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Farmington (Mississippi, United States) 389 39 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott). Search the whole document.

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Fort Henry (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
March 25, 1862.-reconnaissance to Agnew's Ferry, Tenn. Report of Lieut. Mortimer Neelyq, Fifth Iowa Cavalry. Fort Henry, Tenn., March 28, 1862. Sir: Agreeably to Special Orders, No. 10, I proceeded forthwith, with 20 men, on March 25, at 8 o'clock p. m., to what is known as Agnew's Ferry, and there and on the road learned to my satisfaction that his steam ferry-boat was at some point down the river in possession of the United States forces. I also learned that small parties of the enemy's cavalry were in the habit of crossing the river at that4101nt daily in a small ferry-boat, and thought it best to leave a guard there, which I did, of 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 6 privates, with instructions to examine all who passed, and arrest all who could not give a satisfactory account of themselves; also to remain there until further orders. On my return, at the urgent request of the Union citizens, I arrested and have now under guard, subject to your orders, 10 prisoners, 5
Samuel Downs (search for this): chapter 11
hs in Colonel Forbes Infantry, Fourteenth Tennessee, Captain Buckner's company; Albert C. Brigham and John P. Rushings, who were both in the artillery service two months each, with Colonel Heiman and Captain Taylor, Tennessee Volunteers. The foregoing is their own statement to me, and I will here say thai John Beaugard and W. W. Wiggins have conducted themselves very badly while here, swearing that the time would come when they would have their revenge. The other five, consisting of Samuel Downs, John U. Downs Frank M. Downs, Green H. Wiggins, and A. G. Rushings, I learned to my satisfaction have been very prominent secessionists, driving Union citizens from their homes, threatening to hang them if they did not leave, and the latter making public speeches for disunion, and never disguising the fact that their whole sympathies were with the Confederates. I am, with profound respect, yours, truly Mortimer Neely First Lieutenant, Company K, Curtis' or8e. Col. W. W. Lowe.
George H. Thomas (search for this): chapter 11
tes, with instructions to examine all who passed, and arrest all who could not give a satisfactory account of themselves; also to remain there until further orders. On my return, at the urgent request of the Union citizens, I arrested and have now under guard, subject to your orders, 10 prisoners, 5 of whom have been soldiers in the Confederate Army and 5 notorious rebels. The soldiers are: John Beaugard, who has been nine months in Bissell's Arkansas Cavalry, first duty sergeant in Captain Thomas' company; W. W. Wiggins, two months in Forrest's Cavalry, Polk Walker's Rangers, Alabama, Captain De Coat; George W. Saunders, five months in Colonel Forbes Infantry, Fourteenth Tennessee, Captain Buckner's company; Albert C. Brigham and John P. Rushings, who were both in the artillery service two months each, with Colonel Heiman and Captain Taylor, Tennessee Volunteers. The foregoing is their own statement to me, and I will here say thai John Beaugard and W. W. Wiggins have conducte
Polk Walker (search for this): chapter 11
ld not give a satisfactory account of themselves; also to remain there until further orders. On my return, at the urgent request of the Union citizens, I arrested and have now under guard, subject to your orders, 10 prisoners, 5 of whom have been soldiers in the Confederate Army and 5 notorious rebels. The soldiers are: John Beaugard, who has been nine months in Bissell's Arkansas Cavalry, first duty sergeant in Captain Thomas' company; W. W. Wiggins, two months in Forrest's Cavalry, Polk Walker's Rangers, Alabama, Captain De Coat; George W. Saunders, five months in Colonel Forbes Infantry, Fourteenth Tennessee, Captain Buckner's company; Albert C. Brigham and John P. Rushings, who were both in the artillery service two months each, with Colonel Heiman and Captain Taylor, Tennessee Volunteers. The foregoing is their own statement to me, and I will here say thai John Beaugard and W. W. Wiggins have conducted themselves very badly while here, swearing that the time would come w
John Beaugard (search for this): chapter 11
orders. On my return, at the urgent request of the Union citizens, I arrested and have now under guard, subject to your orders, 10 prisoners, 5 of whom have been soldiers in the Confederate Army and 5 notorious rebels. The soldiers are: John Beaugard, who has been nine months in Bissell's Arkansas Cavalry, first duty sergeant in Captain Thomas' company; W. W. Wiggins, two months in Forrest's Cavalry, Polk Walker's Rangers, Alabama, Captain De Coat; George W. Saunders, five months in Colon's company; Albert C. Brigham and John P. Rushings, who were both in the artillery service two months each, with Colonel Heiman and Captain Taylor, Tennessee Volunteers. The foregoing is their own statement to me, and I will here say thai John Beaugard and W. W. Wiggins have conducted themselves very badly while here, swearing that the time would come when they would have their revenge. The other five, consisting of Samuel Downs, John U. Downs Frank M. Downs, Green H. Wiggins, and A. G.
