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Cydas 1. The commander of 500 of the Cretan Gortynii, joined Quinctius Flamininus in Thessaly in B. C. 197. (Liv. 33.3.) This Cydas may be the same as the Cydas, the son of Antitalces, who was cosmus or supreme magistrate at Gortyna, when a Roman embassy visited the island about B. C. 184, and composed the differences which existed between the inhabitants of Gortyna and Cnossus. (Plb. 33.15.)
Eu'menes Ii. (*Eu)me/nhs) II., king of PERGAMUS son of Attalus I., whom he succeeded on the throne B. C. 197. (Clinton, F. H. iii. p. 403.) He inherited from his predecessor the friendship and alliance of the Romans, which he took the utmost pains to cultivate, and was included by them in the treaty of peace concluded with Philip, king of Macedonia, in 196, by which he obtained possession of the towns of Oreus and Eretria in Euboea. (Liv. 33.30, 34.) In the following year he sent a fleet to the assistance of Flamininus in the war against Nabis. (Liv. 34.26.) His alliance was in vain courted by his powerful neighbour, Antiochus III., who offered him one of his daughters in marriage. (Appian, App. Syr. 5.) Eumenes plainly saw that it was his interest to adhere to the Romans in the approaching contest; and far from seeking to avert this, he used all his endeavours to urge on the Romans to engage in it. When hostilities had actually commenced, he was active in the service of his allies,
Eupo'lemus 2. An Aetolian, one of the commanders of the Aetolian auxiliaries, who served in the army of Flamininus against Philip, king of Macedonia, B. C. 197. (Plb. 18.2, 4.)
with better hopes of success. But the defence made by the Corinthian garrison was desperate, for there were among the besiged a great number of Italians, who in the war with Hannibal had deserted form the service of the Romans. Hence Lucius at length despaired of success; he gave up the siege, and returned to his fleet, with which he sailed to Corcyra, while Attalus went to Peiraeeus. As his brother's imperium was proionged for another year, Lucius also retained the command of the fleet in B. C. 197. He accompanied his brother to the congress with the tyrant Nabis at Argos. Just before the battle of Cynoscephalae, Lucius, who was informed of the intention of the Acarnanians to join the Romans, sailed to Leucas, the chief place of the Acarnanians, and began to bockade it for the purpose of trying their intention. But the inhabitants resisted, and the town was taken by storm. The inhabitants were resolved to defend themselves to the last, and a great massacre took place; but when the ne
e marched against Corinth, hoping that the commander of its garrison, Philocles, a friend of Nabis, would follow the tyrant's example, but in vain. Flamininus then went into Boeotia, which he compelled to renounce the alliance with Philip, and to join the Romans. Most of the Boeotian men, however, capable of bearing arms, were serving inthe Macedonian army, and afterwards fought against the Romans. The Acarnanians were the only allies of Macedonia that remained faithful. In the spring of B. C. 197, Flamininus left his winter-quarters to enter upon his second campaign against Philip. His army, which was already strengthened by the Achaeans and other auxiliaries, was increased at Thermopylae by a considerable number of Aetolians. He advanced slowly into Phthiotis. Philip, at the head of his army, which was about equal in numbers to that of his opponent, advanced more rapidly towards the south, and was determined to seize the first favourable opportunity for fighting a decisive battle.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), P. Sulpicius Galba (search)
ection the king had gone. After having stayed for a few days longer, Galba marched towards Pluvina, and then encamped on the banks of the river Osphagus, not far from the place where the king had taken up his post. Here again the Romans spent their time in petty conquests, and nothing decisive was done, and in the autumn Galba went back with his army to Apollonia. For the year following T. Villius Tappulus was elected consul, with Macedonia as his province, and Galba returned to Rome. In B. C. 197, he and Villius Tappulus were appointed legates to T. Quintius Flamininus in Macedonia, and in the next year, when it was decreed at Rome that tell commissioners should be sent to arrange with Flamininus the affairs between Rome and Macedonia, Galba and Tappulus were ordered to act as two of those commissioners. In B. C. 193, Galba and Tappulus were sent as ambassadors to Antiochus; they first went to Eumenes at Pergamus, as they had been ordered, who urged the Romans to begin the war agai
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
le, and, conjointly with his colleague, he dedicated a golden quadriga on the Capitol. In the year same he was magister equitum to the dictator, P. Sulpicius Galba, with whom he travelled through Italy, to examine the causes which had led several towns to revolt against Rome. In B. C. 202 he was consul with Tib. Claudius Nero, and obtained Etruria for his province, which he occupied with his two legions, and in which his imperium was prolonged for the year following. In B. C. 200 he was one of the ten commissioners to distribute land in Samnium and Appulia among the veterans of Scipio. In B. C. 197 he was one of the triumvirs appointed for a period of three years, to establish a series of colonies on the western coast of Italy. In B. C. 167, during the disputes as to whether a triumph was to be granted to Aemilius Paullus, the conqueror of Macedonia, M. Servilius addressed the people in favour of Aemilius Paullus. (Liv. 26.23, 29.38, 30.24, 26, 27, 41, 31.4, 32.29, 34.4.5, 45.36, &c.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
8), and settled in Rome, probably in the course of the fourth century B. C. According to the statement of L. Cassius, who united with L. Juventius Laterensis in accusing Cn. Plancius, Cicero's client, the first plebeian aedile was a member of the Juventia gens. The correctness of this statement is denied by Cicero; but whether true or false, the fact of its being made sufficiently proves the antiquity of the gens. (Cic. pro Planc. 24.) The name does not occur again in history till the year B. C. 197 [JUVENTIUS, No. 1]; and the first of the gens who obtained the consulship was M. Juventius Thalna in B. C. 163. Notwithstanding their antiquity and nobility, none of the Juventii played any prominent part in history, and the name is indebted for its celebrity chiefly to the two jurists who lived in the second century of the Christian aera. [CELSUS, JUVENTIUS.] The family-names of this gens are CELSUS, LATERENSIS, PEDO, THALNA : a few occur without a surname. Owing to the common interchan
T. Juve'ntius 1. a tribune of the soldiers who fell in battle in B. C. 197, when the consul Q. Minucius Rufus was defeated by the Cisalpine Gauls. (Liv. 33.22.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
La'beo, C. Ati'nius 1. Tribune of the plebs in B. C. 197, and praetor peregrines in 195. (Liv. 33.22, 25, 42, 43.)
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