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Bovina (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.67
lorida]. There were about six thousand men in the two brigades. He said further that Colonel Wirt Adams, of the cavalry, had informed him that General Pemberton's forces were at Edwards's depot, 20 miles from Vicksburg, and his headquarters at Bovina, 8 miles from that place; that the Seventeenth Corps (McPherson's) had moved that day from Raymond to Clinton, 9 or 10 miles from Jackson, on the road to Vicksburg. He added that General Maxey's brigade from Port Hudson was expected in Jackson n Captain Yerger, who volunteered to bear it, to move to Clinton at once and attack a Federal. corps there, the troops in Jackson to cooperate; to beat that detachment and establish communication, that he might be reinforced. It was delivered at Bovina early next morning, and General Pemberton replied promptly that he moved at once with his whole available force ; but in the ride of ten or twelve miles to his camp at Edwards's depot he determined to disobey my order, and on his arrival assemble
Baton Rouge (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.67
rawn to Memphis, and stated that he himself was assembling troops at Jackson to follow this movement. This was approved. On the 17th, however, he reported that the Federal army had resumed its offensive operations. He also reported that General Grant was occupying New Carthage, and that there were nine Federal gun-boats between Vicksburg and Port Hudson. Colonel B. H. Grierson [Federal] set out from La Grange on the 17th of April on his noted raid through Mississippi, terminating at Baton Rouge, May 2d. The mischief reported was the burning of some bridges, engines, and cars near Newton, the destruction of ammunition and cars at Hazelhurst, and the burning of the railroad depot and cars at Brookhaven. Several brigades of infantry were detached to protect such property; but fruitlessly, of course. Admiral Porter's squadron, and three transports towing barges, passed Vicksburg on the night of April 16th, and ran down to Hard Times, where the army was; and six more transports
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 5.67
3, p. 585. by Joseph E. Johnston, General, C. S. A. In Mr. Davis's account of the military operations in Mississippi in 1863, The rise and fall of the Confederate States, by Jefferson Davis. their disastrous result is attributed to my misconduct. My object in the following statement is to exhibit the true causes of those dievent the enemy from approaching Vicksburg by the Yazoo Pass and River. He constructed a field-work for this object at the head of the Yazoo. A flotilla of 9 United States gun-boats and 20 transports, carrying 4500 troops, appeared before it on the 11th of March, Major-General Martin L. Smith, C. S. A. From a photograph. and cim in the command of the Army of Tennessee and put myself under the care of a surgeon. This sickness continued for weeks, and was reported repeatedly. The United States naval officers had already ascertained that their ironclads could pass the Confederate batteries without great danger. Moreover, as General Pemberton had repo
Little Rock (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.67
mberton, who commanded the Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana, had an active army of 23,000 effective infantry and artillery, and above 6000 cavalry, most of it irregular. There were also intrenched camps at Vicksburg and Port Hudson, each held by about six thousand men, protecting batteries of old smoothbore guns, which, it was hoped, would prevent the Federal war vessels from occupying the intermediate part of the Mississippi. Lieutenant-General Holmes was then encamped near Little Rock with an army of above fifty thousand men, as General Cooper, adjutant-general, reported to the President in my presence. There were no Federal forces in Arkansas at the time, except one or two garrisons. In all the time to which the preceding relates I had been out of service from the effects of two severe wounds received in the battle of Seven Pines [May 31st, 1862]. On the 12th of November, 1862, I reported myself fit for duty. The Secretary of War replied that I would be assigned
La Grange (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.67
; and on April 11th he expressed the belief that most of those troops were being withdrawn to Memphis, and stated that he himself was assembling troops at Jackson to follow this movement. This was approved. On the 17th, however, he reported that the Federal army had resumed its offensive operations. He also reported that General Grant was occupying New Carthage, and that there were nine Federal gun-boats between Vicksburg and Port Hudson. Colonel B. H. Grierson [Federal] set out from La Grange on the 17th of April on his noted raid through Mississippi, terminating at Baton Rouge, May 2d. The mischief reported was the burning of some bridges, engines, and cars near Newton, the destruction of ammunition and cars at Hazelhurst, and the burning of the railroad depot and cars at Brookhaven. Several brigades of infantry were detached to protect such property; but fruitlessly, of course. Admiral Porter's squadron, and three transports towing barges, passed Vicksburg on the night o
