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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The PeninsulaMcClellan's campaign of 1862, by Alexander S. Webb. (search)
l held Norfolk and the Navy Yard, where they were preparing the ram, Virginia, to introduce a new era into naval warfare. Magruder, with 11,000 men, watched the peninsula between the James and York, and by means of his works at Yorktown and Gloucester Point, closed the latter river above that point. In the West heavy reverses had already befallen the Confederate arms, and still greater were impending, so that nothing could be drawn from that quarter to strengthen the slender means with which tskilful or successful than those by which Magruder accomplished his task. Magruder's line stretched across the Peninsula from Yorktown to Mulberry Point on the James. With 6,000 of his men he garrisoned the extremities of his line, holding Gloucester Point and closing the York river by his batteries. The other 5,000 held the line of the Warwick creek, which he had converted into a formidable line of defense by the use of all the resources that nature and engineering skill had placed within hi
tains connecting them. Between Yorktown and Gloucester Point, on the opposite shore, the York River is con that there should be an attack on the rear of Gloucester Point, and adds: My present strength will not admit tachment from his army to turn the position at Gloucester Point, and that the navy would not attempt to operatcould concentrate there; that the batteries at Gloucester Point could not be maintained; that the enemy would the war, were that he could gain possession of Gloucester Point only by reenforcements operating on the north of General Keyes. He said, The possession of Gloucester Point by the enemy retarded the taking of Yorktown, York River, could have turned the position at Gloucester Point and have overcome our small garrison at that ph side of York River to capture our battery at Gloucester Point, and thus open the way to turn our position by side of the York River against our battery at Gloucester Point. On the 28th of the following June, Lincoln
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cornwallis, Lord Charles 1738-1805 (search)
eld-piece boldly resisted a large portion of Cornwallis's army, as the former fell back to Lafayette's main army near the Green Spring Plantation, where a sharp skirmish occurred, in which the marquis had a horse shot under him and each party lost about 100 men. Cornwallis then hastened across the James (July 9) and marched to Portsmouth. Disliking that situation, the earl proceeded to Yorktown, on the York River, and on a high and healthful plain he established a fortified camp. At Gloucester Point, on the opposite side of the river, he cast up strong military works, and while Lafayette took up a strong position on Malvern Hill and awaited further developments, Cornwallis spent many anxious days in expectation of reinforcements by sea. In August, however, the Count de Grasse arrived off the coast of Virginia with a powerful French fleet, and Washington took advantage of this good fortune, and suddenly moved his army from the Hudson to the James, and invested Yorktown with an overw
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Monmouth, battle of (search)
Monmouth, battle of Just before the dawn of June 18, 1778, the British began their evacuation of Philadelphia. They crossed the Delaware to Gloucester Point, and that evening encamped around Haddonfield, a few miles southeast from Camden, N. J. The news of this evacuation reached Washington, at Valley Forge, before morning. He immediately sent General Maxwell, with his brigade, to cooperate with the New Jersey militia under General Dickinson in retarding the march of the British, who, when they crossed the river, were 17,000 strong in effective men. They marched in two divisions, one under Cornwallis and the other led by Knyphausen. General Arnold, whose wounds kept him from the field, entered Philadelphia with a detachment before the rear-guard of the British had left it. The remainder of the army, under the immediate command of Washington, crossed the Delaware above Trenton and pursued. Gen. Charles Lee (q. v.), who had been exchanged, was now with the army, and persistent
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), entry on-to-richmond- (search)
es of Richmond, captured a lieutenant and eleven men within the Confederate works of that capital. Then he struck the Virginia Central Railway at Meadows Bridge, on the Chickahominy; and thence pushed on, destroying Confederate property, to Gloucester Point, on the York River. Another party, under Lieutenant-Colonel Davis, destroyed the station and railway at Hanover Court-house, and followed the road to within 7 miles of Richmond, and also pushed on to Gloucester Point. Another party, under Gloucester Point. Another party, under Gregg and Buford, destroyed the railway property at Hanover Junction. They all returned to the Rappahannock by May 8; but they had not effected the errand they were sent upon—namely, the complete destruction of Lee's communications with Richmond. Three days after General Lee escaped into Virginia, July 17-18, 1863, General Meade crossed the Potomac to follow his flying antagonist. The Nationals marched rapidly along the eastern base of the Blue Ridge, while the Confederates went rapidly up
