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Bermuda Hundred (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11.89
Brig.-Gen. August V. Kautz. First Brigade, Col. Robert M. West: 20th N. Y., Col. Newton B. Lord; 5th Pa., Lieut.-Col. Christopher Kleinz. Second Brigade, Col. Samuel P. Spear: 1st D. C. (4 co's), Maj. J. Stannard Baker; 11th Pa.. Lieut.-Col. Franklin A. Stratton. Third Brigade, Col. Andrew W. Evans: 1st Md., Lieut.-Col. Jacob H. Counselman; 1st N. Y. Mounted Rifles, Col. Edwin V. Sumner. Artillery: 4th Wis., Capt. Dorman L. Noggle; B, 1st U. S., Lieut. Theodore K. Gibbs. defenses of Bermuda hundred, Brig.-Gen. Edward Ferrero. First Brigade, Col. William Heine: 41st N. Y. (6 co's), Lieut.-Col. Detleo von Einsiedel; 103d N. Y., Lieut.-Col. Andrew Wettstein; 104th Pa. (5 co's), Capt. Theophilus Kephart. Second Brigade, Lieut.-Col. G. De Peyster Arden: 6th N. Y. Heavy Art'y, Maj. George C. Kibbe; 10th N. Y. Heavy Art'y, Maj. James B. Campbell. Provisional Brigade, Col. William M. McClure: detachment C, 13th N. H., Lieut. Royal B. Prescott; 2d Pa. Heavy Art'y (batt'n), Capt. Nichola
Colorado (Colorado, United States) (search for this): chapter 11.89
, ; 47th Ala., Col. M. J. Bulger; 48th Ala., Lieut.-Col. W. M. Hardwick. Gregg's Brigade, Col. F. S. Bass: 3d Ark., Col. Van H. Manning; 1st Tex., Capt. W. A. Bedell; 4th Tex., Col. J. P. Bane; 5th Tex., Col. R. M. Powell. Benning's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. H. L. Benning: 2d Ga., Lieut.-Col. W. S. Shepherd; 15th Ga., Lieut.-Col. S. Z. Hearnsberger; 17th Ga., Col. Wesley C. Hodges; 20th Ga., Col. J. D. Waddell. Bratton's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. John Bratton: 1st S. C., Col. James R. Hagood; 5th. S. C., Col. A. Coward; 6th S. C., Col. J. M. Steedman; 2d S. C. Rifles, Col. R. E. Bowen; Palmetto (S. C.) Sharp-shooters, Col. Joseph Walker. Kershaw's division, Maj.-Gen. J. B. Kershaw. Wofford's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Dudley M. DuBose: 16th Ga., Maj. J. H. Skelton; 18th Ga., Col. Joseph Armstrong; 24th Ga., Col. C. C. Sanders; 3d Ga. Batt'n Sharp-shooters, Lieut.-Col. N. L. Hutchins, Jr.; Cobb's Ga. Legion, Lieut.-Col. Luther J. Glenn; Phillips Ga. Legion, Lieut.-Col. Joseph Hamilton. Humphreys's B
Harrison's Landing (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11.89
and H, 13th N. Y. Heavy, Capt. William Prendell; E and G, 3d Pa. Heavy, Capt. Samuel Hazard, Jr.; M, 3d Pa. Heavy, Capt. Frederick Korte. Pontoniers: I, 3d Mass. Heavy Art'y, Lieut. Oliver J. Bixby. separate Brigade, Col. Wardwell G. Robinson. Fort Pocahontas, Maj. William H. Tantum: 38th N. J. (4 co's), Maj. William H. Tantum; 16th N. Y. Heavy Art'y (2 co's), Capt. Henry C. Thompson; 33d N. Y. Battery, Capt. Alger M. Wheeler; detachment 1st U. S. Col'd Cav., Capt. David Vandevort. Harrison's Landing, Lieut.-Col. William P. McKinley: detachment 4th Mass. Cav., Lieut. Thomas Miles; 184th N. Y., Lieut.-Col. W. P. McKinley; detachment 3d Pa. Heavy Art'y, Lieut. Frederick Grill. Fort Powhatan, Col. William J. Sewell: 38th N. J. (6 co's) Lieut.-Col. Ashbel W. Angel; detachment 3d Pa. Heavy Art'y; E, 1st U. S. Col'd Cav., Capt. Charles W. Emerson. According to the official returns the effective force of the armies operating against Petersburg and Richmond, from June to December, 1864
Palmetto (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 11.89