Milliken's Bend (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.67
; that of the Confederates, 63 killed, 134 wounded, 10 missing,--total, 207.--editors. The combined land and naval forces then left the Yazoo, and, entering the Arkansas, ascended it to Arkansas Post, which they captured, with its garrison of five thousand Confederate troops. In the meantime General Pemberton brought what had been his active forces into Vicksburg. On the 20th of January all the troops destined for the operations against Vicksburg were ordered by General Grant to Milliken's Bend and Young's Point, where he joined them on the 29th. These troops were employed until April in cutting a canal through the point of land opposite Vicksburg, to enable the Federal vessels to pass it without exposure to the batteries; but the attempt was unsuccessful. In the meantime Brigadier-General Bowen was detached with three brigades to Grand Gulf, to construct batteries there; and Major-General Loring, with a similar detachment, was sent to select and fortify a position to prev
Florida (Florida, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.67
r, reported to me soon after that he had been ordered from Port Hudson to Raymond by General Pemberton, but had been driven from that place the day before by the Federal Seventeenth Corps;, and, in obedience to the general's instructions for such an event, had fallen back to Jackson, accompanied by Brigadier-General W. H. T. Walker, whom he had met on the way, marching to join him with his brigade. The latter had just come from General Beauregard's department [South Carolina, Georgia,, and Florida]. There were about six thousand men in the two brigades. He said further that Colonel Wirt Adams, of the cavalry, had informed him that General Pemberton's forces were at Edwards's depot, 20 miles from Vicksburg, and his headquarters at Bovina, 8 miles from that place; that the Seventeenth Corps (McPherson's) had moved that day from Raymond to Clinton, 9 or 10 miles from Jackson, on the road to Vicksburg. He added that General Maxey's brigade from Port Hudson was expected in Jackson nex
Duck River (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.67
‘. General Rosecrans was, of course, soon informed of the great reduction of his antagonist's strength, and marched from Nashville to attack him. The battle, that of Murfreesboro' or Stone's River, occurred on the 31st of December, 1862, and the 2d of January, 1863, and was one of the most obstinately contested and bloody of the war, in proportion to the numbers engaged. [See articles to follow.] The result of this action compelled the Confederate army to fall back and place itself behind Duck River, at Manchester, Tullahoma, and Shelbyville. Early in December Grant projected an enterprise against Vicksburg under Sherman's command. He directed that officer to embark at Memphis with about 30,000 men, descend the river with them to the neighborhood of the place, and with the cooperation of Admiral Porter's squadron proceed to reduce it. Sherman entered the Yazoo with his forces on the 26th of December, employed several days in reconnoitering, and on the 29th made a vigorous assault
Hazelhurst (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.67
eported that the Federal army had resumed its offensive operations. He also reported that General Grant was occupying New Carthage, and that there were nine Federal gun-boats between Vicksburg and Port Hudson. Colonel B. H. Grierson [Federal] set out from La Grange on the 17th of April on his noted raid through Mississippi, terminating at Baton Rouge, May 2d. The mischief reported was the burning of some bridges, engines, and cars near Newton, the destruction of ammunition and cars at Hazelhurst, and the burning of the railroad depot and cars at Brookhaven. Several brigades of infantry were detached to protect such property; but fruitlessly, of course. Admiral Porter's squadron, and three transports towing barges, passed Vicksburg on the night of April 16th, and ran down to Hard Times, where the army was; and six more transports and barges followed on the night of the 22d. On the two occasions, one transport was sunk, another burned, and six barges rendered unserviceable by t
Port Hudson (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.67
it irregular. There were also intrenched camps at Vicksburg and Port Hudson, each held by about six thousand men, protecting batteries of old me, in reference to the forces required to hold that place and Port Hudson, and at the same time to oppose General Grant in the field. We d reported, the wooden vessels Hartford and Albatross had passed Port Hudson while most of our guns were engaged with the other vessels of Adand that there were nine Federal gun-boats between Vicksburg and Port Hudson. Colonel B. H. Grierson [Federal] set out from La Grange on tofficer, reported to me soon after that he had been ordered from Port Hudson to Raymond by General Pemberton, but had been driven from that pe road to Vicksburg. He added that General Maxey's brigade from Port Hudson was expected in Jackson next day. I had passed General Gist's dEctor's and McNair's from Tennessee, and on the 23d Maxey's from Port Hudson joined Gregg's and Walker's near Canton. This force was further
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