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Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
from the Taneytown road, which entered it and ended there. from that point Birney's line, formed by the brigades of De Trobriand and Ward, of his division, bent back obliquely toward Round Top, with a stony interval behind it, and having some Massachusetts batteries on the extreme left. In this position Meade found Sickles between three and four o'clock in the afternoon. Sedgwick had arrived, after a march of thirty-five miles in nineteen hours, and been placed in reserve, and Meade had gone ay that led over to the Emmettsburg road, at the northern slope of little Round Top. From that eminence we had an excellent general view of the battle-field between it and Gettysburg. As we descended to the road, we saw the graves of several Massachusetts soldiers, at the heads of which their companions Graves on the field of Gettysburg. A soldier's grave. had placed small boards, with the name and regiment marked on each, and planted a small evergreen close by, a tender memorial of heave
New York (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
her own head. But the British Government wisely hesitated; and notwithstanding leaders of the Peace Faction in the city of New York had, six months before, Nov., 1862. waited upon Lord Lyons, the British minister at Washington, with an evident desest Virginia, 10,000. This, too, was tardily and stingily answered, while uniformed and disciplined regiments of the city of New York so promptly marched toward the field of danger that the Secretary of War publicly thanked the Governor of that State of your kindness to place under your care a box of merchandise, which you will please put in a dry place. even the city of New York was considered unsafe in the last week in June, and for that reason precious things were sent from Philadelphia as f in Baltimore in the evening in time to take the cars for Philadelphia, whence the writer went homeward reaching the City of New York when the great Draft riot, as it was called, at the middle of Fort Delaware. July 1863. was at its height, a
South Mountain (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
d honored by the officers and men of his regiment, that they presented him an elegant sword, in 1863, on which was inscribed the names of the battles in which the regiment had then been engaged, namely, Sulphur Springs, Gainesville, Manassas, South Mountain. Antietam, Union, Fredericksburg, Rappahannock, Chancellorsville, Beverly Ford, and Gettysburg. Meredith's iron brigade was immediately to charge into a wood on the left of the road, in rear of the Seminary, and fall upon Hill's right, underroy their train on the Chambersburg road. The greater part of the Army remained to rest, and to succor the wounded and bury the dead. Sedgwick overtook the rear-guard of the Confederates ten miles from Gettysburg, at the Fairfield Pass of South Mountain, and reported to General Meade that it was easily defensible by a small force, against him. Meade recalled Sedgwick, and determined to put his whole force in pursuit, in a flank movement, by way of Emmettsburg and Middletown, and the lower pa
Round Top Ridge (Arizona, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
urch stands upon it. About a mile farther west, beyond Willoughby's Run, is a similar Ridge, parallel with Oak Ridge. North of the town, also on a gentle slope, is the Pennsylvania College. Southeast from Cemetery Hill, between the Baltimore turnpike, and Rock Creek, is Culp's Hill; and beyond the Creek, in that direction, is Wolf Hill, a rugged, wooded eminence. Two miles southwest of Cemetery Hill is a rocky peak, called Round Top, and near it a rocky Hill of less altitude, called Round Top Ridge. This extends, in diminished altitude, to Ziegler's Grove, on Cemetery Hill. North of the town, the country is a rolling plain; and, at a distance of about ten miles southwest of it, is seen the bold outline of the South Mountain range. instead of those along the line of Pipe Creek, where Meade expected to fight. Buford, as we have seen, entered Gettysburg on the 29th, and on the following evening, Reynolds, commanding the left, was ordered to advance upon it along the Emmettsburg tu
Aldie (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
wed Ewell, and took position at Winchester. Hooker, meanwhile, was in the vicinity of Fairfax Court-House, expecting a direct attack from his adversary, and the cavalry of Pleasanton and Stuart had almost daily encounters. In one of these, near Aldie, June 17. at the Pass between the Bull's Run and Kittoctin mountains, See map on page 586, volume I., and note 2, page 467, volume II. the position of Lee was partially revealed to Hooker, and caused the latter to send the Second Corps to Thoroughfare Gap, the Fifth to Aldie, and the Twelfth to Leesburg. In that encounter the Confederate cavalry was charged by Kilpatrick's brigade (First Maine, First Massachusetts, and a battalion of the Fourth New York), and driven back to Ashby's Gap, whence they had emerged. Two days earlier than this, June 15, 1863. when Milroy's flying troops were crossing the Potomac at Hancock, a brigade of Confederate cavalry, fifteen hundred in number, under General Jenkins, detached from Ewell's corps,
