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Culpeper, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.48
amination of all that has been written of that eventful series of battles will show that this was the cause of all the failures. Every attack was magnificent and successful, but failed in the end for the want of cooperation between corps, divisions, brigades, and, in some instances, regiments of the same brigade. The want of cooperation, or, as the Comte de Paris terms it, the want of coordination, caused the loss of Gettysburg to the Confederates. It will be seen, too, that there was no loss of time on the part of McLaws's division, from the day it left Culpeper to that of its arrival at Gettysburg. If any ensued after that, it was due to circumstances wholly unknown to the writer. Certainly, the loss of time, if any, would not have lost the fight, if there had been perfect cooperation of all the troops. But, except to vindicate the truth, it is vain to inquire into the causes of our failure. The last Confederate gun at Gettysburg-on Longstreet's right, opposite Round Top.
Carolina City (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.48
vement was reported to have been magnificently conducted until the cannoneers had left their guns and the caissons were moving off, when the order was given to move by the right flank, by some unauthorized person, and was immediately obeyed by the men. The Federals returned to their guns and opened on these doomed regiments a raking fire of grape and canister, at short distance, which proved most disastrous, and for a time destroyed their usefulness. Hundreds of the bravest and best men of Carolina fell, victims of this fatal blunder. While this tragedy was being enacted, the 3d and 7th regiments were conducted rapidly to the stony hill. In consequence of the obstructions in the way, the 7th Regiment had lapped the 3d a few paces, and when they reached the cover of the stony hill I halted the line at the edge of the wood for a moment, and ordered the 7th to move by the right flank to uncover the 3d Regiment, which was promptly done. It was, no Sickles's angle at the Peach Orchard
Peach Orchard (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.48
or-General Lafayette McLaws, C. S. A. From a photograph. with me and conform to my movement; that Semmes would follow me, and Wofford follow Barksdale. These instructions I received in sundry messages from General Longstreet and General McLaws, and in part by personal communication with them. In my center-front was a stone farm-house [supposed to be Rose's], with a barn also of stone. These buildings were about five hundred yards from our position, and on a line with the crest of the Peach Orchard hill. The Federal infantry was posted along the front of the orchard, and also on the face looking toward Rose's. Six of their batteries were in position, three at the orchard near the crest of the hill, and the others about two hundred yards in rear, extending in the direction of Little Round Top. Behind Rose's was a morass, and, on the right of that, a stone wall running parallel with our line, some two hundred yards from Rose's. Beyond the morass was a stony hill, covered with heav
Emmitsburg (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.48
il noon, or an hour after. This position commanded a view of the Emmitsburg road about Kern's house, and during the morning a large body of tartillery, and extended from that point toward our left along the Emmitsburg road. The intervening ground was occupied by open fields, inters cover of my skirmishers, who engaged those of the enemy near the Emmitsburg road. In the meantime I examined the position of the Federals wil and Sickles's position at the Peach Orchard, viewed from the Emmitsburg road, looking South. This and the other outline sketches were Longstreet accompanied me in this advance on foot, as far as the Emmitsburg road. All the field and staff officers were dismounted on account of the many obstacles in the way. When we were about the Emmitsburg road, I heard Barksdale's drums beat the assembly, and knew then that I The Peach Orchard, viewed from Longstreet's extreme right on the Emmitsburg road. in rear of the Peach Orchard. The 2d and 8th South Caroli
Bull Run, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.48
ed in this movement consisted of De Trobriand's brigade (Birney's division) of the Third Corps.--editors. About this time, the fire of the battery on my left having ceased, I sent for the 2d South Carolina regiment to come to the right. Before I could hear anything of them the enemy had swung around and lapped my whole line at close quarters, and the fighting was general and desperate all along the line, and so continued for some time. These men were brave veterans who had fought from Bull Run to Gettysburg, and knew the strength of their position, and so held it as long as it was tenable. The 7th Regiment finally gave way, and I directed Colonel Aiken to re-form it at the stone wall about Rose's. I passed to the 3d Regiment, then hotly engaged on the crest of the hill, and gradually swung back its right as the enemy made progress around that flank. Semmes's advanced regiment had given way. One of his regiments had mingled with the 3d, and amid rocks and trees, within a few fee
