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Alva (Portugal) (search for this): narrative 555
ie may do without difficultie, and in so honorable sort as he shal never be able to dispossesse her or them of any the townes they now hold. But if any man thinke that the Spaniard may be expelled from thence more speedily or conveniently by keeping an armie there, then by sending one against him into his owne countrey: let him foresee of how many men and continuall supplies that armie must consist, and what intollerable expenses it requireth. And let him thinke by the example of the duke of Alva , when the prince of Orenge had his great armie agaynst him; and of Don Juan, when the States had their mightie assembly against him, how this wise enemie, with whom we are to deale, may but by prolonging to fight with us, leave us occasions enough for our armie within few moneths to mutine and breake; or by keeping him in his townes leave us a spoyled field: where though our provision may bee such of our owne as we starve not, yet is our weaknesse in any strange countrey such, as with sickne
Cascais (Portugal) (search for this): narrative 555
d commoditie of the remainder thereof. And that at Cascais there came in such store of provisions into the Fl Generall Drake with the whole fleet was come into Cascais , and possessed the towne without any resistance: mde promise, and to march some convenient number to Cascais to fetch our artillery and munition, which was allconvenient to divide his forces, by sending any to Cascais , and keeping a remainder behinde, sithence he saw without: and that before our returne could be from Cascais , the expected more supplies from all places, of ght thereof. And two dayes after our comming to Cascais , when 6000 Spaniards and Portugals came against usertained unto them, and so marched that night unto Cascais . Had we marched thorow his Countrey as enemies, ouhad cariage for. After we had bene two dayes at Cascais , we had intelligence by a Frier, that the enemy wae; but without answere. After our army came to Cascais , and the castle summoned, the Castellan thereof gr
Leon (Spain) (search for this): narrative 555
s company was that night in the Galeon. Don Antonio de Herera then at Madrid . Don Pedro de Manriques brother to the Earle of Paxides. Don Jeronimo de Mourray of the Order of S. Juan, with some of the towne were in the fort. Don Gomez de Caramasal then at Madrid . Captaine Manco Caucaso de Socas. Also there came in that day of our landing from Retanzas the companies of Don Juan de Mosalle, and Don Pedro poure de Leon . Also he saith that there was order given for baking of 300000 of biscuit, some in Batansas, some in Ribadeo , and the rest there. There were then in the towne 2000 pipes of wine, and 150 in the ships. That there were lately come unto the Marques of Seralba 300000 ducats. That there were 1000 jarres of oile. A great quantity of beanes, peaze, wheat, and fish. That there were 3000 quintals of beefe. And that not twenty dayes before, there came in three barks laden with match & harquebuz
Vigo (Spain) (search for this): narrative 555
as Sir Henry Norris in the Ayde; who had in purpose (if the Admirals had not come in) with some 500 men out of them all to have landed, and attempted the taking of Vigo . The rest of the fleet held with Generall Drake, who though he were two dayes before put upon those Ilands, cast off againe to sea for the Acores : but remembring that he had lost company of his great ships, returned for Bayon , and came in there that night in the evening, where he passed up the river more then a mile above Vigo . The next morning we landed as many as were able to fight, which were not in the whole above 2000 men, (for in the 17 dayes we continued on boord we had cast many of our men overboord) with which number the Colonell generall marched to the towne of Vigo , neere the which when he approched, he sent Captaine Anthony Wingfield with a troupe of shot to enter one side of the same, who found upon every streets end a strong barricade, but altogether abandoned; for having entred the towne, h
Ushant (France) (search for this): narrative 555
ne often seen, where our owne force & fortune revictualled us largely: of which crosse windes, that held us two dayes after our going out, the Generals being wearie, thrust to Sea in the same, wisely chusing rather to attend the change thereof there, then by being in harborough to lose any part of the better, when it should come by having their men on shore: in which two dayes 25 of our companies shipped in part of the fleet were scattered from us, either not being able or willing to double Ushant . These burdens layed upon our Generals before their going out, they have patiently endured, and I thinke they have thereby much enlarged their honour: for having done thus much with the want of our artillery, 600 horse, 3000 foot, 20000 li. of their adventure, and one moneths victuals of their proportion, what may be conjectured they would have done with their ful complement? For the losse of our men at sea, since we can lay it on none but the will of God, what can be said more, then
Ireland (Irish Republic) (search for this): narrative 555