Mortimer Neely (search for this): chapter 11
s in Colonel Forbes Infantry, Fourteenth Tennessee, Captain Buckner's company; Albert C. Brigham and John P. Rushings, who were both in the artillery service two months each, with Colonel Heiman and Captain Taylor, Tennessee Volunteers. The foregoing is their own statement to me, and I will here say thai John Beaugard and W. W. Wiggins have conducted themselves very badly while here, swearing that the time would come when they would have their revenge. The other five, consisting of Samuel Downs, John U. Downs Frank M. Downs, Green H. Wiggins, and A. G. Rushings, I learned to my satisfaction have been very prominent secessionists, driving Union citizens from their homes, threatening to hang them if they did not leave, and the latter making public speeches for disunion, and never disguising the fact that their whole sympathies were with the Confederates. I am, with profound respect, yours, truly Mortimer Neely First Lieutenant, Company K, Curtis' or8e. Col. W. W. Lowe.
A. G. Rushings (search for this): chapter 11
hs in Colonel Forbes Infantry, Fourteenth Tennessee, Captain Buckner's company; Albert C. Brigham and John P. Rushings, who were both in the artillery service two months each, with Colonel Heiman and Captain Taylor, Tennessee Volunteers. The foregoing is their own statement to me, and I will here say thai John Beaugard and W. W. Wiggins have conducted themselves very badly while here, swearing that the time would come when they would have their revenge. The other five, consisting of Samuel Downs, John U. Downs Frank M. Downs, Green H. Wiggins, and A. G. Rushings, I learned to my satisfaction have been very prominent secessionists, driving Union citizens from their homes, threatening to hang them if they did not leave, and the latter making public speeches for disunion, and never disguising the fact that their whole sympathies were with the Confederates. I am, with profound respect, yours, truly Mortimer Neely First Lieutenant, Company K, Curtis' or8e. Col. W. W. Lowe.
John U. Downs (search for this): chapter 11
s in Colonel Forbes Infantry, Fourteenth Tennessee, Captain Buckner's company; Albert C. Brigham and John P. Rushings, who were both in the artillery service two months each, with Colonel Heiman and Captain Taylor, Tennessee Volunteers. The foregoing is their own statement to me, and I will here say thai John Beaugard and W. W. Wiggins have conducted themselves very badly while here, swearing that the time would come when they would have their revenge. The other five, consisting of Samuel Downs, John U. Downs Frank M. Downs, Green H. Wiggins, and A. G. Rushings, I learned to my satisfaction have been very prominent secessionists, driving Union citizens from their homes, threatening to hang them if they did not leave, and the latter making public speeches for disunion, and never disguising the fact that their whole sympathies were with the Confederates. I am, with profound respect, yours, truly Mortimer Neely First Lieutenant, Company K, Curtis' or8e. Col. W. W. Lowe.
Ezra Taylor (search for this): chapter 11
Army and 5 notorious rebels. The soldiers are: John Beaugard, who has been nine months in Bissell's Arkansas Cavalry, first duty sergeant in Captain Thomas' company; W. W. Wiggins, two months in Forrest's Cavalry, Polk Walker's Rangers, Alabama, Captain De Coat; George W. Saunders, five months in Colonel Forbes Infantry, Fourteenth Tennessee, Captain Buckner's company; Albert C. Brigham and John P. Rushings, who were both in the artillery service two months each, with Colonel Heiman and Captain Taylor, Tennessee Volunteers. The foregoing is their own statement to me, and I will here say thai John Beaugard and W. W. Wiggins have conducted themselves very badly while here, swearing that the time would come when they would have their revenge. The other five, consisting of Samuel Downs, John U. Downs Frank M. Downs, Green H. Wiggins, and A. G. Rushings, I learned to my satisfaction have been very prominent secessionists, driving Union citizens from their homes, threatening to hang
George W. Saunders (search for this): chapter 11
so to remain there until further orders. On my return, at the urgent request of the Union citizens, I arrested and have now under guard, subject to your orders, 10 prisoners, 5 of whom have been soldiers in the Confederate Army and 5 notorious rebels. The soldiers are: John Beaugard, who has been nine months in Bissell's Arkansas Cavalry, first duty sergeant in Captain Thomas' company; W. W. Wiggins, two months in Forrest's Cavalry, Polk Walker's Rangers, Alabama, Captain De Coat; George W. Saunders, five months in Colonel Forbes Infantry, Fourteenth Tennessee, Captain Buckner's company; Albert C. Brigham and John P. Rushings, who were both in the artillery service two months each, with Colonel Heiman and Captain Taylor, Tennessee Volunteers. The foregoing is their own statement to me, and I will here say thai John Beaugard and W. W. Wiggins have conducted themselves very badly while here, swearing that the time would come when they would have their revenge. The other five
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