Round Top Ridge (Arizona, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.48
everal batteries, in his front and flank, and immediately brought forward columns of infantry and made a vigorous assault. The Third Corps sustained the shock most heroically. Troops from the Second Corps were immediately sent by Major-General Hancock to cover the right flank of the Third Corps, and soon after the assault commenced the Fifth Corps most fortunately arrived and took position on the left of the Third, Major-General Sykes, commanding, immediately sending a force to occupy Round Top Ridge, where a most furious contest was maintained, the enemy making desperate but unsuccessful efforts to secure it. Notwithstanding the stubborn resistance of the Third Corps under Major-General Birney (Major-General Sickles having been wounded early in the action), superiority in numbers of corps of the enemy enabling him to outflank its advance position, General Birney was compelled to fall back and re-form behind the line originally designed to be held. In the meantime, perceiving the
Willoughby Run (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.48
been plainly visible from the Federal signal station on Little Round Top. Here we were halted by General McLaws in person, while he and General Longstreet rode forward to reconnoiter. Very soon those gentlemen returned, both manifesting considerable irritation, as I thought. General McLaws ordered me to countermarch, and in doing so we passed Hood's division, which had been following us. We moved back to the place where we had rest ed during the morning, and thence by a country road to Willoughby Run, then dry, and down that to the school-house beyond Pitzer's. There we turned to the left through the lane, moving directly toward Little Round Top. General Longstreet here commanded me to advance with my brigade and attack the enemy at the Peach Orchard, which lay a little to the left of my line of march, some six hundred yards from us. I was directed to turn the flank of that position, extend my line along the road we were then in beyond tile Emmitsburg pike, with my left resting on th
Gettysburg (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 4.48
Kershaw's brigade at Gettysburg. by J. B. Kershaw, Major-General, C. S. A. My brigade, composed of South Carolinians, The 2d, 3d, 7th, 1st of July we reached the top of the range of hills overlooking Gettysburg, from which could be seen and heard the smoke and din of battle, aging in the distance. We encamped about midnight two miles from Gettysburg, on the left of the Chambersburg pike. On the 2d we were up and etention from trains in the way, we reached the high grounds near Gettysburg, and moved to the right of the Third Corps, Kershaw's brigade beie. These men were brave veterans who had fought from Bull Run to Gettysburg, and knew the strength of their position, and so held it as long e de Paris terms it, the want of coordination, caused the loss of Gettysburg to the Confederates. It will be seen, too, that there was no losdivision, from the day it left Culpeper to that of its arrival at Gettysburg. If any ensued after that, it was due to circumstances wholly un
W. G. Saussure (search for this): chapter 4.48
ire. Very soon a heavy column moved in two lines of battle across the wheat-field to attack my position in such manner as to take the 7th Regiment in flank on the right. The right wing of this regiment was then thrown back to meet this attack, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Bland. I then hurried in person to General Semmes, then 150 yards in my right rear, to bring him up to meet the attack on my right, and also to bring forward my right regiment, the 15th, commanded by Colonel W. G. de Saussure, which, separated from the brigade by the artillery at the time of the advance, was cut off by Semmes's brigade. In the act of leading his regiment, this gallant and accomplished commander of the 15th had just fallen when I reached it. He fell some paces in front of the line, with sword drawn, leading the advance. General Semmes promptly responded to my call, and put his brigade in motion toward the right, preparatory to moving to the front. While his troops were moving he fel
James Barnes (search for this): chapter 4.48
ith forty men, of whom but four remained unhurt to bury their fallen comrades. My losses exceeded 600 men killed and wounded,--about one-half the force engaged. A glance at the map [see pp. 299, 308] showing the positions occupied by the troops on the 2d of July, will reveal the remarkable fact that the stony hill and wood occupied by this brigade and part of Semmes's was assailed or defended by the Federal brigades of De Trobriand, Sweitzer, Tilton, and Zook, of the divisions of Birney, Barnes, and Caldwell, and of the Second, Third, and Fifth corps. Nowhere have I found any more forcible evidence of the nature and magnitude of this struggle by McLaws's and Hood's divisions than is contained in General Meade's report. He says: About 3 P. M. I rode out to the extreme left. . . . Having found Major-General Sickles, I was explaining to him that he was too far in the advance, and discussing with him the propriety of withdrawing, when the enemy opened upon him with several batt
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