o had almost seduced you from the true opinion you hold of such men, you shal understand that General Norris from his booke was trained up in the wars of the Admiral of France, and in very yong yeeres had charge of men under the erle of Essex in Ireland : which with what commendations he then discharged, I leave to the report of them who observed those services. Upon the breach betwixt Don John & the States, he was made Colonell generall of all ye English forces there present, or to come, which he continued 2 yeeres: he was then made Marshall of the field under Conte Hohenlo: and after that, General of the army in Frisland: at his comming home in the time of Monsieurs government in Flanders, he was made lord President of Munster in Ireland , which he yet holdeth, from whence within one yeere he was sent for, & sent Generall of the English forces which her majestie then lent to the Low countries, which he held til the erle of Leicesters going over. And he was made Marshall of the field
Brazil (Brazil) (search for this): narrative 555
army he had brought; which offer they joyfully imbraced, and presently sent two chiefe men of their towne, to signifie their loyalty to Don Antonio, and their honest affections to our people. Whereupon the Generall landed his companies not farre from the Cloister called San Domingo, but not without perill of the shot of the castle, which being guarded with 65 Spaniards, held still against him. As our fleet were casting ancre when they came first into that road, there was a small ship of Brasil that came from thence, which bare with them, and seemed by striking her sailes, as though she would also have ancred : but taking her fittest occasion hoised againe, and would have passed up the river, but the Generall presently discerning her purpose, sent out a pinnesse or two after her, which forced her in such sort, as she ran herselfe upon the Rocks: all the men escaped out of her, and the lading (being many chests of sugar) was made nothing woorth, by the salt water. In his going thit
Lisbon (Portugal) (search for this): narrative 555
eniche ; laid along of his best Commanders in Lisbon ; and by these few adventures discovered how eardinall had made publique promise to them of Lisbon , that he would fight with us in that place, wy we lodged at Alvelana within three miles of Lisbon , where many of our souldiers drinking in two he same place, laden with men and victuals to Lisbon : the rest that escaped put into Setuvel. The Spaniards. After two nights tariance at Lisbon , the King, as you have heard, promised a suppich had somewhat, but not much, annoyed us at Lisbon , (for that our way lay along the river) attent was by them reported that we dislodged from Lisbon in disorder and feare of them (which indeed w informed: so as the Trumpet followed them to Lisbon , but could not get other answere to either ofake much care for their payment: for shal not Lisbon be thought able to make so few men rich, whenys; without the which, neither the subject of Lisbon is long able to live, nor the king able to ma[4 more...]
Azores (Portugal) (search for this): narrative 555
tempt her: whereby it seemed, their losse being great in the other fights, they were loth to proceed any further. From that day till the 19 of June, our direction from the Generall was, that if the wind were Northerly, we should plie for the Acores ; but if Southerly, for the Iles of Bayon. We lay with contrary windes about that place and the Rocke, till the Southerly winde prevailing carried us to Bayon : part of our ships to the number of 25, in a great winde which was two dayes before, hirals had not come in) with some 500 men out of them all to have landed, and attempted the taking of Vigo . The rest of the fleet held with Generall Drake, who though he were two dayes before put upon those Ilands, cast off againe to sea for the Acores : but remembring how unprovided he was for that journey and seeing that he had lost company of his great ships, returned for Bayon , and came in there that night in the evening, where he passed up the river more then a mile above Vigo . The n
Cadiz (Spain) (search for this): narrative 555
urable cariage of himselfe towards all men doth make him highly esteemed at home; so did his exceeding forwardnesse in all services make him to be woondered at amongst us) who, I say, put off in the same winde from Falmouth, that we left Plimmouth in, where he lay, because he would avoid the importunity of messengers that were dayly sent for his returne, and some other causes more secret to himselfe, not knowing (as it seemed) what place the Generals purposed to land in, had bene as farre as Cadiz in Andaluzia, and lay up and downe about the South Cape, where he tooke some ships laden with corne, and brought them unto the fleet. Also in his returne from thence to meet with our fleet, he fell with the Ilands of Bayon; and on that side of the river which Cannas standeth upon, he, with Sir Roger Williams, and those Gentlemen that were with him went on shore, with some men out of the ship he was in, whom the enemy, that held guard upon that coast, would not abide, but fled up into the c
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