Col. F. S. Bass: 3d Ark., Col. Van H. Manning; 1st Tex., Capt. W. A. Bedell; 4th Tex., Col. J. P. Bane; 5th Tex., Col. R. M. Powell. Benning's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. H. L. Benning: 2d Ga., Lieut.-Col. W. S. Shepherd; 15th Ga., Lieut.-Col. S. Z. Hearnsberger; 17th Ga., Col. Wesley C. Hodges; 20th Ga., Col. J. D. Waddell. Bratton's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. John Bratton: 1st S. C., Col. James R. Hagood; 5th. S. C., Col. A. Coward; 6th S. C., Col. J. M. Steedman; 2d S. C. Rifles, Col. R. E. Bowen; Palmetto (S. C.) Sharp-shooters, Col. Joseph Walker. Kershaw's division, Maj.-Gen. J. B. Kershaw. Wofford's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Dudley M. DuBose: 16th Ga., Maj. J. H. Skelton; 18th Ga., Col. Joseph Armstrong; 24th Ga., Col. C. C. Sanders; 3d Ga. Batt'n Sharp-shooters, Lieut.-Col. N. L. Hutchins, Jr.; Cobb's Ga. Legion, Lieut.-Col. Luther J. Glenn; Phillips Ga. Legion, Lieut.-Col. Joseph Hamilton. Humphreys's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. B. G. Humphreys: 13th Miss., Lieut.-Col. A. G. O'Brien; 17th Miss., Ca
Cadmus M. Wilcox (search for this): chapter 11.89
J. R. Herbert; 22d Va. Batt'n, Lieut.-Col. E. P. Tayloe; 40th Va., Lieut.-Col. A. S. Cunningham; 47th Va., Capt. C. J. Green; 55th Va., Col. W. S. Christian. Johnson's Brigade: 17th and 23d Tenn.,----; 25th and 44th Tenn.,----; 63d Tenn.,----. Wilcox's division, Maj.-Gen. Cadmus M. Wilcox. Thomas's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. E. L. Thomas: 14th Ga., Col. R. P. Lester; 35th Ga., Col. B. H. Holt; 45th Ga., Col. T. J. Simmons; 49th Ga., Col. John T. Jordan. Lane's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. James H. Lane: 7Maj.-Gen. Cadmus M. Wilcox. Thomas's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. E. L. Thomas: 14th Ga., Col. R. P. Lester; 35th Ga., Col. B. H. Holt; 45th Ga., Col. T. J. Simmons; 49th Ga., Col. John T. Jordan. Lane's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. James H. Lane: 7th N. C., Col. E. G. Haywood; 18th N. C., Col. J. D. Barry; 28th N. C., Capt. T. V. Apperson; 33d N. C., Col. R. V. Cowan; 37th N. C., Lieut.-Col. W. G. Morris. McGowan's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Samuel McGowan: 1st S. C. (Prov. Army), Col. C. W. McCreary; 12th S. C., Lieut.-Col. T. F. Clyburn; 13th S. C., Col. Isaac F. Hunt; 14th S. C., Col. J. N. Brown; Orr's (S. C.) Rifles, Col. G. McD. Miller. Scales's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Alfred M. Scales: 13th N. C., Col. J. H. Hyman; 16th N. C., Col. W. A. St
Joseph R. Davis (search for this): chapter 11.89
Va.,----; 33d Va.,----; 37th Va.,----; 42d Va.,----; 44th Va.,----; 48th Va.,----. York's Brigade: 1st La.,----; 2d La.,----; 5th La.,----; 6th La.,----; 7th La.,----; 8th La.,----; 9th La.,----; 100th La.,----; 14th La.,----; 15th La.,----. [With the exception of Hardaway's battalion, attached to the First Corps, the artillery of the Second Corps was still in the Valley. ] Third Army Corps, Lieut.-Gen. Ambrose P. Hill. Heth's division, Maj.-Gen. Henry Heth. Davis's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Joseph R. Davis: 1st Confederate Batt'n, Maj. F. B. McClung; 2d Miss., Col. J. M. Stone; 11th Miss., Lieut.-Col. W. B. Lowry; 26th Miss., Col. A. E. Reynolds; 42d Miss., Col. A. M. Nelson. Cooke's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. J. R. Cooke: 15th N. C., Lieut.-Col. W. H. Yarborough; 27th N. C., Col. J. A. Gilmer, Jr.; 46th N. C., Col. W. L. Saunders; 48th N. C., Col. S. H. Walkup; 55th N. C., Col. John K. Connally. MacRae's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. William MacRae: 11th N. C., Col. W. J. Martin; 26th N. C., Col. J.
