the corps and our supply trains to come up. In the mean time Longstreet's corps had turned up the river from Millwood, and, passing through Martinsburgh, crossed the river at Williamsport, and, falling into our line of advance at Hagerstown, followed it to Fayetteville, reaching the latter place on Monday, the twenty-ninth. Having now concentrated our army, except Ewell's corps, whose operations have already been given, on Tuesday, the thirtieth, General Lee ordered the line of march to be taken up for Gettysburgh, twenty miles distant in an easterly direction. In this movement Hill's corps was in the ad
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The Confederate cavalry in the Gettysburg campaign. (search)
then approved a plan which he now condemns as a wild ride around the Federal army. He directed Stuart to pass around the rear of the enemy in preference to crossing west of the ridge, in order to prevent disclosing our designs. headquarters, Millwood, June 22d, 1863, 7 P. M. Major-General J. E. B. Stuart, Commanding Cavalry. General: General Lee has inclosed to me this letter for you to be forwarded to you provided you can be spared from my front, and provided I think you can move across ths by passing to our rear. I forward the letter of instructions with these suggestions. Please advise me of the condition of affairs before you leave, and order General Hampton--whom I suppose you will leave here in command — to report to me at Millwood either by letter or in person, as may be most agreeable to him. Most respectfully, J. Longstreet, Lieutenant-General.--N. B. I think that your passage of the Potomac by our rear at the present moment will in a measure disclose our plans. You ha
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 25: the battle of Bull's Run, (search)
Shenandoah to join that of the Potomac at Manassas at once. Johnston received the dispatch at one o'clock on the morning Joseph E. Johnston. of the 18th. It was necessary to fight and defeat General Patterson or to elude him. The latter was accomplished, and Johnston, with six thousand infantry, reached Manassas Junction at about noon on the 20th. His whole army, excepting about two thousand of his sick and a guard of militia, who had been left at Winchester, had marched by the way of Millwood through Ashby's Gap to Piedmont, See map on page 586. Beauregard sent Colonel Chisholm, one of his aids, to meet Johnston, and suggest the propriety of his sending down a part of his force by the way of Aldie, to fall upon the flank and rear of the Nationals at Centreville. Lack of transportation prevented that movement. See Beauregard's Report, August 26, 1861. whence the infantry were conveyed by railway, while the cavalry and artillery, because of a lack of rolling stock This tec
Colonel Mosby outwitted. Colonel Mosby, the guerrilla chief, has become famous, and his dashing exploits are often recorded to our disadvantage; but even he meets with his match occasionally. On Friday, March twenty-fifth, 1865, Captain E. B. Gere, of the Griswold Light Cavalry, was sent out with one hundred and twenty-five men to the neighborhoods of Berryville and Winchester on a scout, and encamped at Millwood, some six or eight miles from the former place. After the men had got their fires built, Sergeant Weatherby, of company B, Corporal Simpson, of company H, and a private, went some two miles from camp to get supper at a farm-house, and, waiting for the long delayed tea, were surprised to find several revolvers suddenly advance into the room, behind each pair of which was either C:)lo el Mosby, a rebel captain or a lieutenant, all rather determined men, with shoot in their eyes, who demanded the immediate surrender of the aforesaid Yankees. The aim being wicked, the
of note. The rebel pickets were driven in at all points, but no more serious fighting occurred. Taking the remainder of the force, Gen. Stahel proceeded to Upperville and Paris, where it was understood there was a body of rebels awaiting an attack. There they learned that Capt. Gibson, with a company of secesh cavalry, was posted in the mountain with one piece of artillery, which they fired upon the approach of our forces, and retreated through Ashby's Gap. They also ascertained that at Millwood, on the other side of the mountains, there was a park of artillery encamped. From prisons captured they obtained the information that in consequence of this advance it was supposed that Sigel's corps was on the march to attack them in the flank, and, therefore, Gen. Hill's division was moved down to meet them. Being again balked in his attempts to indulge in a fight, Gen. Stahel marched back to White Plains by way of Salem. At this place one or two curious incidents occurred. One was
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Lee's final and full report of the Pennsylvania campaign and battle of Gettysburg. (search)
near the town on the evening of the 13th. The same day the force which had occupied Berryville retreated to Winchester on the approach of General Rodes. The following morning General Ewell ordered General Early to carry an entrenched position northwest of Winchester, near the Pughtown road, which the latter officer, upon examining the ground, discovered would command the principal fortifications. To cover the movement of General Early, General Johnson took position between the road to Millwood and that to Berryville, and advanced his skirmishers towards the town. General Early, leaving a portion of his command to engage the enemy's attention, with the remainder gained a favorable position without being perceived, and about 5 P. M. twenty pieces of artillery, under Lieutenant-Colonel H. P. Jones, opened suddenly upon the entrenchments. The enemy's guns were soon silenced. Hays' brigade then advanced to the assault and carried the works by storm, capturing six rifled pieces, two
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General J. E. B. Stuart's report of operations after Gettysburg. (search)
counteract this effort, enough cavalry was sent under Brigadier-General Robertson for his advance guard, through Front Royal and Chester Gap, while Baker's brigade was ordered to bring up the rear of Ewell's corps, which was in rear, and Jones' brigade was ordered to picket the lower Shenandoah as long as necessary for the safety of that flank, and then follow the movement of the army. Fitz. Lee's, W. H. F. Lee's and Jenkins' brigades, by a forced march from the vicinity of Leetown through Millwood, endeavored to reach Manassas Gap, so as to hold it on the flank of the army, but it was already in possession of the enemy, and the Shenandoah, still high, in order to be crossed without interfering with the march of the main army, had to be forded below Front Royal. The cavalry already mentioned, early on the 23d, by a by path reached Chester Gap, passing on the army's left, and with great difficulty and a forced march that night bivouacked below Gaines' cross-roads, holding the Rockford
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General R. E. Bodes' report of the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
ts indicated as best. My division was ordered to take the Berryville road via Millwood, to attack and seize Berryville, then to advance without delay on Martinsburg, instructions, the division was at once moved directly from Cedarville towards Millwood, by an unfrequented road, under the guidance of Mr. John McCormack, a most exctake the road by Nineveh church and White Post, and a part of it to proceed to Millwood. After a march of seventeen miles, the division bivouacked near Stone bridge.erryville. On the 13th, we moved on towards Berryville, but before reaching Millwood, the advance of the infantry was discovered by some of the enemy's cavalry, whrryville), a result which would have been avoided had General Jenkins occupied Millwood during the night before, as he was ordered to do. Finding our movements discovered, the division was marched, with the utmost celerity, through Millwood, upon Berryville, where Jenkin's brigade, after driving in the enemy's cavalry, was found,
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