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Virginia, (search)
French and American army (about 16,000) advances within 2 miles of the British outposts......Sept. 28, 1781 First parallel of the American army opened on Yorktown......Oct. 5-6, 1781 Storming parties (American under Col. Alexander Hamilton and French under Baron de Viomenil) carry two British redoubts......Oct. 14, 1781 Lieutenant-Colonel Abercrombie vainly assaults the French batteries on the morning of......Oct. 16, 1781 Cornwallis attempts to escape across the river to Gloucester Point on the night of......Oct. 16, 1781 Negotiations for capitulation begin......Oct. 17, 1781 Cornwallis surrenders 7,247 men, seventy-five brass guns, sixty-nine iron guns......Oct. 19, 1781 Admiral Digby appears off the capes of the Chesapeake with twenty-five ships of the line, two 50-gun ships, and eight frigates, carrying Sir Henry Clinton and 7,000 troops......Oct. 24, 1781 Learning of the surrender, he returns to New York......Oct. 29, 1781 Thomas Fairfax, sixth Lord a
George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade), chapter 4 (search)
h I did not see him. Headquarters Fifth Army Corps, January 4, 1863. I was at general headquarters yesterday, and from what I heard I suspect an advance is not far off. Burnside had just received the telegram announcing the fight at Murfreesboroa, and was chafing under the fear that part of Lee's forces in his front had been detached to help Joe Johnston down there. I told him I had no idea they had gone that far, and thought it more likely they had gone to assist in an attack on Gloucester Point or Suffolk, where we yesterday heard there was fighting. Hooker has gone up to Washington, for what purpose I do not know, but I guess to see what chance he has for the command, in case Burnside is removed, although he asserts most positively that he will not command this army. I despair more and more of getting off, it is now so late and so much time has passed. Reynolds got back yesterday; he said he had seen you and the children in Philadelphia, but did not have much to say. He
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 129.--proclamation by Governor Letcher, May 3, 1861. (search)
, from time to time, as the public exigencies may require, such additional number of volunteers as he may deem necessary. To facilitate this call, the annexed Schedule will indicate the places of rendezvous at which the companies called for will assemble upon receiving orders for service. [L. S.] Given under my hand as Governor, and under the seal of the Commonwealth, at Richmond, this 3d day of May, 1861, and in the 85th year of the Commonwealth. John Letcher. By the Governor. George W. Munford, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Sohedule. The following places of rendezvous are designated as the point at which companies called from the annexed counties will assemble: Harper's Ferry, Staunton, Alexandria, Warrenton, Culpepper C. H., Gordonsville, Lynchburg, Abingdon, Fredericksburg, King George, Gloucester Point, West Point, Norfolk, Smithfield, Petersburg, Buffalo, Barbourville, Charleston, Parkersburg, Moundsville, Grafton, and Richmond.--Charleston Evening News, May 6.
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, Virginia, 1861 (search)
1861 April 20: Destruction of Norfolk Navy YardMASSACHUSETTS--3d Infantry; U. S. Navy "Pawnee." May 5: Evacuation of AlexandriaBy Confederates. May 9: Engagement, Gloucester PointU. S. Navy--"Yankee." May 18-19: Engagement, Sewell's PointU. S. Navy--"Monticello." May 20: Demonstration on HamptonVERMONT--1st Infantry. May 24: Occupation of Arlington HeightsMICHIGAN--1st Infantry. NEW JERSEY--1st, 2d and 3d Infantry. NEW YORK--Varian's Battery Light Arty.; 5th, 7th S. M., 11th, 12th S. M., 14th S. M., 25th S. M., 28th S. M., and 69th S. M. Infantry. UNITED STATES--2d Cavalry (Co. "I"), Battery "E" 3d Arty. May 24: Occupation of AlexandriaMICHIGAN--1st Infantry. NEW YORK--11th (Ellsworth's Zouaves) Infantry; Ellsworth killed. May 29: Occupation of Newport NewsNEW YORK--1st and 2d Infantry. June 1: Skirmish, Fairfax Court HouseUNITED STATES--2d Cavalry (Co. "B"). Union loss, 1 killed, 4 wounded. Total, 5. June 1: Skirmish, Arlington MillsMICHIGAN--1st Infantry (Co. "E"). NEW YORK
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, Virginia, 1862 (search)
t M. R.). Nov. 14: Skirmish, Sulphur SpringsNEW HAMPSHIRE--6th Infantry. Nov. 15: Action, Warrenton or Sulphur SpringsMASSACHUSETTS--21st and 35th Infantry. NEW YORK--Battery "L" 2d Arty.; 51st Infantry. PENNSYLVANIA--Indpt. Battery "D" Light Arty. RHODE ISLAND--7th Infantry. UNITED STATES--Battery "E" 2d Arty. Union loss, 1 killed, 4 wounded. Total, 5. Nov. 16: Skirmish, Chester GapWEST VIRGINIA--3d Cavalry. Nov. 16: Skirmish, Hazel RunRHODE ISLAND--1st Cavalry. Nov. 16: Skirmish, Gloucester PointPENNSYLVANIA--104th Infantry. Union loss, 1 killed, 3 wounded, 2 missing. Total, 6. Nov. 16: Affair, United States FordNEW YORK--10th Cavalry (Co. "H"). Union loss, 18 missing. Nov. 17: Action, FalmouthNEW YORK--Battery "B" 1st Light Arty. Nov. 17: Skirmish near CarrsvilleNEW YORK--7th Cavalry (1st M. R.). Nov. 18: Skirmish, FranklinNEW YORK--7th Cavalry (1st M. R.). Nov. 19: Skirmish, PhilomontPENNSYLVANIA--8th Cavalry. Nov. 21: Affair, FredericksburgSurrender demanded by Gen. Fra
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