Charles F. Walcott (search for this): chapter 11.89
n. Marsena R. Patrick: 8th Del. (3 co's), Capt. Robert I. Holt; K, 1st Ind. Cav., Lieut. William O. Hedrick; C and D, 1st Mass. Cav., Capt. Edward A. Flint; 80th N. Y. (20th militia), Lieut.-Col. John McEntee; 3d Pa. Cav. (8 co's), Lieut.-Col. James W. Walsh; 68th Pa., Col. Andrew H. Tippin; 114th Pa., Col. Charles H. T. Collis. Engineer Brigade and Defenses of City Point, Brig.-Gen. Henry W. Benham: 1st Me. Sharp-shooters (2 co's), Capt. George R. Abbott; 61st Mass. (6 co's), Lieut.-Col. Charles F. Walcott; Hall's Batt'n Mich. Sharp-shooters (2 co's), Capt. Nathaniel P. Watson; 18th N. H. (6 co's), Lieut.-Col. Joseph M. Clough; 15th N. Y. Engr's, Col. Wesley Brainerd; 50th N. Y. Engr's, Col. William H. Pettes. Battalion U. S. Engineers, Maj. Franklin Harwood. Guards and Orderlies: Oneida (N. Y.) Cav., Lieut. Frank Vane. artillery, Brig.-Gen. Henry J. Hunt (chief of artillery). Siege Artillery, Col. Henry L. Abbot: 1st Conn. Heavy (5 co's), Maj. George B. Cook; 1st Conn. Heavy
George T. Rogers (search for this): chapter 11.89
13th N. C., Col. J. H. Hyman; 16th N. C., Col. W. A. Stowe; 22d N. C., Col. T. S. Gallaway; 34th N. C., Col. W. L. J. Lowrance; 38th N. C., Col. John Ashford. Mahone's division, Maj.-Gen. William Mahone. Sanders's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. J. C. C. Sanders: 8th Ala., Col. Y. L. Royston; 9th Ala., Col. J. H. King; 10th Ala., Col. W. H. Forney; 11th Ala., Col. G. E. Tayloe; 13th Ala., Col. James Aiken; 14th Ala., Col. L. Pinckard. Weisiger's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. D. A. Weisiger: 6th Va., Col. George T. Rogers; 12th Va., Lieut.-Col. E. M. Feild; 16th Va., Col. Joseph H. Ham; 41st Va., Col. W. A. Parham; 61st Va., Col. V. D. Groner. Harris's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Nathaniel H. Harris: 12th Miss., Col. M. B. Harris; 16th Miss., Col. E. C. Councell; 19th Miss., Col. R. W. Phipps; 48th Miss., Col. J. M. Jayne. Sorrel's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. G. M. Sorrel: 3d Ga., Col. E. J. Walker; 22d Ga., Col. George H. Jones; 48th Ga., Col. William Gibson; 64th Ga., Col. W. H. Weems; 2d Ga. Batt'n, Maj. C. J. Mof
Alonzo Alden (search for this): chapter 11.89
Smith; 117th N. Y., Col. Rufus Daggett; 142d N. Y., Lieut.-Col. Albert M. Barney. Second Brigade, Col. Galusha Pennypacker: 47th N. Y., Capt. Joseph M. McDonald; 48th N. Y., Lieut.-Col. William B. Coan; 76th Pa., Col. John S. Littell; 97th Pa., Lieut. John Wainwright; 203d Pa., Col. John W. Moore. Third Brigade, Col. Louis Bell: 13th Ind. (5 co's), Capt. Samuel M. Zent; 9th Me., Col. G. Frederick Granger; 4th N. H., Capt. John H. Roberts; 115th N. Y., Maj. Ezra L. Walrath; 169th N. Y., Col. Alonzo Alden. Third division, Brig.-Gen. Charles Devens, Jr. First Brigade, Lieut.-Col. John B. Raulston: 11th Conn., Lieut.-Col. Randall H. Rice; 13th N. H., Lieut.-Col. Normand Smith; 81st N. Y., Capt. Edward A. Stimson; 98th N. Y., Lieut.-Col. William Kreutzer; 139th N. Y., Capt. Theodore Miller; 19th Wis., Maj. Samuel K. Vaughan. Second Brigade, Col. Joseph H. Potter: 5th Md., Lieut.-Col. William W. Bamberger; 10th N. H., Lieut.-Col. John Coughlin; 12th N. H., Lieut.-Col. Thomas E. Barker
G. M. Patterson (search for this): chapter 11.89
attery, Capt. A. W. Utterback. Eshleman's Battalion, Lieut.-Col. B. F. Eshleman: La. Battery, Capt. Edward Owen; La. Battery, Capt. J. B. Richardson; La. Battery, Capt. Andrew Hero, Jr.; La. Battery, Capt. Joe Norcom. Richardson's Battalion, Lieut.-Col. Charles Richardson: La. Battery, Capt. R. P. Landry; Va. Battery, Capt. J. D. Moore; Va. Battery, Capt. C. R. Grandy; Va. Battery, Capt. Nathan Penick. Lane's Battalion, Maj. John Lane: Ga. Battery, Capt. J. T. Wingfield; Ga. Battery, Capt. G. M. Patterson; Ga. Battery, Capt. H. M. Ross. Owen's Battalion, Maj. W. M. Owen: Va. Battery, Capt. J. H. Chamberlayne; Va. Battery, Capt. Crispin Dickenson; Va. Battery, Capt. D. N. Walker. Anderson's Corps, Lieut.-Gen. R.:H. Anderson. Hoke's division (started for Wilmington, N. C., Dec. 20th, 1864), Maj.-Gen. R. F. Hoke. Hagood's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Johnson Hagood: 11th S. C., Col. F. H. Gantt; 21st S. C., Col. R. F. Graham; 25th S. C., Col. C. H. Simonton; 27th . C., Col. P. C. Gaillar
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