Vermont (Vermont, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
mber, 1866. it was a substantial old stone House. Mrs. Marshall yet occupied it, and was then seventy-eight years of age. bending back south-southwest to Round Top. see note 1, page 59. Howard's shattered corps, re-enforced by two thousand Vermont troops under General Stannard; occupied Cemetery Hill, supported by the divisions of Robinson and Doubleday, of the First, with Wadsworth's, of the same corps, on the right. This division joined Slocum's corps on Culp's Hill, which formed the r confusion. In the last of the charges by which the result was reached, Farnsworth was slain, and with him many of his brave men. The troops engaged in this affair, which greatly weakened the Confederate attack on Meade's lines, were the First; Vermont, First Virginia, and Eighteenth Pennsylvania cavalry. specially important were the services of Merritt and Farnsworth, of Kilpatrick's command, on the Confederate right, for they prevented Hood from turning Meade's left during the terrible battl
Gulf of Mexico (search for this): chapter 2
of those countries, or punishing it for wrongs inflicted on those citizens. The treaty was signed on the 21st of October, 1861. Diplomatic relations with Mexico were broken off by those powers, and each ally sent a fleet with troops to the Gulf of Mexico, numbering in all 61 vessels and 88,000 men. They appeared off Vera Cruz on the 8th of December, 1861, where they landed without much difficulty, the commanders assuring the Mexicans that there was no intention to interfere with their form ofal Prim, the Spanish commander, dated July 3, 1862, the Emperor, after saying that the United States fed the factories of Europe with cotton, and asserting that it was not the interest of European Governments to have it hold dominion over the Gulf of Mexico, the Antilles, and the adjacent continent, he declared that if, with the assistance of France, Mexico should have a stable Government, that is, a monarchy, we, shall have restored to the Latin race upon the opposite side of the ocean its stre
Alleghany Mountains (United States) (search for this): chapter 2
d to be no power at hand adequate to stay the merciless tide of invasion, and for a moment it appeared probable that the Confederate footmen might have an undisturbed promenade between the Susquehanna and the Schuylkill, and that the horses of their cavalry might speedily be watered in the Delaware, and possibly neigh on the banks of the Hudson. Rumor and fear, magnifying and disturbing truth, made pale faces everywhere. Now the invaders were marching toward Pittsburg, and would scale the Alleghanies; then on Harrisburg, and would destroy the State buildings and archives; now on Philadelphia, to plunder its mansions and store-houses; and then on Baltimore and Washington, to proclaim Jefferson Davis the ruler of the Republic, with the power of a Dictator. Brooks cast up breastworks on the line of their expected approach to the mountains; Couch made entrenchments opposite Harrisburg, and some of his troops skirmished with the Confederate vanguard within four miles of the capital. St
Ohio (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
the Monongahela, with Headquarters at Pittsburg. The Middle Department was under the command of General Schenck, Headquarters at Baltimore. On the 12th, Governor Curtin, of that State, issued a call for the entire militia of the commonwealth to turn out to defend its soil, but it was feebly responded to; and on the 15th, the President called upon the States nearest the capital for an aggregate of one hundred thousand militia. Maryland was called upon for 10,000 men; Pennsylvania, 50,000; Ohio, 30,000; and West Virginia, 10,000. This, too, was tardily and stingily answered, while uniformed and disciplined regiments of the city of New York so promptly marched toward the field of danger that the Secretary of War publicly thanked the Governor of that State for the exhibition of patriotism. Despondency had produced apathy, and it appeared, for the moment, as if the patriotism of the loyalists was waning, and that the expectation of the Confederates, of a general cry for peace in the F
America (Netherlands) (search for this): chapter 2
pean Governments to have it hold dominion over the Gulf of Mexico, the Antilles, and the adjacent continent, he declared that if, with the assistance of France, Mexico should have a stable Government, that is, a monarchy, we, shall have restored to the Latin race upon the opposite side of the ocean its strength and its prestige; we shall have guaranteed, then, security to our colonies in the Antilles, and to those of Spain; we shall have established our beneficent influence in the center of America; and this influence, by creating immense openings to our commerce, will procure to us the matter indispensable to our industry. Louis Napoleon supposed the power of the United States to be broken by the rebellion and civil war, and that he might, with impunity, carry out his designs against republican institutions in the New World, and establish a dependency of France in the fertile, cotton-growing regions of Central America. His troops were re-enforced after the two allies withdrew. T
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